CCRI Curriculum Map In the column below, please list the student learning outcomes for the program. The stated learning outcomes should include the outcomes for all courses required in the program, including the General Education courses. Across the top, please indicate the course code and number of each course required in the program and below each course heading mark an “I”, “R” or “E” using the following legend: “I” = Introduces the concept “R” = Reinforces or contributes additional information “E” = Emphasis (assumes level of mastery) It is not expected that all courses will address all outcomes; therefore, you should be selective and rate only the outcomes of highest importance in each program/certificate course. For outcomes that are addressed minimally in a course or not at all, leave the cell blank. GEN ED SLO Performance Measures Program Student Learning Outcomes Course: Number: Quantitative, Mathematical & Scientific Reasoning Critical Thinking Effective Communication a. Use Standard English grammar and mechanics. b. Create work that addresses a given purpose and context and responds to the target audience. c. Present a central idea, supported by concrete, relevant details. d. Establish a clear and consistent sequence of ideas. a. Identify and analyze complex ideas. b. Determine a research focus and the nature and scope of information needed. c. Locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. d. Draw logical conclusions from information. e. Express well-reasoned or innovative perspectives a. Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical, quantitative, or scientific purposes b. Apply a scientific approach in asking questions. c. Apply mathematical, quantitative or scientific principles in solving problems d. Interpret numeric information in graphical form. Assessment Method Time Frame Social Interaction a. Evaluate ethical dimensions of decisions. b. Use teamwork to accomplish tasks in groups c. Demonstrate an understanding of global, cultural and historical perspectives.