Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Fayetteville State University’s Educational Talent Search Program (ETS) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education for the purpose of providing academic support services to middle and high school students who meet the federal eligibility criteria. The Program offers tutorial services, academic and pre-college workshops, and cultural enrichment activities that will encourage your child to complete high school and to obtain a college degree. Please follow the instructions below to complete the application process: (1) Complete the enclosed application package. If a particular item does not apply, please write “N/A” in the space provided. Please ensure that you and your child sign in all appropriate areas. (2) Submit a copy of your last Income Tax Return (1040, 1040 EZ or 1040A) with the application. If your latest Income Tax Return is unavailable for submission, please complete and sign the Income Verification Section on the Family Information Form. A signed statement by parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may serve as documentation of family’s income. We are very excited and look forward to you becoming part of the Educational Talent Search program. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (910) 672-1686. Thank you for your interest in the Educational Talent Search Program. If you have any questions concerning the Program and/or the application process, please call the Educational Talent Search Office at (910) 672-1686. Sincerely, Cheryl M. Adams, Program Coordinator Educational Talent Search Educational Talent Search Program Fayetteville State University 1200 Murchison Road Fayetteville, NC 28301 Office (910) 672-1686 /Fax (910) 672-1854 Email: Educational Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to assist students who wish to continue their studies beyond the high school level with the exploration of college and career opportunities. STUDENT INFORMATION T-Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL _____________________________________________________ SSN: ______-_______-_______ Student ID #: ________________ First MI Last Address: ___________________________________________ City ________________________ State _______ Zip _________ Phone #:____________________________________________ 2nd Phone #:_____________________________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________ Facebook: ____________________ Twitter: ________________ Date of Birth: / / Sex: M or F Permanent Resident: Yes No What is the Primary Language Spoken in Home? Ethnicity: Am. Ind. / Alaska Native ____________________________ Asian Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander School: __________________________________ Other:________________________ Black/African American White Current Grade Level: Hispanic/Latino Multiple Races 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ASSESSMENT OF NEEDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. I need to receive better grades in school. Yes I need to develop stronger study skills and habits. Yes I need tutoring. Yes I need to learn how to set goals and make decisions. Yes I need to understand how the courses I am taking relate to my career plans. Yes I need to understand my interests, abilities, and other traits. Yes I need to know how to prepare for high school. Yes I need to learn about the correct academic classes that should be taken to prepare for college. Yes I plan to attend college after high school. Yes I need to learn more about college admissions requirements. Yes I need assistance with financial aid and researching scholarships. Yes My parent(s) currently serve in the military/ have served in the military. Yes I need to visit college campuses to explore my options. Yes I need to get involved in positive activities, extracurricular activities, and/or clubs/ organizations. Yes I have thought about dropping out of school. Yes I receive free lunch. Yes I am currently sharing housing due to economic hardship or loss of housing, awaiting foster care placement, living Yes in a foster home, residing in a group home or an emergency/transitional shelter. 18. I am currently enrolled in college courses while in high school. (Dual Enrollment) Yes I am currently a participant of the following (Please circle all that apply):Upward Bound, Upward Bound Math & Science, MSEN, Boys & Girls Club, 21st Learning Community or Educational Opportunity Centers Program. Other:___________________ Student’s Signature Date Revised 11/2015 (HS Cumberland) For Office Use only Entry Date: ____/_____/____ Staff Initials: _____ No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No FAMILY INFORMATION FORM This information is needed to certify eligibility for the Program ALL INFORMATION ON THIS FORM WILL BE HELD STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Mother (Female Guardian): _________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ Work Phone: ___________________ Email: _______________________________ Facebook: ______________________ Twitter: ____________________ Highest Education Completed by Mother: Middle School: Yes No High School Diploma/GED: Bachelor’s Degree: Yes No Yes No Father (Male Guardian):____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: ___________________ Work Phone: ___________________ Email: _______________________________ Facebook: ______________________ Twitter: ____________________ Highest Education Completed By Father: Middle School: Yes No High School Diploma/GED: Bachelor’s Degree: Yes No Yes No Medical History Does your child have a physical impairment, medical condition or disability? If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________ Is your child taking any type of medication? If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________ Does your child have any allergies? If yes, please list: _____________________________________________________________________ Income Verification If you do not submit a copy of your completed income tax form (1040, 1040EZ, 1040A), you will need to complete this form which serves as a