SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Institutional Effectiveness Committee November 21, 2008

Institutional Effectiveness Committee
November 21, 2008
9:00 a.m. – Oil Room
Members Present: Teresa Salinas, Yancy Nunez, Andrew Ruiz, Lesa Wood, Marla Cottenoir,
Ginger Mulloy, Debbie Britton, Phil Anderson, Russell Hall, Julie Gerstenberger, Kimbra Quinn,
Beth Glass, Rafael Aguilera, Ann Hare-Hebisen, Randy Robertson, Jack Wardlow, Wayne
Langehennig, Dennis Churchwell, and Stephen John
Members Absent: Jay Driver, Molly Melton, Phyllis Kennon, Patrick Logue, Katheryn
Townsend, Allison Perrin, Deborrah Caddell, Christi Anderson, Todd Gregg, Rob Blair, and Jim
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee met at 9:00 a.m. November 21, 2008 in the Oil Room.
Motion to approve the minutes of the August 29, 2008 meeting was made by Kimbra Quinn.
Seconded by Rafael Aguilera. Motion approved by consensus.
The following agenda items were taken up.
IE Committee 2008-09 Plan
Stephen John presented the IE Committee’s 2008-09 Plan, which included the following targeted
1. Leverage the resources of MySPC to provide employee access to IE resources.
2. Continue to work with instructional leadership and faculty to develop process and best
practices for assessing student learning outcomes.
3. Implement and leverage LeadSPC Supervisor Training Network to provide professional
development in leadership, communication and planning activities.
4. Continue to align SPC performance reporting with THECB available data and CC
accountability system.
5. Provide support for the development of graduate follow-up survey process and system.
6. Study college’s Program Planning and Review process to identify available and needed
IE resources in order to comply with accreditation criteria.
These objectives are continued from the previous year and will represent the committee’s
program of work this year. Motion by Marla Cottenoir to adopt the plan for2008-09. Seconded
by Yancy Nunez. Motion passes unanimously.
Supervisors Network – LeadSPC
Rafael Aguilera reported that approximately 45 supervisors attended the LeadSPC Kickoff
Luncheon held Oct. 29. Participants learned more about LeadSPC and what activities are being
planned by the subcommittee. Those interested in participating in the LeadSPC professional
development program were asked to complete information questionnaires. About 35 persons
attended the first LeadSPC session held Nov. 17. The session included a presentation by Randy
Anderson on Leadership vs. Management. Participants were also invited to tour the new
addition to the Communications Building and the additions to Texan Dome. The next session is
Feb. 17 at Reese and will include a professional development experience and a tour of the SPC
Reese Center. Tours of the Byron Martin ATC and Plainview Campus are scheduled for April
28. Feedback from the session was very positive, especially the opportunity to network and get
IEC Committee Meeting, 11/21/08
to know other supervisory personnel. Aguilera said that the subcommittee will set the 09-10
calendar in May.
Assessment & Outcomes Subcommittee
Yancy Nunez reported on the progress that is being made within the Arts and Sciences Division
on assessing learning outcomes within the core curriculum. The Oct. 31 assessment workshop “
Student Learning Outcomes: Stepping Stones to Academic Program Success” given by Dr. Mia
Alexander-Snow and Dr Christine Robinson was well attended and provided insight into what
SACS is looking for. Assessment teams have been established by the 10 arts and sciences
departments. The teams consist of 3-5 faculty members and have been given the task of
conducting a department assessment of one course for spring 2009. The teams will create and
pilot the assessment process for these courses using the tools learned in the workshop. The Arts
and Sciences Division has also established a Division Assessment Team, which consists of two
faculty from each department. Dr. Sandra Stephenson was selected team leader at a recent
organizational meeting, and Dr. Laura Graves was selected as recorder. The group is planning
to post the work of the assessment teams on MySPC.
Nunez said the division has taken the core curriculum competencies and the universal learning
outcomes identified by the department chairs and the IE Committee, and has distilled these
outcomes into four broad categories that include the following.
 Communication and Collaboration
 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking (including Technical Literacy)
 Creativity
 Personal Growth and Social Responsibility
The team is in the process of defining each of these outcomes and is currently reviewing a
definition that has been developed for “Communication and Collaboration.” Once the
definition is finalized, core curriculum courses will be mapped for “Communication and
Collaboration” and assessment tools will be developed and tested within each department.
Progress will be shared on MySPC.
Jay Driver could not attend the meeting because of illness. Jay reported in a message to the
committee that the Assessment and Outcomes Committee will begin investigating and
clarifying the SACS criteria for institutional effectiveness in the educational program, student
services and administrative support services beginning in the spring. It is important the IE
Committee members from each of these areas be represented on the subcommittee as this work
moves forward.
Graduate Follow-up Survey
IE Committee members received the results of the Graduate Follow-up Survey of Technical
Graduates that had been compiled by Noel-Levitz. The survey was mailed to 509 December
2006 and May 2007 graduates and 73 responded for a 14.3% return rate. Members reviewed the
data and discussed some of its findings. Among the most notable results were that 96% of
respondents were either working full-time/part-time or continuing their education. Almost half
of the respondents were graduates of the Health Occupations Division and they were employed
full-time. 65% of respondents were earning $20,000 to $50,000 per year. 58% of respondents
were employed by their current employer while attending SPC. Respondents indicated the gap
between importance and enhancement for writing was 1.52, for technical reading was .97, for
financial resources was 1.54, for career fits me was 1.06, and for placement services was 1.52.
61% indicated they were interested in learning about opportunities to enhance their career
IEC Committee Meeting, 11/21/08
through continuing education. In general, respondents had higher satisfaction with instruction,
advising, going to college was best decision, getting a degree was worth the time and effort,
tuition paid was a worthwhile investment.
Marla Cottenoir commented that there is more work to be done with the follow-up study. A
draft of an Employer Survey has been developed and will be emailed to IE Committee members
for comment and feedback. Members discussed getting a better response rate by emailing the
survey to graduates. Noel-Levitz has that option for sending out the survey. Collecting current
contact information is a challenge, but perhaps this can be accomplished at graduation
ceremony in some way.
IEC Committee Meeting, 11/21/08
Update on the Development of the 2008-11 Institutional Plan
John provided a progress report on the development of the college’s 2008-11 Institutional Plan
The Administrative Council has met with campus directors to identify needs and challenges for
the Plainview Center, Reese Center, and BMATC. Recently the council met to identify needs for
the Levelland Campus. John distributed a summary of the strategic issues and initiatives that
has been developed to this point. This document will serve as the foundation for drafting the
institutional goals and priority objectives for the new plan. IE Committee members were invited
to provide input into the plan at this stage by contacting any member of the Administrative
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
IEC Committee Meeting, 11/21/08