Institutional Technology Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Institutional Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 21, 2010
I. Call to order
The CIO called to order the scheduled meeting of the Institutional Technology
Advisory Committee at 1:05 PM on April 21, 2010 in the IT Conference Room.
II. Roll call
The following were in attendance: Steve Vieira, Cody Houghton Karen Allen,
Ruth Sullivan and Kay Johnson. Guest: Julie Novak
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Minutes were approved previously through email response.
IV. Gratuity Account Policy with Tom Pitts’ review
The gratuity account policy has been reviewed repeatedly by the ITAC committee
and actually made its way to the President’s Council where it was tabled in order to
have Tom Pitts review the language used and to add some consistency in the message.
Tom and the CIO sat and discussed several issues that Tom had with the
interpretation of what the policy was trying to say. After re-working the language the
policy was once again sent to ITAC for review.
The members of the ITAC committee reviewed the document and after indicating
that this review would have been better served if the changes had been highlighted,
indicated that the policy was acceptable and should be sent to the President’s Council
and then on to the Governance Council.
Action Item 1: The CIO to get the Gratuity Account Policy on the next President’s
Council agenda for approval.
V. Student Email Policy with Tom Pitts’ review
The student email policy has also been reviewed repeatedly by the ITAC
committee and also made its way to the President’s Council where it was tabled in
order to have Tom Pitts review the language used and to add some consistency in the
message for it as well.
Tom and the CIO met several times to clarify and detail the specific requirements
of the policy as it had to do with students. After re-working the language the policy
was once again sent to ITAC for review.
The members of the ITAC committee reviewed the document and indicated that
the policy was acceptable and should be sent to the President’s Council and then on to
the Governance Council.
Action Item 1: The CIO to get the Student Email Policy on the next President’s Council
agenda for approval.
VI. Social media policy with Tom Pitt’s review
A new policy, also reviewed by Tom Pitts, was delivered to the committee in two
pieces. The first piece was a running dialog of how the social media policy came to be
and then a brief statement was also presented which is the actual policy.
Julie Novak attended the meeting and discussed at length the handful of requests
that have come to Marketing and Communications for individuals at the college to start
their own Facebook pages. While people cannot be stopped from creating their own
Fascebook pages, they are also not authorized to use copyrighted material owned by
Marketing and communications currently supports a widely-used Facebook page
of about 3,000 “friends” of CCRI today. The social media policy would allow groups
to link onto that site but not to begin another CCRI-supported Facebook page.
The committee asked the CIO to bring the policy to them in email format for their
vote and approval so that it might be added to the next President’s Council agenda.
Action Item 1: The CIO to reformat the social media policy to adopt the language
reviewed by Tom Pitts
Action Item 2: The CIO to email the social media policy to all ITAC members for their
Action Item 3: The CIO, based upon approval from the ITAC committee, to get the
social media policy on the President’s Council agenda for approval.
VII. Other Topics
In a general discussion, the CIO shared some project updates concerning print
management, student accounts, the Microsoft Live@edu system and other ongoing
VIII. Adjournment
The CIO adjourned the meeting at 2:05 PM.
Minutes submitted by: Stephen A. Vieira