In addition to the FSU Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion and the Faculty Handbook, the Area
of Music, in the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, suggested expectations are:
A. TEACHING: Types of teaching activities include classroom teaching; studio instruction;
ensemble conducting; and independent/individual study; and student teaching.
1. Clearly developed course objectives and requirements, instructional materials,
grading procedures and evaluation materials. Integrating technology when
2. Active role in departmental discussions regarding curriculum and program
development and achievement of program goals.
3. Developing and practicing assessment of student performance that is consistent
with the area’s goals.
4. Documentation of teaching effectiveness using instruments and procedures
approved by the area. (Peer Review, Student Evaluations, Student Juries and
Recitals, etc.)
5. Continued professional development in teaching (attending workshops,
professional meetings, and participation in faculty development activities).
The music area is comprised of composers and performers (vocalists, instrumentalists, and
conductors) and academicians (music theorists, music historians, music educators, and music
industry professionals). Therefore, the nature of scholarly and creative activity carried out by
the faculty is divers. Further, most faculty members teach in both academic and performance
areas and thus, may have a combination of scholarly and creative activities.
RESEARCH: Research and creative works must be of high quality, reveal consistent
research and/or creative efforts. Research and/or creative activities should reflect regional
and national recognition among one’s peers in the field(s) inside and outside the University.
Criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
1. A productive record of research activity, which reveals significant and developing
achievements in the field(s) of specialization.
2. Publications in the form of refereed articles in journals, which are recognized as
scholarly in content.
3. Presentations, lectures, clinics, workshops, and poster sessions at conferences,
conventions, seminars, or other colleges/universities. Most desirable are those
presentations that are for professional organizations on the international, national,
regional, or state level.
4. Non-refereed scholarly publications.
5. Refereed scholarly papers presented at professional meetings.
6. Non-refereed scholarly papers presented at professional meetings.
7. Research grants and contracts funded, unfunded, or pending.
8. Awards and honors that recognize particular aspects of scholarship.
CREATIVE ACTIVITY: Achievement in the area of creative activity must be of high quality,
reveal consistent creative efforts, and should reflect recognition among one’s peers.
Creative activity criteria include, but are not limited to the following;
1. Significant public performances at the international, national, regional, state, or local
level. Most desirable are those performances that are for or with professional music
organizations on the international, national, regional, or state level. The tradition in
the field of music is that the audition or invitation to perform is equivalent to the
juried peer review.
a. For instrumentalists and vocalists, such performances may occur in various
solo or collaborative settings, including solo recitals, concerto performances,
chamber recitals, large ensemble concerts, performance workshops, master
classes, and clinics.
b. For conductors, such performances may occur in settings other than regular
semester concerts including professional ensembles, invited guest conducting,
clinics, workshops, and master classes.
2. Compositions and arrangements published by recognized publishers.
3. Commissions and performances of compositions or arrangements at international,
national, state, or University events.
4. Professional recordings of compositions or arrangements. Most desirable are
recordings released by respected labels in the appropriate discipline.
5. Professional recordings of solo, chamber, or large ensemble performances. Most
desirable are recordings released by respected labels in the appropriate discipline.
6. Awards and honors (e.g., competition prizes, invited appearances) that recognize
performers, conductors, and composers.
7. Arts grants and contracts funded, unfunded, or pending.
C. SERVICE: Service to the department, college and university.
Service criteria include, but are not limited to the following;
1. Committee service at the department, college, and/or University level including
leadership roles.
2. Administrative duties within the department (e.g. coordinator, program director)
3. Participation in auditions and/or recruiting days.
4. Effective recruiting (identification and communication with prospective students).
5. Adjudications, clinics, or consultancies.
6. Service to professional organizations including committee appointments and
elected office
7. Arts-related community activity including service to public school programs.
8. Developing and leading special programs (e.g., hosting conferences, leading
summer workshops/programs)
In addition to the FSU Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion and the Faculty Handbook, the Area
of Music, in the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, suggested expectations are:
1. Evidence of ability to organize course materials, content and presentations in
order to accomplish teaching effectiveness.
2. Willingness to take an active role in departmental discussions regarding
curriculum and program development.
3. Evidence of potential to maintain a level of student performance
4. Evidence of ability to develop strong teaching skills.
5. Evidence of potential for excellence in advising.
1. Evidence of developing ability in research or other relevant creative activity; (solo
recitals, concerto performances, chamber recitals, large ensemble concerts,
performance workshops, master classes, and clinics, or other research papers
published or unpublished).
C. SERVICE: Service to the department, college and university.
1. Evidence of the ability and willingness to serve the department, college/university,
and/or community.
2. Willingness to take an active role in student advising including students’ course work,
program choices, and career planning.
The teaching criteria for promotion and appointment to Associate Professor are the same as
permanent tenure. (See page 1, A.) In addition, faculty Promotion to Associate Professor
must have evidence of consistent teaching effectiveness and demonstrated leadership in the
area of teaching.
Additional criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Evidence of consistent course improvements and curriculum development.
2. Leadership efforts in curriculum and program.
3. Leadership efforts in teaching effectiveness, (i.e., instructional tools, workshops,
and presentations).
4. Sustained commitment to faculty development.
B. SCHOLARSHIP: (Research and/or Creative Activity)
The scholarship criteria for promotion or appointment to Associate Professor are the same as
those for permanent tenure. (See page 1, B) Evidence should be presented of a sustained
record of research and/or creative activities of high quality.
The service criteria for promotion or appointment to Associate Professor are the same as
permanent tenure. (See page 2, C) Evidence should reflect a sustained record of service to the
department, college/university and community.
In addition to the FSU Guidelines for Tenure and Promotion and the Faculty Handbook, the
Area of Music, in the Department of Performing and Fine Arts, suggested expectations are:
The teaching criteria for promotion or appointment to Professor are the same as Associate
Professor. (See page 4, A)
Additional criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
An excellent record of teaching has been established.
Sustained and effective leadership in curriculum and program development.
Sustained results from leadership in teaching effectiveness.
Sustained faculty development to enhance teaching.
B. SCHOLARSHIP: (Research and/or Creative Activity)
The scholarship criteria for promotion or appointment to Professor are the same as Associate
Professor. (See page 4, B)
Additional criteria include, but are not limited to the following;
1. A record of high quality in scholarship/creative activities has been established.
2. The candidate’s scholarship record (research/creative activity) reveals evidence of
achievement in the area(s) of specialization.
3. Receives honors, awards, citations, critical reviews and other forms of recognition.
The service criteria for promotion or appointment to Professor are the same as Associate
Professor. (See page 3, C)
Additional criteria may include but are not limited to the following:
1. Continued evidence of relevant and effective service.
2. Sustained effective leadership in various service areas.
3. Sustained and effective leadership to department, college/university committees.
Area of Music, Department of Performing and Fine Arts, expectations for RPT approved
Harmon Watson, Chair
Department of Performing and Fine Arts
Valentine James, Dean
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Claude Hargrove, Chair
Faculty Senate
Juliette Bell, Provost
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
T.J. Bryan, Chancellor
Fayetteville State University