Publications for Frank Nicholas 2016

Publications for Frank Nicholas
Publications for Frank Nicholas
Nicholas, F., Arnott, E., McGreevy, P. (2016).
Hybrid vigour in dogs? The Veterinary Journal,
214, 77-83. <a
3">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Maki-Tanila, A. (2015). An
important anniversary: 150 years since Mendel's
laws of inheritance made their first public
appearance. Journal of Animal Breeding and
Genetics, 132(4), 277-280. <a
re Information]</a>
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F. (2015). Canine hip
dysplasia - towards more effective selection.
New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 63(2), 67-68.
985562">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Wade, C., Ollivier, L., Solkner, J.
(2015). Quantitative genetics, spread of genes
and genetic improvement: papers in honour of
John James. Journal of Animal Breeding and
Genetics, 132, 85-88. <a
re Information]</a>
Jones, B., Little, S., Lyons, L., Malik, R.,
Nicholas, F., O'Brien, D., Pedersen, N. (2015).
Understanding genetics: why should vets care?
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 17(3),
201-202. <a
877">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Hobbs, M. (2014). Mutation
discovery for Mendelian traits in
non-laboratory animals: A review of
achievements up to 2012. Animal Genetics,
45(2), 157-170. <a
re Information]</a>
Jiang, Y., Xie, M., Chen, W., Talbot, R.,
Nicholas, F., Maddox, J., Faraut, T., Wu, C.,
Muzny, D., li, Y., et al (2014). The sheep
genome illuminates biology of the rumen and
lipid metabolism. Science, 344(6188),
1168-1173. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Bateson, P., Nicholas, F., Sargan, D., Wade, C.
(2013). Analysis of the canine genome and
canine health: Bridging a gap. The Veterinary
Journal, 196(1), 1-3. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Shariflou, M., Wade, C., Kijas, J., McCulloch,
R., Windsor, P., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F. (2013).
Brachygnathia, cardiomegaly and renal
hypoplasia syndrome (BCRHS) in Merino sheep
maps to a 1.1 - megabase region on ovine
chromosome OAR2. Animal Genetics, 44(2),
231-233. <a
2.02392.x">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., James, J., Wade, C.,
Thomson, P. (2013). Estimated Breeding Values
for Canine Hip Dysplasia Radiographic Traits in
a Cohort of Australian German Shepherd Dogs.
PloS One, 8(10), 1-11. <a
7470">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., James, J., Wade, C.,
Raadsma, H., Thomson, P. (2013). Genetic
Correlations among Canine Hip Dysplasia
Radiographic Traits in a Cohort of Australian
German Shepherd Dogs, and Implications for the
Design of a More Effective Genetic Control
Program. PloS One, 8(11), 1-9. <a
8929">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Hobbs, M. (2012). "Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (OMIA): the
Printed Version". Australia: University of
Haynes, G., Gongora, J., Gilligan, D., Grewe, P.,
Moran, C., Nicholas, F. (2012). Cryptic
hybridization and introgression between invasive
Cyprinid species Cyprinus carpio and Carassius
auratus in Australia: implications for invasive
species management. Animal Conservation: the
rapid publication journal for quantitative studies
in conservation, 15(1), 83-94. <a
1.00490.x">[More Information]</a>
White, J., Allingham, P., Gorman, C., Emery, D.,
Hynd, P., Owens, J., Bell, A., Siddell, J., Usmar,
J., Goddard, M., Nicholas, F., et al (2012).
Design and phenotyping procedures for
recording wool, skin, parasite resistance, growth,
carcass yield and quality traits of the
SheepGENOMICS mapping flock. Animal
Production Science, 52, 157-171. <a
re Information]</a>
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., James, J., Wade, C.,
Tammen, I., Raadsma, H., Castle, K., Thomson,
P. (2012). Heritability and Phenotypic Variation
of Canine Hip Dysplasia Radiographic Traits in a
Publications for Frank Nicholas
Cohort of Australian German Shepherd Dogs.