verification of your family income for last year. *Taxable Income: This information is located on tax forms (1040-line 43; 1040A-line 27; 1040EZ-line 6)* Family Income: What is your family’s *Taxable Income for last year? $____________________________________________ DO NOT USE YOUR ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. How many people are living in your household? ______ Do you receive Public Assistance? (Please check any that apply) AFDC Food Stamps Social Security Disability My signature certifies that the above information is correct. I understand that this information is confidential and will only be used for income verification for this program. __________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Date Revised 11/2015 FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL TALENT SEARCH PROGRAM CONTRACT As a participant in the Educational Talent Search Program (ETS), I agree to the following: 1. To be present and on time for all workshops, field trips and individual appointments scheduled by the ETS Academic Advisor. I understand if I miss more than two (2) Academic workshops in (any) one semester during the school year, I take the risk of being dismissed from the ETS Program. 2. To provide the ETS Program with a copy of all grade reports at the end of each grading period. 3. To actively participate in all meetings, workshops, and field trips. 4. To encourage my parent(s) and/or guardian(s) to attend the Educational Talent Search Parent’s meetings and participate in other ETS activities. Your child may be dismissed from the ETS Program if you do not attend the mandatory parent orientation workshop and an additional workshop. 5. To have a positive attitude and behave in a respectful manner that is neither disruptive nor rude during all meetings, workshops, and field trips. I understand that the ETS Program reserves the right to render any disciplinary action deemed necessary for any negative behavior demonstrated during all meetings, workshops, and field trips. This action may also include indefinite expulsion from the ETS Program. I understand and agree to accept the duties and responsibilities outlined above. I understand that failure to adhere to any of the above mentioned conditions will result in being placed on probation or possible suspension from the Educational Talent Search Program. ________________________________________ Student’s Signature __________________________ Date ________________________________________ Parent’s Signature __________________________ Date Revised 11/2015 Fayetteville State University Educational Talent Search Program RELEASE FORM High School Student’s Name: _______________________ School: ____________________ Student School ID #: __________ The information requested on this form will be utilized to assist us in providing services for your child. To provide the most effective services, we may need to obtain information from several sources such as your child’s school of enrollment, testing agencies, counselors, social workers, etc. ALL INFORMATION RECEIVED WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT. SCHOOL RECORDS As the parent and/or guardian of _____________________________, I grant Talent Search permission to obtain school records, and test results from the secondary school my child is attending. I will also permit Talent Search staff to speak with teachers, counselors, and other school administrators at my child’s school in order to obtain and exchange information as part of the services my child will receive from the Talent Search Program. I authorize the Talent Search Program to access or release copies of my child’s progress reports and/or test scores that are necessary to assist my son/daughter in achieving his/her educational goals. WAIVER OF LIABILITY As parent and legal guardian of the above-mentioned student, I authorize and permit my child to participate in field trips, activities, and events offered by the Talent Search Program. I understand that my child may be leaving his/her school campus or Fayetteville State University and may be transported by the Talent Search staff at Fayetteville State University. I agree that Fayetteville State University, the Talent Search Program, the Cumberland County School System, nor the school my child is attending, and anyone associated with Fayetteville State University will not be held liable for any loss, injury, or death related to any field trips, or events. Further, I agree to hold Fayetteville State University, Talent Search, Advisory Committee members, officers, staff, volunteers, the Cumberland County School System, and the school my child is attending harmless from any claims whatsoever occasioned in any of the situations that I have agreed, that Talent Search at Fayetteville State University shall not be held liable. In the event that my child, _______________________________ is involved in a medical emergency, I authorize the Talent Search staff to make decisions regarding immediate medical attention (hospitalization, administration of prescribed medications, doctor treatment, etc.) if they are unable to contact me for verbal authorization. Insurance Name and Number: _______________________________________________________________ Medicaid Card Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts: Name: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone Number: _______________________________ Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ MEDIA RELEASE Periodically, students participating in Talent Search Program events may be photographed, filmed, or interviewed. As the parent and/or legal guardian of ___________________________, I grant permission for my child to participate in photographs, films, social media or interviews as they pertain to the Talent Search Program and I understand that such pictures, films, social media, or interviews may be used to promote or publicize the Talent Search events or demonstrate how federal funds are being used to assist students. ___________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ________________________________________ Student’s Signature Revised 11/2015