Washburn University Young Alumni Council Overview

Washburn University Young Alumni Council
The Washburn University Young Alumni Council (WU YAC) is affiliated with the Washburn Alumni Association
and provides an opportunity for council members to serve in a leadership position while representing
Washburn’s young alumni population. Council members help plan, shape and direct specific young alumni
programming, as well as encourage involvement among young alumni of Washburn University. The WU YAC
seeks members who are involved in community and philanthropic endeavors and show great enthusiasm for
promoting Washburn University and the Washburn Alumni Association.
The YAC serves all young alumni, the Washburn Alumni Association, and Washburn University by:
 Serving as ambassadors to the outside world
o Actively representing and promoting the University and Alumni Association within their local
o Educating current students and recent alumni about goals, purposes, projects, and services of
the Washburn Alumni Association and the Young Alumni Program
 Advocating for the interests of young alumni
o Promoting the social, professional, philanthropic, and service interests of recent alumni
o Seeking ideas for meaningful and impactful YA programming
o Utilizing personal and professional connections to advance the interests of the YAC
 Fostering relationships between Washburn University and young alumni
o Cultivating active lifelong participation in and philanthropic support of Washburn University and
the Washburn Alumni Association
 Providing guidance and serving as a resource for current Washburn students
o Participating in mentoring activities for STAT
o Utilizing knowledge of life beyond college to share with current students
o Sharing the mission of the YAC and the Alumni Association with current students
The Young Alumni Council will interact with Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) to achieve common
goals when the interests of both groups coincide.
Council Structure
The Council shall consist of a maximum of 20 members who have graduated from Washburn University or
Washburn Institute of Technology in the preceding 10 years. An effort will be made to appoint YAC members
who represent the diverse interests, backgrounds, and demographics of Washburn University young alumni.
An effort will also be made to have representation on the council from each graduating class within the young
alumni demographic. Council members are to volunteer for projects on an ad hoc basis. The Council is
facilitated by an Assistant Director of the Washburn Alumni Association.
Duties of Members
At the center of the Young Alumni Program at Washburn University are the alumni that serve on our Council.
These volunteers serve as examples to all other young alumni and are the driving force of the Council's
activities, while the Assistant Alumni Director helps coordinate their efforts. The success of the Council
depends largely on the leadership and enthusiasm provided by the Council members.
YAC member responsibilities include:
 Devoting ample time and effort to participating in YAC meetings and events
 Responding promptly to YAC communications such as e-mails and telephone messages
Actively planning and participating in Young Alumni Council activities throughout the year and special
Homecoming activities
Supporting Washburn University Foundation giving campaigns by serving as campaign ambassadors
Representing the University and Alumni Association in student recruitment events
Actively working to engage and recruit young alumni for open YAC positions and general YAC activities
Being a dues paid member of the Washburn Alumni Association
The Young Alumni Council is a volunteer advisory board.
This is an initiative designed to better engage and serve Washburn University’s most recent graduates.
The Council seeks to better serve and support recent graduates with programming and communications that
are uniquely tailored to the young alumni demographic.
The Council seeks to foster and sustain the active involvement of young alumni in the support of Washburn
University and the Washburn Alumni Association. The Council will also act to shepherd the development of
volunteers and future leaders in ways that deepen their commitment to the University and prepare them for
active roles in future alumni service.
The Council acts as a voice for young alumni concerns to the Alumni Office and the University.
Meetings and Communication
The Young Alumni Council will meet on campus at least once per semester. Monthly conference calls will also
occur and most other communication will be through email. A majority of YAC business will be conducted
through teleconferencing and e-mail. YAC members are expected to participate in conference calls, e-mail
threads, and semesterly in person meetings to accomplish the Council’s objectives.
Term of Office
Council members serve a term of four years and may apply for reappointment to an additional four-year period
at the expiration of their first term, alongside other applicants. If their eligibility on the Council expires before
the four years is up, that will be considered the end of their term.
Eligibility and Appointment
Every person who has earned a degree from Washburn University or Washburn Institute of Technology within
the past 10 years is eligible for participation on the Council. Council members will be selected based upon
their abilities, commitment to Washburn University, and potential for advancing the Council. All prospective
council members must submit a complete application to the Washburn Alumni Association for consideration.
Upon receipt, a committee consisting of current YAC members and Washburn Alumni Association officials will
review the application and notify the applicant of their decision. If selected, new members will be interviewed
and will receive a YAC orientation.
The Washburn Alumni Association seeks Young Alumni Council members who are passionate about working
to optimize the post-graduate experience for all young alumni, regardless of their involvement as students, or
their current engagement with the University. Appointment to the Council is ongoing, based on council
Removal from the Council is at the discretion of the Washburn Alumni Association.
Washburn University Young Alumni Council Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Washburn University Young Alumni Council. Please
complete and return this application to the address below.
Last Name: _______________________________ First Name: ________________________ Middle Initial: _______
Maiden Name (If Applicable): ____________________________________Graduation year: ______________
Preferred email address: __________________________________________________________________________
WU degree/major: _______________________________________________________________________________
Activities while at WU: ____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Street Addresss_________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ________________________
Preferred phone number: (______) _________________________________ (circle one:)
Please address the following in a separate document:
How do you think the Washburn Alumni Association would benefit from your involvement on the Young
Alumni Council?
What did you experience as a student at Washburn University that inspires you to continue to serve the
Describe your participation in community service and leadership roles, the offices you have held, and
dates of participation.
Attach a resume.
Please send completed form and supporting documents to: Danny Funk at danny.funk@washburn.edu or
Washburn Alumni Association, Attn: Danny Funk
1700 SW College Avenue
Topeka, Kansas 66621
Please e-mail danny.funk@washburn.edu or call 785-670-1651 with any questions.