PloS One, 7(6), 1-12. <a
9620">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F. (2012). Mendelian Inheritance in
Cattle. In James Womack (Eds.), Bovine
Genomics, (pp. 11-19). Chichester, UK:
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Nicholas, F. (2012). Mendelian Traits in the
Dog. In E.A. Ostrander and A. Ruvinsky (Eds.),
The Genetics of the Dog, (pp. 83-90).
Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing.
Wang, C., Deakin, J., Rens, W., Zenger, K.,
Belov, K., Marshall Graves, J., Nicholas, F.
(2011). A first-generation integrated tammar
wallaby map and its use in creating a tammar
wallaby first-generation virtual genome map.
BMC Genomics, 12, 1-12. <a
42">[More Information]</a>
Shariflou, M., James, J., Nicholas, F., Wade, C.
(2011). A genealogical survey of Australian
registered dog breeds. The Veterinary Journal,
189(2), 203-210. <a
0">[More Information]</a>
Wang, C., Webley, L., Wei, K., Wakefield, M.,
Patel, H., Deakin, J., Alsop, A., Graves, J.,
Cooper, D., Nicholas, F., Zenger, K. (2011). A
second-generation anchored genetic linkage map
of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). BMC
Genetics, 12(19), 1-16. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Wade, C., Nicholas, F. (2011). Canine genetics :
A very Special Issue. The Veterinary Journal,
189(2), 123-125.
Nicholas, F. (2011). Genetics of Morphological
Traits and Inherited Disorders. In Max F
Rothschild, Anatoly Ruvinsky (Eds.), The
Genetics of the Pig, 2nd Edition, (pp. 51-72).
Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI Publishing.
Renfree, M., Papenfuss, A., Deakin, J., Lindsay,
J., Heider, T., Belov, K., Rens, W., Waters, P.,
Pharo, E., Shaw, G., Wong, E., Zenger, K.,
Wang, C., Nicholas, F., Siddle, H., Wu, C.,
Kuczek, E. (2011). Genome sequence of an
Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii ,
provides insight into the evolution of mammalian
reproduction and development. Genome Biology,
12(8), 1-25. <a
1">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Crook, A., Sargan, D. (2011).
Internet resources cataloguing inherited disorders
in dogs. The Veterinary Journal, 189(2),
Shariflou, M., Wade, C., Windsor, P., Tammen,
I., James, J., Nicholas, F. (2011). Lethal genetic
disorder in Poll Merino/Merino sheep in
Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 89(7),
254-259. <a
1.00789.x">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F. (2011). Response to the
documentary " pedigree Dogs Exposed": Three
reports and their recommendations. The
Veterinary Journal, 189(2), 126-128.
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., Thomson, P. (2011).
Selection against canine hip dysplasia: Success
or failure. The Veterinary Journal, 189(2),
160-168. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., James, J., Wade, C.,
Tammen, I., Raadsma, H., Castle, K., Thomson,
P. (2011). Symmetry of hip dysplasia traits in the
German Shepherd dog in Australia. Journal of
Animal Breeding and Genetics, 128(3), 230-243.
0.00903.x">[More Information]</a>
Khatkar, M., Hobbs, M., Neuditschko, M.,
Solkner, J., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2010).
Assignment of chromosomal locations for
unassigned SNPs/scaffolds based on pair-wise
linkage disequilibrium estimates. BMC
Bioinformatics, 11(1), 171-13-171-13. <a
71">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Wade, C., Williamson, P. (2010).
Disorders in pedigree dogs: Assembling the
evidence. The Veterinary Journal, 183(1), 8-9.
8">[More Information]</a>
Khatkar, M., Hobbs, M., Neuditschko, M.,
Solkner, J., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2010).
LODE: A locus ordering procedure based on
linkage disequilibrium applied to bovine
assembly. 9th World Congress on Genetics
Applied to Livestock Production, Germany:
German Society for Animal Science.
