Towards a Declarative Language and System for Secure Networking Martín Abadi


Towards a Declarative Language and

System for Secure Networking

Martín Abadi 1,2 , Boon Thau Loo 3


Microsoft Research Silicon Valley,


UC Santa Cruz,


University of Pennsylvania


Designing secure network protocols is hard

Imperative languages makes process tedious and error-prone

Explore the use of declarative languages for secure networking:

“Ask for what you want, not how to implement it”

Success of database research

 70’s – today: Database research has revolutionized data management


Examine two classes of declarative languages:

Database query language for declarative networking

Logic-based access control languages in distributed systems


Compare these two classes of languages

Propose a unifying declarative language and system

Why might this be useful?

Intellectually interesting to compare two languages

Single declarative language and system

Ease of management

Many useful examples: authenticated routing protocols, secure overlays, DNSSEC, trust management in shared testbeds, P2P information sharing, etc.

Fine-grained control over interaction between security and network protocol

 Potential for cross-layer analysis and optimizations

Distributed query engines to process security policies



Declarative networking

Access control & related languages

Introduction to Datalog

Network Datalog and Binder languages

Secure Network Datalog

Language design


Future Directions

Declarative Networking

A declarative framework for networks:

Declarative specifications of networks, compiled to distributed dataflows

Distributed query engine to execute distributed dataflows to implement protocols


Recursive queries

are a natural fit for routing

Network Datalog (NDlog) language

A Declarative Network


Dataflow Dataflow messages

Dataflow messages


Traditional Networks

Network State

Network protocol

Network messages


Dataflow recursive query

Declarative Networks

Distributed database

Recursive Query Execution

Distributed Dataflow

Declarative Networking

Declarative Routing [SIGCOMM ’05] :

Extensible Routers (balance of flexibility, efficiency and safety).

Textbook routing protocols (3-8 lines)

Declarative Overlays [SOSP ’05] :

Rapid prototyping of new overlay networks

Chord DHT overlay routing (47 lines)

Narada Mesh (16 lines)

Database Fundamentals [SIGMOD ‘06]

Languge, execution and optimizations

System available:

Access Control

Central to security, pervasive in computer systems


 objects , resources requests for operations on objects sources for requests, called principals a reference monitor to decide on requests


Do operatio n


Monitor guard


Logics in Access Control

Logical tools and ideas have been used to explain and improve access control

Logic-based languages: Binder, SD3, D1LP,

SecPAL, etc.

Trust management

We focus on Binder:

Simple design,

Most similar to NDlog

Promises relatively straightforward unification with NDlog

Key Insight

Binder and NDlog are based on logic and Datalog

Extends Datalog in surprisingly similar ways

Notion of context (location) to identify components (nodes) in a distributed system

Suggests possibility to unify both languages

Similar observation:

Martín Abadi. “ On Access Control, Data Integration, and Their

Languages .”

Comparing Tsimmis and Binder



Declarative networking

Access control & related languages

Introduction to Datalog

NDlog and Binder languages


Language design


Future Directions

Review of Datalog

Datalog rule syntax:

<result>  <condition1>, <condition2>, … , <conditionN>.

Head Body

Types of conditions in body:

Input tables: link(src,dst) predicate

Arithmetic and list operations

Head is an output table

Recursive rules: result of head in rule body

All-Pairs Reachability

R1: reachable(S,D)  link(S,D)

R2: reachable(S,D)  link(S,Z), reachable(Z,D) link(a,b) – “there is a link from node reachable(a,b) – “node a a to node can reach node b ” b ”

If there is a link from S to D , then S can reach D ”.

Input: link(source, destination)

Output: reachable(source, destination)

All-Pairs Reachability

R1: reachable(S,D)  link(S,D)

R2: reachable(S,D)  link(S,Z), reachable(Z,D)

“For all nodes S,D and Z,

If there is a link from S to Z , AND Z can reach D , then S can reach D ”.

Input: link(source, destination)

Output: reachable(source, destination)

Network Datalog


Specifier “@S”

R1: reachable(@S,D)  link(@S,D)

R2: reachable(@S,D)  link(@S,Z) , reachable(@Z,D)

Query: reachable(@M,N) All-Pairs Reachability

Input table: link

@S D

@a b

Output table: a reachable

@S D

@a b

@a c

@a d link

@S D

@b c

@b a link

@S D

@c b

@c d b reachable c reachable

@S D

Query: reachable(@a,N)

@S D

@c a

@b c @c b

@b d @c d link

@S D

@d c d reachable

@S D

@d a

@d b

@d c

Implicit Communication

A networking language with no explicit communication:

R2: reachable( @S ,D)  link( @S ,Z), reachable( @Z ,D)

Data placement induces communication

Path Vector in NDlog

R1: path(@S,D ,P )  link(@S,D), P=(S,D).

