Fayetteville State University Operational Plan and Assessment Record For Performing & Fine Arts (Name of Unit or Academic Department) Fall 2008 – Spring 2009 (Academic Year) Dr. Harmon Watson, Chair (Name and Title of Person Responsible for the Unit) Part I: Profile of instructional programs and/or administrative services within unit: (Summary of data from most recent university-wide assessment measures, external evaluation measures and unit specific evaluation measures) Performing & Fine Arts Department Mission Statement (See FSU Catalog) The mission of the Department of the Performing and Fine Arts is to provide effective educational programs and courses in interdisciplinary humanities, music, speech, theater, and the visual arts in the University College and upper division at the undergraduate level. Key Positions in Department (Indicate the number of faculty and staff and status in chart form) Faculty Member Status Highest Courses Taught Student Credit Hours (tenured, Degree (complete in (complete in Spring) tenure (specialty Spring) track, fixed areas) term, parttime) Harmon Watson Tenured Doctorate 1 0.220 Tim Chambers Fixed Term Masters 8 0.359 Diane Phoenix-Neal TenureDoctorate 7 2.013 Track Robert Williams Tenured Doctorate 7 0.796 Don Parker Tenured Doctorate 8 0.388 Denise Payton Fixed Term Masters 9 1.007 Lester Knibbs Part-Time Doctorate 1 0.391 Neal Finn TenureDoctorate 8 0.561 Track Sheryl Linch-Parker Tenured Doctorate 6 0.103 Howard Kim TenureDoctorate 6 0.393 Track Eugenia Almeida Tenured Doctorate 5 0.880 Todd Frobish Tenured Doctorate 4 0.753 # of Advisees (complete in Spring) 0 0 6 7 13 6 10 20 7 30 35 Raphael Babatunde Oyinade Omoviekovwa A. Nakireru Joseph Ross Marc Ruiz William Thomas Phoebe Hall Dave Griffie Susan Paschal Stan Waring Avis Hatcher-Puzzo Sondra Martin Socorro Hernandez-Hinek Shane Booth Rollinda Thomas Jonathan Chestnut Dwight Smith TenureTrack Fixed Term Doctorate 7 1.007 Doctorate 3 0.668 Fixed Term TenureTrack TenureTrack Tenured TenureTrack TenureTrack TenureTrack TenureTrack Tenured TenureTrack TenureTrack TenureTrack TenureTrack Fixed Term Doctorate M.F.A. 4 4 0.838 0.829 Doctorate 4 0.474 M.F.A. M.F.A. 4 3 0.399 0.886 19 M.F.A. 3 0.482 5 M.F.A. 4 1.574 9 M.F.A. 5 0.273 2 M.F.A. M.F.A. 4 4 0.502 0.841 12 10 M.F.A. 5 0.950 13 Doctorate 4 0.750 20 M.F.A. 4 0.974 35 Masters 4 0.694 0 Number of Graduates/Completions over the past three years by program Program (degree or licensure2008 - 2009 2007 - 2008 only) Communication 9 Visual Arts 2 Art Education 2 General Music 2 Music Education 2 Speech/Theatre 25 23 30 2006 - 2007 4 12 N/A 1 3 8 Persistence Number of Declared Majors in Fall 2007: 220 Percent of Declared Majors from Fall 2007 enrolled in fall 2008: 72.27 (Retention Rate) Percent of Declared Majors from Fall 2007 who graduated in December 2007 or May 2008: 8.18 Persistence Rate: (retention and graduation rates combined): 80.45% Persistence Rate – Mean for all FSU Declared Majors: 67% Advisement Survey Results Department: Fall 2008: Percent who responded “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” to the item: “I am satisfied with the quality of academic advisement.” 80.95 Fall 2008: Advisement results – Mean for all students: 61.2% Performing & Fine Arts Department: Spring 2009: Percent who responded “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” to the item: “I am satisfied with the quality of academic advisement.” 91.67 Spring 2009: Advisement results – Mean for all students: 85% DFW Rates Performing & Fine Arts Department: Percent of students in classes taught by your department that earned final grade of D, F, or W: 18.1 Percent of all students who earned final grade of D, F, W: 21.7 Measures of Student Engagement – National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Performing & Fine Arts Department: Level of Academic Challenge (LAC): 50.95 Number of Respondents: 17 FSU LAC Average (Seniors): 54.9 All Universities: 56.5 Carnegie Institutions: 58.2 HBCU Average: 56.7 Performing & Fine Arts Department: Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL): 53.87 Number of Respondents: 16 FSU ACL Average (Seniors): 52.9 All Universities: 50.8 Carnegie Institutions: 52.8 HBCU Average: 54.3 Faculty Teaching Load – Ratio of Actual Positions to Funded Positions Generated Positions: 23.77 Actual Positions: 27 Difference: -3.23 Student Learning Outcomes – Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Forth