Course Syllabus 2013 Course Title: ITSC 2164.271 – Practicum: Computer and Information Sciences, General Class: Arranged Room 107 INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Dennis R. Robinson OFFICE LOCATION: ATC #119 PHONE: 806-747-0576 ext. 4913 - Please leave a message if no answer. E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: MW 10.30 AM – 12.00 PM, M 2.00 PM – 2.30 PM I. GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION: Catalog Description: (1:0:9) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. This course provides a basic or intermediate type of non-health professions work-based instruction that provides basic career exploration or helps students gain practical experience in the discipline, enhance skills, and integrate knowledge. The emphasis is on practical work experience. The work supervisor provides indirect supervision. A practicum may be paid or unpaid learning experience. B. Course Goals/Objectives: Identify operational procedures, policies, goals and responsibilities of a specific type of Information Systems organization Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic job requirements Demonstrate professional level presentational skills Demonstrates an understanding of student's professional goals and philosophy Relate technical interests to student’s particular employment goals Analyze relevant events that occur during the work experience Develop skills in interpersonal relations, planning, and work schedule organization. C. Course Competencies: A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = below 60 D. Academic Integrity: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class. For further explanation, please refer to page 22 of the General Catalog. E. SCANS and Foundations Skills: SCANS competencies incorporated within the structure and content of this class include: C1,C2,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C0,C12,C13,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20 SCANS foundation skills incorporated within the scope of instruction and performance of this class include: F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,F13,F14,F15,F16,F17 Please see attached SCANS COMPETENCIES AND FOUNDATION SKILLS sheet. II. SPECIFIC COURSE/INSTRUCTOR REQUIREMENTS: A. Textbook: not required B. Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend class everyday, be on time, and stay for the full-allotted time for this class. Students will be dropped if they miss three consecutive classes or four days of class time. For additional information, please refer to pp. 19-20, General Catalog. C. Assignments - STAPLE ALL ASSIGNMENTS IS UPPER LEFT CORNER No assignments will be accepted past this final due date. D. Grading Policy The final grade will be calculated as follows: 20%- Letter 20% - Job Attendance/Performance 20% - Midterm Review 40% - Final Review by Sponsor and Professor. 100% It is the responsibility of each student to monitor his or her progress in the course and to request conference time with the instructor if there are questions or problems. Your questions and any discussions regarding the course material are encouraged at all times. E. F. G. III. All students are required to spend the full-allotted time in the place of employment unless dismissed early. Cell phones and/or pagers must be turned off during class. Copying or removing copyright materials from the computer labs is in violation of the law and is strictly prohibited. Accommodations: Students with disabilities, including but not limited to physical, psychiatric or learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class should notify the Special Services Office early in the semester so that the appropriate arrangements may be made. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide acceptable documentation of his/her disability to the Coordinator of Special Services. For more information call 8853048 ext. 4654 or visit the Special Services Office in room 113C and 112, Reese Center Building 1, Lubbock, TX. IV. Course Outline Note: Listed is a tentative itinerary for class homework, lecture, and exams. It may be necessary for the instructor to make changes or date adjustments during the semester. Date 8/26 Assignments Internship Guidelines Task 1 Letter if Inquiry to Prospective Employer with Updated Resume Task 2 Place student with a business according to interests stated in the Letter of Inquiry Task 3 Job Attendance Performance Task 4 Midterm follow-up on student progress as an intern Task 5 Sponsoring business final review of the student’s progress