Japanese III Syllabus, 2015-16 日本語三 シラバス 平成二十七-二十八年 Welcome to Japanese IIIH! In Japanese III class, you are expected to communicate in Japanese as much as possible. PLEASE MAKE SPEAKING IN JAPANESE A HABIT!! The class consists of the following parts: (1) Practice and quiz on kanji, short review quiz on grammar, content questions of the text, listening comprehension, etc. (5-10 min.): (2) Speaking activities (45-60 min.) - Your participation/speaking in Japanese will be graded daily. English is not allowed during this period. (3) Explanation/work (15-20 min.) - Explanation will be given on new information and some written work may be given to make sure you understand the new material. The time is also designated to discussion on Japanese culture. Grades 1. Speaking and Daily Grade (20%) 2. Tests, Speaking Tests, and Projects* (Major grade) (60%) Chapter tests are mostly presentational or interpersonal communication (speaking and writing), using the computer or a recording device (50% correction credit if corrections are submitted within A WEEK. Corrections may only be submitted once.) Correction is optional if you have a passing score, but mandatory if you do not. You are also requested to come to tutoring if your test score is less than 69%. Culture projects and mini chapter projects will also receive major credit. * See below. 3. Quiz Grade (20%) Quizzes are on kanji, vocabulary, and grammar. You may correct the quizzes and get 50% correction credit. Textbooks HAI, IMA! (EMC Paradigm). Genki Students in J-III will learn: 1. All the plain forms by the end of September (single use and combined use: dictionary, potential, ta-form, negative present/past, present progressive, volitional, present participle) 2. Colloquial expressions used between close friends and family members 3. Japanese culture and customs (education in Japan and life of high school students, jobs/part time jobs, annual events and holidays, history of Meiji/Taisho/Showa eras, famous places in Japan, Buddhism and Shintoism, leisure activities (karaoke and Japanese pop songs) 4. Kanji frequently used in basic reading materials Topics, Grammar, Assessment 1. 夏休みの思い出 Talk about what you did during summer and how it was. 100 verbs + 50 adjectives. PAST TENSE, dictionary form, etc. A: 2-minute oral presentation 2. オンライン・ショッピング Shopping – talk about what you want, what you want to buy/sell, etc. Want N, want to V, etc. A: Role play – conversation 3. 日本の高校とアメリカの高校 育祭などのイベントについて せいふく 日本の高校の授業、部活、制服、文化祭や体 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk1ycoNBo9s しょうらい しごと 4. アルバイトと 将 来 の仕事 Talk about high school students’ part time jobs, what you want to do in future (dream jobs), etc. Volitional form. A: role play (student applying for a job and a business owner), A: 2-minute oral presentation or composition on future dream job(s) わしょく 5. 和食とマナー Become able to serve Japanese guests, to use appropriate manners in a Japanese household, and to order at a Japanese restaurant. TA form and NAI form – suggestions. *Video on meal customs & manners. りょこう 6. 明治時代への旅行 *Research: Meiji Character of your choice. A: 3-minute oral presentation on your character. Talk about features of famous cities and transportation in Japan. *Create a travel brochure of the city where your character is famous for, and make a 2-minute presentation and role play as a travel agent (with a potential customer). (Hi, Ima トラベル) ねんちゅうぎょうじ しゅくじつ 7. 年 中 行 事 と 祝 日 Research: choose one annual event or national holiday. A: Oral presentation and composition on what you did not research. ぶっきょう しんとう 8. 仏 教 と神道 Reading on Shintoism and Buddhism. A: 2-minute oral presentation and comparison paper. かつどう 9. 日本のレジャー活動 らくご か ぶ き Talk about various leisure activities such as カラオケ, ゲ はなみ こうよう おど おんせん ゆうえんち ーム, 落語, 歌舞伎, スポーツ, 花見、紅葉、踊り、温泉、遊園地(テーマ パーク)etc. *Research: choose one popular leisure activity in Japan. A: Oral presentation. Extra Topics: 上下関係(シモーンの手紙)