coming CLA data. Multiple Drafts of Assignments Seniors in the Department of Performing & Fine Arts indicated that they sometimes (2.81) prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in. FSU Average (Seniors): 2.84 All Universities: 2.47 Carnegie Institutions: 2.6 HBCU Average: 2.66 Integrating Ideas from Various Sources Seniors in the Department of Performing & Fine Arts indicated that they often (3.31) worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources. FSU Average (Seniors): 3.22 All Universities: 3.3 Carnegie Institutions: 2.6 HBCU Average: 3.33 Preparation for Class Seniors in the Department of Performing & Fine Arts report that they spend 6 to 10 hours (3.69) preparing for class. FSU Average (Seniors): 4.05 All Universities: 4.14 Carnegie Institutions: 4.14 HBCU Average: 4.02 Thinking Critically and Analytically Seniors in the Department of Performing & Fine Arts indicate that their experience at FSU has contributed quite a bit (3.27) to their development in thinking critically and analytically. FSU Average (Seniors): 3.23 All Universities: 3.36 Carnegie Institutions: 3.42 HBCU Average: 3.33 Part II: Operational Plan for Performing & Fine Arts Dr. H. Watson, Chair (Instructional Degree Program or Sub-unit) (Program/Sub-unit Head) Fall 2008 – Spring 2009 August 2008 (Period Covered) (Date Submitted) Unit/Institutional Purpose Linkage UNC-Tomorrow Reference: (number and Title from UNCT (response)) 4.1 Our Global Readiness 4.2 Our Citizens and Our Future 4.7 Outreach and Engagement FSU Mission Reference: (portion of FSU mission statement the unit supports) The primary mission of FSU is to provide students with the highest quality learning experiences that will produce global citizens and leaders as change agents for shaping the future of the state. Committed to excellence in teaching, research, scholarship, and service, the university extends its services and program to the community, including the military and other educational institutions throughout North Carolina, the nation and the world. Awarding degrees the baccalaureate, masters’ and doctoral levels, FSU offers programs in teacher education, business and economics, and unique and emerging fields. FSU Priority Reference: (FSU Strategic Planning Priority Statement the program/unit supports) Increased retention and graduation rates Intellectual and Cultural Center Leadership and Global Citizens Collaboration and Partnerships Unit Goals: (Unit’s versions of the FSU initiatives supported and goals identified by the unit) 1. Increase student satisfaction with advisement in the Department of Performing & Fine Arts 2. Facilitate Performing and Fine Arts students’ efficient progress toward graduation. 3. Improve the pedagogical skills of Performing and Fine Arts faculty to facilitate students’ successful completion of courses. 4. Improve pedagogical skills of Performing and Fine Arts faculty to cultivate the use of critical inquiry, analysis, and reflection essential to professional performers, artists, musicians, and/or arts educators. 5. Facilitate the efficient distribution of courses to ensure that the student credit hours (SCH) generated by Performing and Fine Arts faculty are sufficient to support their positions. Intended Outcomes and Strategies to Achieve Them: (Outcomes based on FSU strategic planning accountability indicators, unit profile data, professional organization standards, and student learning outcomes) Intended Outcome 1. Increase the percentage of students satisfied with advisement from 91.67% to 94%. 2. Increase the persistence (retention and graduation) rate for Performing and Fine Arts from 80.45% to 90%. 3. Reduce DFW (Drop, Fail, Withdraw) rates for courses taught by Performing and Fine Arts faculty from 18.1% to 15%. Strategies 1. Require all students to see their advisors to receive their PINs for Spring registration. Cost None. Faculty will issue the PINs during office hours. Increase faculty contact with advisees. Encourage student participation in academic support services (tutoring, etc.). Increase consistency in evaluation of Humanities courses and MUSI 210, which had the highest DFW rates. None. Faculty will document contact as part of advising responsibilities. 4. Cultivate the use of critical inquiry, analysis, and reflection in classroom instruction. 