R2: path(@S,D ,P ) 

Query: path(@S,D,P) link(@S,Z), path(@Z,D ,P


), P=S  P



Add S to front of P


Input: link(@source, destination)

Query output: path(@source, destination, pathVector )

Previous work:

- Communication patterns are the same as the actual path vector protocol

- Easy to compose new protocols (distance-vector, link-state, multicast, etc)

Execution Plan



Messages lookup lookup



Messages path ...


Local Tables

Single P2 Node

Nodes in execution plan (“operators”):

Network operators (send/recv, cc, retry, rate limitation)

Relational operators (selects, projects, joins, aggregates)

Flow operators (mux, demux, queues)


Logic-based language for access control

Similar to Datalog, with the special construct “says”

Rules in different context

Export: Alice says may-access(charlie,o,read).

Alice’s context

A1: may-access(P,O,read) :- good(P).

A2: may-access(P,O,read) :- bob says may-access(P,O,read).

Import: bob says may-access(charlie,o,read).

Export : bob says may-access(charlie,o,read)

Bob’s context may-access(charlie,o,read).

Notion of “Says”

“says” abstracts the details of authentication

When “p says s”, p may transmit s in a variety of ways:

 on a local channel via a trusted operating system within a computer, on a physically secure channel between two machines, on a channel secured with shared-key cryptography, or, in a certificate with a public-key digital signature.

Comparing Binder and NDlog

Trusted vs untrusted networks


Location relates to data placement. E.g. link(@X,Y).

Global rules:

 r(@X,Y) :- l(@X,Z), r(@Z,Y).


Communication happens via “says”

Import and export of facts into context

 may-access(P,O,read) :- bob says may-access(P,O,read).

Bottom-up vs Top-down evaluation

Export of derived tuples:

Binder: no integration of security policy with export of data

NDlog: location specifier in rule head

Secure Network Datalog (SeNDlog)

Unifies Binder and NDlog

Goals of the language:

Expressive as Binder and NDlog

Supports authenticated communication and enables differentiation of roles

Supports both trusted and untrusted environments

Amenable to execution and optimizations in distributed query engines

Bottom-up evaluation strategy

Incremental continuous execution model


At N,

E1: p(X,Y) :- p1(X), p2(Y).

E2: p(X,Y,W) :- Y says p1(X), Z says p2(W).

E3: p(Y,Z)@X :- p1(X), Y says p2(Z).

E4: Z says p(Y)@X :- Z says p(Y), p1(X).

Important features:

- Local principle (address, address/key, address/key/username)

- “Localized” rule bodies within context

- Import predicates. “says” construct – different levels of “says”

- Export predicates with location specifiers

- Honesty constraint

Example 1:

Authenticated Path Vector Protocol

At Z,

Z1: path(Z,X,P) :- neighbor(Z,X), P=(Z,X).

Z2: path(Z,Y,P) :- X says advertise(Y,P).

Z3: advertise(Y,P1)@X :- neighbor(Z,X), path(Z,Y,P), P1=X  P.

p(@a,d,[a,b,c,d]) a p(@b,d,[b,c,d]) b p(@c,d,[c,d]) c b says advertise(d,[a,b,c,d]) c says advertise(d,[b,c,d]) d

Example 2:

Secure DHT Identifiers

Security weakness in DHT – malicious nodes occupy a high part of key space

Solution: certified node identifiers from CA

5 additional rules to P2-Chord

Details in the paper.

Nodes have different roles: CA, landmark, joining node, etc.

Certificates can be forwarded from one node to another:

 Use of honesty constraint.

Another example: DNSSEC

Ongoing Work

Implementation in P2 system:

“says” construct

Communication via signed certificates

Rule bodies within context

Implement variety of secure networks. E.g. DNSSEC, secure routing, secure DHTs, trust management in extensible testbeds, P2P information sharing, your suggestions!

Cross-layer analysis and optimizations

Exploit fine-grained control over security and networks.

Authenticity of routing table entries

 Logic proof why it is there. Trusted but not trustworthy?

Optimize protocols to favor trusted nodes

Future Work

Query language issues:

Logic-based trust management: SD3, SecPAL, D1LP

Distributed Datalog: ubQL, d3log

Data integration: Tsimmis

Different approach:

We started from Binder and NDlog

Lots of domain knowledge but biased

What if we design from scratch?

Sending / receiving & Distributed computations

Notion of context

Trust relationships

Continuous incremental evaluations

Thank You