Haynes, G., Gilligan, D., Grewe, P., Moran, C.,
Nicholas, F. (2010). Population genetics of
invasive common carp Cyprinus carpio L. in
coastal drainages in eastern Australia. Journal of
Fish Biology, 77, 1150-1157. <a
0.02742.x">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Frank Nicholas
Thomson, P., Wilson, B., Wade, C., Shariflou,
M., James, J., Tammen, I., Raadsma, H.,
Nicholas, F. (2010). The utility of estimated
breeding values for inherited disorders of dogs.
The Veterinary Journal, 183(3), 243-244. <a
2">[More Information]</a>
Haynes, G., Gongora, J., Nicholas, F., Zenger, K.
(2009). Rapid identification of maternal lineages
in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using
real-time PCR and high resolution melt-curve
analysis. Aquaculture, 287(1-2), 59-66. <a
8.10.035">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F. (2010). What Darwin actually saw
in Sydney in 1836. Royal Zoological Society of
NSW 2007 Forum The Natural History of
Sydney, Mosman, NSW: Royal Zoological
Society of New South Wales.
Elsik, C., Tellam, R., Worley, K., Nicholas, F.,
Hobbs, M., Tammen, I. (2009). The Genome
Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to
Runibant Biology and Evolution. Science, 324,
522-528. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Kijas, J., Townley, D., Dalrymple, B., Heaton,
M., Maddox, J., McGrath, A., Wilson, P.,
Ingersoll, R., McCulloch, R., McWilliam, S.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H., et al (2009). A
Genome Wide Survey of SNP Variation Reveals
the Genetic Structure of Sheep Breeds. PloS
One, 4(3), paper e4668 - 1-paper e4668 - 13. <a
4668">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Hannes, L. (2009). Unlocking the
genetic make-up of canine hip dysplasia: We can
work it out. The Veterinary Journal, 181(2),
Wilson, B., Nicholas, F., James, J., Thomson, P.
(2009). Comparison of Genetic Parameters
Obtained from an ordinal Canine Hip Phenotype
Data set by Linear and Ordinal Analysis. 18th
Conference for the Association for the
Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics
AAABG 2009, Roseworthy: Association for the
Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Khatkar, M., Nicholas, F., Collins, A., Zenger,
K., Cavanagh, J., Barris, W., Schnabel, R.,
Taylor, J., Raadsma, H. (2008). Extent of
Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium in
Australian Holtein-Friesian cattle based on a
high-density SNP panel. BMC Genomics, 9(187),
1-18. <a
7">[More Information]</a>
Raadsma, H., Thomson, P., Zenger, K.,
Cavanagh, C., Lam, M., Jonas, E., Jones, M.,
Attard, G., Palmer, D., Nicholas, F. (2009).
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in sheep. I.
A new male framework linkage map and QTL
for growth rate and body weight. Genetics
Selection Evolution: for integrative research on
quantitative and molecular genetics, 41,
34-1-34-17. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Goldammer, T., Di Meo, G., Luhken, G.,
Drogemuller, C., Wu, C., Kijas, J., Dalrymple,
B., Nicholas, F., Maddox, J., Iannuzzi, L., et al
(2009). Molecular Cytogenetics and gene
mapping in Sheep (Ovis aries, 2n=54).
Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 126, 63-76.
ore Information]</a>
Haynes, G., Gilligan, D., Grewe, P., Nicholas, F.
(2009). Population genetics and management
units of invasive common carp Cyprinus carpio
in the Murray-darling basin, Australia. Journal of
Fish Biology, 75(2), 295-320. <a
9.02276.x">[More Information]</a>
Nicholas, F., Nicholas, J. (2008). Charles
Darwin in Australia (Anniversary edition).
Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.
(2008). FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food
and Agriculture (Russian edition) / Slovar'
terminov po biotekhnologii dlya proizvodstva
prodovol'stviya i vedeniya sel'skogo khozyajstva.
Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of
United Nations.