5. Facilitate efficient distribution of student credit hours (SCH) for Performing and Fine Arts faculty. Use instructional strategies designed to stimulate critical thinking and analysis. Distribute course offerings among faculty in an effort to ensure that student credit hours (SCH) will be sufficient to fund faculty positions. None. Faculty will collaborate to revise course objectives and assessment methods as part of normal instructional responsibilities. None. Instructors will use critical inquiry strategies as a part of instruction. None. Course offerings will be allocated as a part of the normal duties of the Dept. Chair and Area Coordinators. Part III: Assessment Plan Performing & Fine Arts Dr. H. Watson, Chair (Instructional Degree Program or Sub-unit) (Program/Sub-unit Head) Fall 2008 – Spring 2009 August 2008 (Period Covered) (Date Submitted) Intended Outcome (Note: There should be an assessment plan for each intended outcome listed in Part II.) 1. Increase the percentage of students satisfied with advisement from 91.67% to 94%. 1.1 First Means of Assessment for Outcome Indentified Above (align with strategic plan accountability measures) 1.1.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success University will administer the Academic Advisement Survey and supply the department with results. The criteria for success will be 100% of students selecting Agree or Strongly Agree in response to the item: “I am satisfied with the quality of academic advisement.” 1.1.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected (to be completed in the Spring) During registration for Spring 2009, 91.67% responded “Strongly Agree” or “Agree” to the item: “I am satisfied with the quality of academic advisement.” The mean for all students was 85%. 1.1.3 Use of Results to Improve (to be completed in the Spring) The Performing & Fine Arts Department will continue to require the students to see a faculty advisor to receive the PINs. Staff will be discouraged from providing PINs to students. A department meeting agenda item for the Fall semester will be faculty members sharing successful ways to manage student visits (collecting needed information and providing needed information) effectively and efficiently. 1.2 Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Indentified Above 1.2.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success NSSE Item 12 – Overall Academic Advising – score will exceed the university average for seniors (2.81) in 2007. 1.2.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected Data will be collected in the Spring, 2009 and will not be available until November, 2009. 1.2.3 Use of Results to Improve (cannot be completed until mid-year) Part III: Assessment Plan (continued) Intended Outcome (Note: There should be an assessment plan for each intended outcome listed in Part II.) 2. Increase the persistence (retention and graduation) rate for Performing and Fine Arts from 80.45% to 90%. 2.1 First Means of Assessment for Outcome Indentified Above (align with strategic plan accountability measures) 2.1.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review reports from the FSU Registrar or Dept. of Institutional Research to determine the retention rate for Performing and Fine Arts. The criterion for success is the achievement of a persistence rate of 90%. 2.1.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The Department is currently awaiting the results of a report from the Registrar regarding the retention rate. 2.1.3 Use of Results to Improve Results will be reported upon receipt of the data from the Registrar. 2.2 Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Indentified Above 2.2.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review reports from the FSU Registrar or Dept. of Institutional Research to determine the graduation rate for Performing and Fine Arts. The criterion for success is the achievement of a persistence rate of 90%. 2.2.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The Department is currently awaiting the results of a report from the Registrar regarding the graduation rate. 2.2.3 Use of Results to Improve Results will be reported upon receipt of the data from the Registrar. Part III: Assessment Plan (continued) Intended Outcome (Note: There should be an assessment plan for each intended outcome listed in Part II.) 3. Reduce DFW (Drop, Fail, Withdraw) rates for courses taught by Performing and Fine Arts faculty from 18.1% to 15%. 