Application for a Research Network at the University of Glasgow Definition of Research Network A Research Network brings together a range of researchers (academic staff, postdoctoral and graduate students) to develop their common interests in an emerging or strategically significant research theme. Networks will have part-time Directors and administrative support to build the community, establish internal and external presence, organise activities including workshops, seminars and conferences, and promote bids for research funding. Networks will be characterised by being cross-disciplinary, with clear and extensive cross-college interactions, demonstrated through the active participation of members in the network. It is also preferable that the network be outward facing, with a clear engagement strategy with external users, including industry, NHS, policy makers, government and the third sector, as appropriate. RSIO is able to provide financial support to a small number of networks; the decision on whether to fund a network will be made by RSIO on application. Note that any funding award will be profiled in order that, after an agreed period of resourcing, the network and its administrative structure becomes sustainable through external funding. Network directors are required to submit an annual report of their activities and their plans for the subsequent year. Guidance for Applicants 1. Applications should be submitted by Head of College (or College Office on behalf of the HoC) to RSIO for the approval of the Research Planning and Strategy Committee (RPSC). This should be done via with the subject line ‘NETWORK APPLICATION'. Information on RPSC can be found at 2. Applications will be triaged by RSIO and a recommendation on whether or not to support will be sent electronically to RPSC. If further discussion is necessary, the application will be taken to the subsequent RPSC meeting. 3. A decision will be communicated to the applicant within 4 weeks from submission. 4. Annual reports must be submitted at the start of each financial year (August), providing the network commenced no less than three months prior to August. In this instance, the first report will be due the following August. The report form can be found at 5. A website must be created for the network; RSIO should be notified once this is complete at 6. Further information on Research Networks and other Research Structures can be found at RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) Page 1 of 6 General Information Network Name Director (name and contact details) Administrator (name and contact details) Lead College and School/Institute Existing Website URL (where applicable) Date of Application Overview of Network Aims Please use the box below to provide detail on the rationale and focus of the network (maximum 400 words). This should include details of how the network will, for example: benefit the University; raise the profile of the subject area and the University; attract support from various funding streams; and support the internationalisation agenda. RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) Page 2 of 6 Active Participants Please list the internal and external active participants in the network, including academic staff, postgraduate students and external partners (add or delete rows as appropriate). Evidence of active participation in the network comprises joint funding applications or awards between network members, or collaborative outputs such as publications or Knowledge Exchange projects. Internal Active Participants Name Job Title External Active Participants Name Job Title RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) College School/Institute Organisation Relevant Research Area Relevant Activity Relevant Research Area Relevant Activity Page 3 of 6 Interdisciplinary Links Please use the box below to provide evidence of cross-discipline and/or cross-College involvement within the network (maximum 200 words). External Stakeholders Please list the external stakeholders involved in the network, including Policy, Government and other relevant external bodies (add or delete rows as appropriate). Name RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) External Body Involvement Page 4 of 6 Knowledge Exchange Activities Please use the box below to provide details of expected Knowledge Exchange activities and potential collaborations. Please ensure you include a breakdown of the costs of proposed KE activities as well as the funding sources used to support these activities under the next heading. Funder Requirements Please use the box below to provide a copy of any requirements set by external funders (e.g. the terms and conditions). RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) Page 5 of 6 Funding Plan Please complete the table(s) below outlining the network’s funding profile for the activities proposed in the previous section. Include the specific use of the funds in each category, details of funding categorised as ‘Other Expenses’ and the source(s) of funding. This is based on the University’s financial year (1 August to 31 July); please replace ‘Year 1’ etc. with the appropriate financial year (e.g. 2014/15). Please add tables as appropriate. Activity 1: TITLE OF ACTIVITY Funding Consumables Equipment Other Expenses TOTAL ACROSS PROJECT FUNDING SOURCE(S) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Activity 2: TITLE OF ACTIVITY Funding Consumables Equipment Other Expenses TOTAL ACROSS PROJECT FUNDING SOURCE(S) RSIO v1.0 (8 April 2015) Page 6 of 6