Raadsma, H., Moser, G., Crump, R., Khatkar,
M., Zenger, K., Cavanagh, J., Hawken, R.,
Hobbs, M., Barris, W., Solkner, J., Nicholas, F.,
et al (2008). Predicting Genetic Merit for
Mastitis and fertility in Dairy Cattle using
Genome Wide Selection and High Density SNP
Screens. Developments in Biologicals, 132,
Higgins, A., Nicholas, F. (2008). The breeding of
pedigree dogs: Time for strong leadership. The
Veterinary Journal, 178, 157-158. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Raadsma, H., Moser, G., Crump, R., Khatkar,
M., Zenger, K., Cavanagh, J., Hawken, R.,
Hobbs, M., Sheehy, P., Barris, W., Thomson, P.,
Solkner, J., Nicholas, F., Williamson, P., et al
(2008). Whole genome analyses using high
density SNP screens and transcriptome profiling
Publications for Frank Nicholas
reveal new insights in genetic architecture for all
major traits in dairy cattle. 5th International
Symposium on Milk Genomics and Human
Health 2008, United States: California Dairy
Research Foundation.
Liao, W., Collins, A., Hobbs, M., Khatkar, M.,
Luo, J., Nicholas, F. (2007). A comparative
location database (CompLDB): map integration
within and between species. Mammalian
Genome, 18, 287-299.
Man, W., Nicholas, F., James, J. (2007). A
pedigree-analysis approach to the descriptive
epidemiology of autosomal-recessive disorders.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 78(3-4),
re�?nik za hranu i poljoprivredu. Rome, Italy:
Food and Agriculture Organisation of United
Raadsma, H., Zenger, K., Khatkar, M., Crump,
R., Moser, J., Solkner, J., Cavanagh, J., Hawken,
R., Hobbs, M., Barris, W., Nicholas, F., et al
(2007). Genome wide selection in dairy cattle
based on high-density
genome-wide snp analysis: from discovery to
application. <i>17th Conference of the
Association for the Advancement of Animal
Breeding and Genetics
(AAABG 2007)</i>, The Universtity of New
England: Association for the Advancement of
Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Snelling, W., Chiu, R., Schein, J., Hobbs, M.,
Abbey, C., Adelson, D., Aerts, J., Bennett, G.,
Bosdet, I., et al, Nicholas, F. (2007). A physical
map of the bovine genome. Genome Biology,
8(8), 17 pages-doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-8-r165.
Tammen, I., Cavanagh, J., Windsor, P., Bateman,
J., Savarirayan, R., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H.
(2007). Identification of the gene and causative
mutation for chondrodysplasia in Dexter cattle.
Genome, 18(11), 808-814.
Khatkar, M., Zenger, K., Hobbs, M., Hawken,
R., Cavanagh, J., Barris, W., McClintock, A.,
McClintock, S., Thomson, P., Tier, B., Nicholas,
F., Raadsma, H. (2007). A Primary Assembly of
a Bovine Haplotype Block Map Based on a
15,036-Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Panel
Genotyped in Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Genetics,
176(2), 763-772.
Dalrymple, B., Kirkness, E., Nefedov, M.,
McWilliam, S., Ratnakumar, A., Barris, W.,
Zhao, S., Shetty, J., Maddox, J., O'Grady, M.,
Nicholas, F., et al (2007). Using comparative
genomics to reorder the human genome sequence
into a virtual sheep genome. Genome Biology,
8(7), R152-doi:10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r152.
Raadsma, H., Fullard, K., Zenger, K., Cavanagh,
C., Thomson, P., Lam, M., Piedrafita, D.,
Margawati, E., Wiedoyanti, S., Estiningsih, E.,
Nicholas, F. (2007). Building an integrated QTL
map for all major production traits in sheep
based on multiple QTL mapping populations.
17th Biennial Conference of the Association for
the Advancement of Animal Breeding and
Genetics, not yet published: Not yet published.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Windsor, P., Bateman,
J., Savarirayan, R., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H.
