Institutional Technology Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes May 20, 2009 I. Call to order The CIO called to order the regular meeting of the Institutional Technology Advisory Committee at 1:05 PM on May 20, 2009 in the IT Conference Room. II. Roll call The following were in attendance: Steve Vieira, Ruth Sullivan, Carl Toft, Dennis Moore, John Panzica, Karen Allen, Kay Johnson and Peter Woodberry. Absent: Deb Aiken III. Approval of minutes from last meeting Minutes were approved through email response. IV. Discussion Items a) Introduction of Kay Johnson, New ATAC Representative Kay was welcomed to our group as the Academic Technology Advisory Committee representative. This addition was proposed at the last meeting. b) Loss of Student representation James Dewar, the student representative to the committee, reluctantly had to withdraw his membership. He is leaving CCRI and can no longer serve. He has suggested and the CIO is following up on new representation. This will hopefully be in place for the next meeting. c) ARGOS report writer purchase and implementation plan The CIO provided an update on the State purchasing process to acquire Argos from eVisions. This item is unfortunately one of the products that have been ordered and in the current logjam. Carl Toft asked if the report writer would be available in time for the Financial Close. The CIO was unable to accurately predict that possibility happening although he was hopeful. Needless to say, the CIO and eVisions have been in contact so that as soon as the PO is issued, action will immediately take place to get Argos installed and training to begin. d) Progress on Banner v8.0 The CIO provided an update on the test instance of Banner 8 and the timelines for Banner 8 implementation currently scheduled for the October November timeframe. e) Legacy system shutdown The CIO informed the group that the last of the data requests is currently being collected and extracted from the legacy databases. Once Terry Lefebvre gives the word, access to the Legacy databases will be terminated. Although the databases will still be operational until the end of June, this will force those who still use the data to identify themselves once and for all. f) Change Management Policies – The CIO introduced a new governance structure for IT proposed to some of the groups who commonly request changes and projects concerning IT. This new directive, presented in draft format and hopefully adopted by September 1st, will provide better transparency to the methodology of priority setting of requested modifications in reports, processes and projects across all facets of information delivery at CCRI. This matrix and charter were the result of a NERCOMP conference presentation offered by Connecticut College. The CIO proposed that the committee provide feedback on the process in order to customize and fit this model to CCRI and IT in general. All changes requested of IT would be routinely handled in exactly the same fashion and would involve significantly more advisory and user group intervention and feedback. All prioritized projects would be displayed on a dynamic website which would list all projects and the status of each. V. Adjournment The CIO adjourned the meeting at 2:05 PM. Minutes submitted by: Stephen A. Vieira