Governance Council Committee Meetings Agenda / Minutes

Governance Council Committee Meetings
Agenda / Minutes
Budget Capital Committee
Date of Agenda Posting:
Meeting Date:
Meeting Start Time:
Meeting Actual Start
Meeting Location:
Meeting Secretary :
February 3, 2014
11:30 am
11:35 am
Warwick Campus, President’s Conference Room
Ruth Barrington
Member Attendance
Committee Member Name
David Patten, Chair
Ruth Barrington, Secretary
Ken McCabe
Ruth Sullivan
Mark Vigorito
David Rawlinson
David Snow
VP, Business Affairs
Business Manager
Dir, Physical Plant
Dean, Library
Assoc Fir Fin Aid
Asst. Controller
Asso Dir Physical Plant
Jim Reedy
Building Maintenance
Chair, Dental Hygiene
Director Community
Director of Operations,
Bob Considine
Kathleen Gazzola
Meo Colantonio
Anthony Dzikiewicz
Out til early Feb
Snow event
Snow event
Vacant- Academic Dept Chair
Vacant- Academic Dept Chair
Vacant – Academic Dean
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Guests in Attendance
Agenda Item 1
Approval of Minutes of December 16, 2013
Minutes December
16, 2013.doc
Notes on Discussion
Moved by Ruth Sullivan,
seconded by Ken
McCabe; approved with
no changes or discussion.
Agenda Item 2
Notes on Discussion
2014-2015 Budget Update
Ruth Barrington distributed the
Governor’s recommended state
appropriation support submitted
to the Legislature for FY15 for
the system of higher education.
CCRI request an increase of
$3.6M, of which $1.3M is
recommended, 36% of ask.
CCRI’s RICAP funding for
Warwick renewal is still intact @
$2M. URI requested $10.3M, of
which $5.5 is recommended and
RIC requested $6.5M of which
$3.9M is recommended. These
recommendations are 53% and
60%, respectively, of requested
amounts. Next steps: the general
assembly will conduct hearings
on the budget request. The
president and the chair of the
Board will have the opportunity
to defend and substantiate CCRI’s
original request.
Also distributed a summary for
the college including minor state
appropriation change in FY14
FY15 HEd Gov Rec
for State Approp 1.14.pdf
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representing a medical benefit
holiday for one pay period.
Noted that enrollment declines in
FY14 will impact revenues and
expenses in FY15. Discussion
went to alternative tuition models
such as per credit as well as the
current freeze on tuition rates.
One issue under a per credit
model, affecting a minimal # of
students, is that the cost for
students taking in excess of 15
credits gets considerably more
expensive than with a full-time
flat rate. Kathy Gazzola pointed
out that some dental students find
themselves taking 21 credits to
accelerate their ability to
complete the dental hygiene
program while satisfying the
elective requirements. The
Massachuesetts College of
Pharmacy advertises a program
that can be completed in 18
months but it is extremely
rigorous on the students and very
expensive. Ruth Sullivan
suggested a cross divisional CCRI
membership to review tuition and
fee models; Ruth Barrington
followed that up by suggested that
perhaps that could be a role for
this committee.
Agenda Item 3
Notes on Discussion
Linkage between the “Budget / Capital Committee” and the
David Patten gave an overview to
“Strategic Plan” (see “Affordability” page at the following link the committee members about the
current status of the 2013-2016 Strategic Plan overview and that
Strategic Plan
the campus community is being
solicited in various formats to
provide feedback and suggestions
for each of the major goals.
Requested that committee
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members forward any idea to him
for inclusion and consideration.
Ruth Barrington forwarded to
each the Strategic Plan Template
document for use if desired.
David indicated that the resource
forms could be sent to him
directly or funneled through a
Ruth Barrington inquired as to a
target or drop dead date? David
indicated before March 30th with
a draft target date of midFebruary. In response to another
question posed,
Ruth Barrington stated that for
resource reporting to be most
effective, the “what if” OLAP
cube reporting aspect of Argos
would be most helpful.
Anthony Dzikiewicz inquired on
how all the departmental budget
requests get prioritized? Reply
that this is at a departmental, to
divisional to administratively
level at the current time. We may
have to deprioritize some requests
if the Strategic Planning
directives are deemed to be a
higher priority than something
else. From an IT perspective for
instance, a small idea can balloon
into something much larger.
Example given of redundant data
centers – how do these get looked
at and prioritized? Buy only
pieces of them and then have to
wait for something else. David
concurred and gave an example of
a baseball field for $1.3M and
only have a spend of $200,000.
Anthony made a suggestion of
using VimWare with online
courses and use this technology
for CWCE to offer a course in
autocad as a for instance.
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Anthony also noted the college is
currently hamstrung by not being
able to do some in-house
electrical and IT work that we
could formerly do with
employees. Getting more
expensive and takes more time.
Many committee members
concurred that all things should
be tied back to the Strategic Plan.
Chair Patten indicated that he
would notify committee members
by February 7th if the 2nd February
meeting would occur.
Meo Colantonio motioned for
adjournment, seconded by Ken
McCabe; passed unanimously.
Agenda Item 4
Agenda Item 5
Meeting Action Items
Assigned To
Example: Posting the minutes
Example: Items approved by
7 business days after conclusion
of meeting
7 business days after conclusion
of meeting
Chair – forward to Senior officer
Decisions Made
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(Document any decisions made during the meeting)
Decision 1
Decision 2
Meeting End
Meeting Schedule End:
Meeting Actual End:
12:30 pm
12:45 pm
Next Meeting Date:
Next Meeting Time:
Next Meeting Location:
February 17, 2014 - tentative
11:30 pm
Warwick, President’s Conference Room
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