(2007). Bulldog dwarfism in Dexter cattle is
caused by mutations in ACAN. Mammalian
Genome, 18(11), 808-814. <a
6-9">[More Information]</a>
Khatkar, M., Zenger, K., Cavanagh, J., Hawken,
R., Hobbs, M., Barris, W., Thomson, P.,
Nicholas, F., Tier, B., Raadsma, H. (2007).
Extent of linkage disequilibrium and haplotype
blocks in bovine genome using high density SNP
markers. 17th Biennial Conference of the
Association for the Advancement of Animal
Breeding and Genetics, not yet published: Not
yet published.
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.
(2007). FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food
and Agriculture (Serbian edition) / Biotehnološki
Khatkar, M., Collins, A., Cavanagh, J., Hawken,
R., Hobbs, M., Zenger, K., Barris, W.,
McClintock, A., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2006). A First-Generation Metric
Linkage Disequilibrium Map of Bovine
Chromosome 6. Genetics, 174, 79-85.
Khatkar, M., Collins, A., Cavanagh, J., Hawken,
R., Hobbs, M., Zenger, K., Barris, W.,
McClintock, A., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2006). A First-Generation Metric
Linkage Disequilibrium Map of Bovine
Chromosome 6. Genetics, 174, 79-85. <a
418">[More Information]</a>
Raadsma, H., Zenger, K., Khatkar, M.,
Cavanagh, J., Hawken, R., Hobbs, M., Barris,
W., McClintock, A., McClintock, S., Tier, B.,
Thomson, P., Tammen, I., Williamson, P.,
Nicholas, F. (2006). A high density genome wide
SNP analysis in Australian dairy cattle(Abstract).
30th Conference of the International Society of
Animal Genetics. International Society for
Animal Genetics.
Zenger, K., Khatkar, M., Cavanagh, J., Hawken,
R., Hobbs, M., Barris, W., McClintock, A.,
Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2006).
Are Holstein Friesian cattle genetically healthy?
Publications for Frank Nicholas
Genome-wide genetic analysis reveal new
insights into Australian and global population
variability. 8th World Congress on Genetics
Applied to Livestock Production, Brazil: Instituto
Nicholas, F. (2006). Discovery, validation and
delivery of DNA markers. Australian Journal of
Experimental Agriculture ('09 renamed: Animal
Production Science), 46, 155-158.
Khatkar, M., Thomson, P., Tammen, I.,
Cavanagh, J., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2006).
Extensive linkage disequilibrium in Australian
Holstein-Friesian cattle. Genetics Selection
Evolution: for integrative research on
quantitative and molecular genetics, 380,
463-477. <a
More Information]</a>
Khatkar, M., Hobbs, M., Hawken, R., Zenger,
K., Cavanagh, J., McClintock, A., Collins, A.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2006). First
Generation Linkage Disequilibrium map of Xchromosome of cattle. 30th conference of
international society for animal genetics.
Khatkar, M., Cavanagh, J., Hawken, R., Hobbs,
M., Zenger, K., Barris, W., McClintock, A.,
Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2006).
Haplotype block structure of chromosome 6
suggests more SNPs will be required for linkage
disequilibrium mapping in dairy cattle. 8th
World Congress on Genetics Applied to
Livestock Production, Brazil: Instituto
Khatkar, M., Thomson, P., Tammen, I.,
Cavanagh, J., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2006).
Linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 6 in
Australian Holstein-Friesian cattle. Genetics
Selection Evolution: for integrative research on
quantitative and molecular genetics, 38(5),
Lenffer, J., Nicholas, F., Castle, K., Rao, S.,
Gregory, S., Poidinger, M., Mailman, M.,
Ranganathan, S. (2006). OMIA (Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Animals): an enhanced
platform and integration into the Entrez search
interface at NCBI. Nucleic Acids Research,
34(2), 599-601.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Barker, S.,
Moran, C. (2006). Quantitative analysis of
production traits in saltwater crocodiles
(Crocodylus porosus): III. juvenile survival.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 123,
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Webb, G.,
Manolis, S., Barker, S., Moran, C. (2006).
