CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING TO ADULTS APPLICATION FORM Please return completed application to: CELTA Course, SMLC, English for Academic Study, University of Glasgow, Hetherington Building, Glasgow, G12 8RS Please check the webpage http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/mlc/eas/teacherdevelopment/celta/#/dates for the deadline for applications. SURNAME: ............................................................................................................…… FIRST NAME(S): ......................................................... DATE OF BIRTH: ...............…… ADDRESS: .............................................................................................................…….. ...........................................................................................................................……….. POSTCODE: ................................. TEL NO: (day): .........................................(home): ................……......…. E-MAIL................................................…………...... PRESENT OCCUPATION: ............................................................................................. DATES AND PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT:……………………………………………………………………… POST-SCHOOL EDUCATION: University/College Degree/Diploma Subject Dates FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Level (comment on written & spoken) TEACHING EXPERIENCE (EFL/ESL): Institution Course/Level Dates TEACHING/TRAINING EXPERIENCE (Other): Course/Level Dates SMLC ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC STUDY University of Glasgow, Hetherington Building, Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RS Telephone: (Direct Line) 0141-330 6521 E-mail: arts-languages@glasgow.ac.uk URL: http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/mlc/eas/ D:\99019126.DOC HEALTH: The course is very intensive and demanding. Please indicate whether you have any disability (including health issues) that may affect you on the course: YES/NO Details: SELECTION OF CANDIDATES: Applicants are usually interviewed in groups and from 1400 -1700hrs. Please refer to the web page http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/mlc/eas/teacherdevelopment/celta/#/dates for interview dates* and indicate your availability for interview. *If these are still to be arranged, you will be contacted nearer the time. Please enclose the following with the application form and tasks: Copies of qualifications An up to date C.V. Details of two referees (These will be contacted prior to interview) APPLICATION TASKS: 1. Please attach a statement (700 words) as to why you wish to take this course, indicating what your future plans are. 2. Please complete the following task: I) What is the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentences? Give a short explanation (think about how you would explain this to a learner) a) i) I remember locking the door. ii) I remembered to lock the door. b) i) I’ve been reading the book you gave me by Graham Green. ii) I’ve read the book you gave me by Graham Green. II) In the following sentence identify the following: The subject, a verb, an article, a preposition, and a conjunction: ‘I was walking down the road and saw an advert for a CELTA course’. N.B. There will also be a language awareness task during the interview. SMLC ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC STUDY University of Glasgow, Hetherington Building, Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RS Telephone: (Direct Line) 0141-330 6521 E-mail: arts-languages@glasgow.ac.uk URL: http://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/mlc/eas/ D:\99019126.DOC