3.1 First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above (align with strategic plan accountability measures) 3.1.2 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review reports from the FSU Registrar or Dept. of Institutional Research to determine the DFW rates for courses taught by Performing and Fine Arts Faculty. The criterion for success is the achievement of a DFW rate of 15%. 3.1.3 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The Department is currently awaiting the results of a report from the Registrar regarding the DFW rate for spring 2009. 3.1.4 Use of Results to Improve Results will be reported upon receipt of the data from the Registrar. 3.2 Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above 3.2.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review curricular requirements (course objectives, assessment methods, artifacts) that will indicate consistency in the evaluation of Humanities courses and MUSI 210. The criterion for success is the reduction of overall DFW rates for courses taught by Performing and Fine Arts faculty. 3.2.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The Department is awaiting the grades for the spring 2009 semester to determine DFW rates. 3.2.3 Use of Results to Improve Performing and Fine Arts faculty will engage in workshops during the fall semester to encourage collaboration and consistency in course objectives and evaluation. Part III: Assessment Plan (continued) Intended Outcome (Note: There should be an assessment plan for each intended outcome listed in Part II.) 4. Cultivate the use of critical inquiry, analysis, and reflection in classroom instruction. 4.1 First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above (align with strategic plan accountability measures) 4.1.2 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review reports from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to determine their perceptions of the critical inquiry strategies used by Performing and Fine Arts faculty. 4.1.3 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The Department is awaiting the results of the 2009 administration of the NSSE. 2.1.4 Use of Results to Improve The Dept. of Performing and Fine Arts will attempt to use instructional strategies that address any specific deficiencies revealed by the results of the NSSE. 4.2 Second Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above 4.2.1 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Review instructional strategy reports from Performing and Fine Arts faculty to determine their use of critical inquiry strategies. The criterion for success is 90% participation by the faculty in the use of critical inquiry strategies. 4.2.2 Summary of Assessment Data Collected The instructional strategy reports show significantly less than 90% participation in critical inquiry strategies by PFA faculty. However, this likely represents a failure to turn in instructional strategy reports (which were only recently assigned) than non-use of critical inquiry. 4.2.3 Use of Results to Improve Performing and Fine Arts faculty will engage in workshops in the fall (during department meetings) to encourage the use of critical inquiry strategies. Part III: Assessment Plan (continued) Intended Outcome (Note: There should be an assessment plan for each intended outcome listed in Part II.) 5. Facilitate efficient distribution of student credit hours (SCH) for Performing and Fine Arts faculty. 5.1 First Means of Assessment for Outcome Identified Above (align with strategic plan accountability measures) 5.1.2 Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success Reports from the FSU Registrar and the Dept. of Institutional Research regarding the student credit hours generated by Performing and Fine Arts faculty. The criterion for success is an average SCH of 1.0, the rate necessary to fund faculty positions. 5.1.3 Summary of Assessment Data Collected Review of the report of student credit hours reveals that only 3 out of 28 faculty members have the desired SCH of 1.0 or above. Only 5 of 28 (17.85%) faculty have 0.9 or above. 10 (30%) had an SCH of 0.5 or below. The generated positions were 23.488 while the number of actual positions was 27. This creates a difference of -3. The criterion for success (1.0) has not been met. 5.1.4 Use of Results to Improve The Chairperson and area coordinators for Performing and Fine Arts will determine a strategy to present course offerings and distribution of faculty in an efficient manner beginning in the fall 2009 semester.