Quantitative analysis of production traits in
saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus): IV.
number of scale rows. Journal of Animal
Breeding and Genetics, 123, 48-55.
Nicholas, F. (2005). Animal breeding and
Disease. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society B. Biological Sciences, 360(1),
Nicholas, F. (2005). Breeding by numbers: an
ancient endeavour that still resonates in the
exciting era of functional genomics. Australian
Journal of Experimental Agriculture ('09
renamed: Animal Production Science), 45(7 &
8), 735-737.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Hayden, M., Gill, C.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2005).
Characterisation of the bovine aggrecan gene:
genomic structure and physical and linkage
mapping. Animal Genetics, 36(5), 452-454.
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.
(2005). FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food
and Agriculture (Arabic edition). Rome, Italy:
Food and Agriculture Organisation of United
Nicholas, F. (2005). Intergrated and comparative
maps in livestock genomics. Australian Journal
of Experimental Agriculture ('09 renamed:
Animal Production Science), 45, 1017-1020.
Khatkar, M., Thomson, P., Cavanagh, J.,
Hawken, R., Tammen, I., McClintock, S.,
Zenger, K., Collins, A., Nicholas, F., Raadsma,
H. (2005). Linkage disequilibrium map and fine
mapping of genes / QTL for protein yield on
BTA 6 in Australian dairy cattle. 3rd Annual
Conference - CRC for Innovative Dairy
products: Managing the product pipeline. CRC
McGreevy, P., Costa, F., Della Torre, P.,
Thomson, P., Nicholas, F. (2005). Listing of
Inherited Disorders in Animals (LIDA): An
Online Relational Database, Using
Non-Technical Descriptions Written by
Veterinary Students. Journal of Veterinary
Medical Education, 32(4), 551-554.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Gill, C., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2005). Molecular characterisation
of bovine agrecan. Animal Genetics, 36(5),
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Gray, E.,
Ahmadi-Esfahani, F., Barker, S., Moran, C.
(2005). Multi-trait selection of crocodiles using
CrocPLAN. 16th Conference of the Association
for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and
Genetics - AAABG 2005, Collingwood, Victoria:
CSIRO Publishing.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Barker, S.,
Moran, C. (2005). Quantitative analysis of
Publications for Frank Nicholas
production traits in saltwater crocodiles
(Crocodylus porosus) I. Reproduction traits.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics,
122(6), 361-369.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Barker, S.,
Moran, C. (2005). Quantitative analysis of
production traits in saltwater crocodiles
(Crocodylus porosus) II. Age at Slaughter.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 122,
Oddy, H., Longhurst, T., Nicholas, F., Maddox,
J., McDonagh, M. (2005). Sheep Genomics Core Technologies and Resources. 16th
Conference of the Association for the
Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics AAABG 2005, Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO
Malik, R., Griffin, D., White, J., Rozmanec, M.,
Tisdall, P., Foster, S., Bell, K., Nicholas, F.
(2005). The prevalence of feline A/B blood types
in the Sydney region. Australian Veterinary
Journal, 83(1 & 2), 38-44.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Gray, E.,
Ahmadi-Esfahani, F., Barker, S., Moran, C.
(2004). CrocPLAN: A genetic improvement
program for saltwater crocodiles. 17th Working
Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist
Group, Switzerland: IUCN - The World
Conservation Union.
Holt, M., Nicholas, F., James, J., Moran, C.,
Martin, I. (2004). Development Of A Highly
Fecund Inbreed Strain Of Mice. Mammalian
Genome, 15(12), 951-959. <a
0-8">[More Information]</a>
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.
(2004). FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food
and Agriculture (French) / Glossaire de la
biotechnologie pour l'alimentation et
l'agriculture. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture
Organisation of United Nations.
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.
(2004). FAO Glossary of Biotechnology for Food
and Agriculture (Spanish) / Glosario de
biotecnologia para la agricultura y la
alimentacion. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture
Organisation of United Nations.
Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E., Nicholas, F.,
Suu, N. (2004). FAO Glossary of biotechnology
for food and agriculture (Vietnamese edition) /
Tu dien giai thich thuat ngu cong nghe sing hoc
luong thuc va nong nghiep: anh-anh-viet. Hanoi
(Viet Nam): Food and Agriculture Organisation
of United Nations.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Barker, S.,
Moran, C. (2004). Farmed saltwater crocodiles:
a genetic improvement program.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Gray, E.,
Ahmadi-Esfahani, F., Barker, S., Moran, C.
(2004). Genetic improvement of saltwater
crocodiles. 51st Annual Meeting of Genetics
Society of Australia, Austtalia: Genetics Society
of Australia.
Nicholas, F., Thomson, P. (2004). Inherited
disorders under sustained attack from several
quarters (guest editorial). The Veterinary
Journal, 168, 114-115.
Margawati, E., Indriawati, I., Zinger, G.,
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F. (2004).
Screening microsatellite markers for evidence of
heterozygous F1 sire in sheep. 3rd Indonesian
Biotechnology Conference (IBC).
Raadsma, H., Cavanagh, C., Jones, M., Attard,
G., Palmer, D., Fullard, K., Thomson, P., Zenger,
K., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F., et al (2004).
Towards building a comprehensive QTL map for
all major production traits in sheep. 9th
Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping and
Marker-Assisted Selection Workshop, Germany.
Nicholas, F., Cothran, E., Jermiin, L., Nesbitt, B.
(2003). A phylogenetic analysis of brumbies. 50
Years of DNA, Melbourne: Association for the
Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Nicholas, F. (2003). Breeding for disease
resistance : general principles and latest results.
15th Annual Australian Poultry Science
Symposium, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Isberg, S., Nicholas, F., Thomson, P., Moran, C.,
Barker, S., Manolis, S. (2003). Defining breeding
objectives for saltwater crocodile genetic
improvement programs. 50 Years of DNA,
Melbourne: Association for the Advancement of
Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Hamilton (Ellis), N., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2003). Detection of SNPs in the
equine ACE gene using pooled DNA. Vth
International Equine Genetics Workshop, Kruger
National Park, South Africa: IEGMW.
Ellis, N., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H.
(2003). Detections of SNPs in the equine ACE
gene using pooled DNA. 5th International
Equine Gene Mapping Workshop Meeting, South
Cavanagh, J., Thomson, P., Tammen, I.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2003). Discriminant
analysis of Dexter cattle physical measurement
data. 50 Years of DNA, Melbourne: Association
for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and
Raadsma, H., Khatkar, M., Thomson, P., Zenger,
Publications for Frank Nicholas
K., Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F.
(2003). Future challenges to QTL mapping in
dairy cattle. Bioinformatics Symposium 2003.
Nicholas, F. (2003). Introduction to Veterinary
Genetics. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Nicholas, F. (2003). Online Mendelian
inheritance in animals (OMIA): a comparative
knowledgebase of genetic disorders and other
familial traits in non-laboratory animals. Nucleic
Acids Research, 31(1), 275-277.
Man, W., Nicholas, F., James, J. (2003).
Variation in inbreeding depression between
ancestral lines: a preliminary analysis of first
lactation somatic cell count from Holstein
Freisians in Australia. 50 Years of DNA,
Melbourne: Association for the Advancement of
Animal Breeding and Genetics.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Windsor, P.,
Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2002).
A DNA test for chondrodysplasia in Dexter
cattle. 2nd World Dexter Congress.
Hamilton (Ellis), N., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2002). Characterization of a
candidate gene for performance in racehorses.
28th International Society of Animal Genetics
Conference, Germany: ISAG.
Hamilton (Ellis), N., Tammen, I., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2002). Characterization of the
equine angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
gene. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to
Livestock Production, France.
Nicholas, F., Nicholas,, J. (2002). Charles
Darwin in Australia. Canada: Cambridge
University Press.
Man, W., James, J., Nicholas, F. (2002). Effect
of inbreeding contribution from particular
ancestors: a preliminary analysis of first lactation
milk yields from Holstein Friesians in Australia.
7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to
Livestock Production, France.
Gongora, J., Chen, Y., Bernal, J., Nicholas, F.,
Moran, C. (2002). Interspecific amplification of
peccary microsatellite markers using porcine
primers. Animal Genetics, 33(4), 312-314.
Tammen, I., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2002).
Mapping and identification of the gene causing
hereditary zinc deficiency in Angus cattle. 28th
International Society of Animal Genetics
Conference, Germany: ISAG.
Tammen, I., Cook, R., Gitschier, J., Nicholas, F.,
Raadsma, H. (2002). Mapping and identification
of the gene causing hereditary zinc deficiency in
Angus cattle. 28th International Society of
Animal Genetics Conference, Germany: ISAG.
Tammen, I., Nicholas, F. (2002). Mendelian
inheritance of anomalies in dairy, dual purpose
and beef cattle. XXII World Buiatrics Congress,
Germamu: Klinik fur Rinderkrankheiten,
Tierarztliche Hochschule.
Isberg, S., Thomson, P., Nicholas, F., Webb, G.,
Moran, C. (2002). Modelling growth of juvenile
C. porosus using degree-days. 16th Working
Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist
Group, Gland Switzerland: IUCN - The World
Conservation Union.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Windsor, P., Nicholas,
F., Raadsma, H. (2002). Molecular genetic
characterisation of the
gene causing chondrodysplasia in Dexter cattle.
7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to
Livestock Production, France.
Cavanagh, J., Tammen, I., Windsor, P., Nicholas,
F., Raadsma, H. (2002). Molecular genetic
characterisation of the gene causing
chondrodysplasia in Dexter cattle. 28th
International Society of Animal Genetics
Conference, Germany: ISAG.
Nicholas, F. (2002). Report of the Heritage
Working Party on the Horses of the Guy Fawkes
River National Park to the Minister for the
Environment. Volume 1: Final report.
Nicholas, F. (2002). Report of the Heritage
Working Party on the Horses of the Guy Fawkes
River National Park to the Minister for the
Environment: Volume 2: Background
Hamilton (Ellis), N., Tammen, I., Lang-Davis, J.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2001). Equine Gene
Mapping At Sydney University. 4th
International Equine Gene Mapping Workshop
Meeting, Australia.
Eillis, N., Tammen, I., Lang-Davis, J., Nicholas,
F., Raadsma, H. (2001). Equine Gene Mapping:
The ACE gene. RIRDC International Horse
Industry Symposium.
Ellis, N., Tammen, I., Lang-Davis, J., Nicholas,
F., Raadsma, H. (2001). Gene Mapping in the
Horse: The ACE gene. 1st Annual Post Graduate
Research Conference Faculty of Veterinary
Nicholas, F. (2001). Genetics of morphological
traits and inherited disorders. In A. Ruvinsky
and J. Sampson (Eds.), Genetics of the Dog, (pp.
87-116). United Kingdom: Pearson Education.
Nicholas, F., Zaid, A., Hughes, H., Porceddu, E.
(2001). Glossary of biotechnology for food and
agriculture : a revised and augmented edition of
the glossary of biotechnology and genetic
engineering. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Publications for Frank Nicholas
Organisation of United Nations.
Man, N., Nicholas, F., James, J. (2001).
Inbreeding and genetic variability in Australian
Holstein-Friesians: a preliminary analysis.
Association for Advancement of Animal Breeding
and Genetics.
Lang-Davis, J., Tammen, I., Moran, C.,
Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H. (2001). Megacolon in
Clydesdale horses. 4th International Equine
Gene Mapping Workshop Meeting, Australia.
Tammen, I., Nicholas, F., Raadsma, H., Cook, R.
(2001). Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis in
Australian Merino Sheep : a new animal model.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 5,