– 2016 8 Grade French 2015 Madame Stephanie Beattie

8th Grade French 2015 – 2016
Madame Stephanie Beattie
Room 117 and World Language Office
Bonjour! I am thrilled that you will study French this year. I look forward to working with you
again at Wydown in 8th grade French. As a student at the University of Illinois, I completed a
summer semester abroad in Aix-en-Provence, France, and during the academic year after
college I taught English to elementary and middle school students in Marseille, France. In
recent summers I have returned to Marseille for extended stays, and I completed a workshop at
my old university in Aix-en-Provence in the summer of 2014. In March I led a group of students
(some of you were there!) on a Spring Break trip to France. I love all things French and I hope to
share my passion for the Francophone world with you.
The course is organized in 6 units.
Unit 1: Review and Ma famille et mes copains (talking about friends and family)
Unit 2: On fait la fête (holidays and parties)
Unit 3: Faisons les courses (cooking and shopping for food)
Unit 4: Au lycée (school and technology)
Unit 5: Une journée typique (describing your daily routine)
Unit 6: Le bon vieux temps (talking about childhood and things you used to do)
We will use the textbook Bien Dit II. The school provides the French textbook and students
must also bring a folder or binder and a notebook specifically for French. You will need a pen or
pencil for class each day. Students may also want to keep a notebook for this class.
Students are expected to bring all required materials everyday to class.
• Come to class prepared and ready to start
• Complete assignments with care, neatness, and accuracy
• Make up work in a timely manner
• Communicate concerns so solutions can be found
The class website is a great resource for you. Each day I post homework assignments, and
sometimes there is brief summary of what we did in class for that day. I also upload documents,
vocabulary flashcards, and links to useful website. If you are absent, you should check the
website to get your missing work so that you do not fall behind. To access our class’s website,
go to the Wydown website, click Staff, then Stephanie Beattie. Find your course title (7th Grade
French) and click the link to find your daily homework. We will also use the online textbook,
which can be accessed at my.hrw.com.
If you need extra help, you should see me in room 117 or in the World Languages office at
lunch or after school. There are also many links on my website to great resources online for
extra practice.
· Soyez préparé(e)! Bring French book, binder/folder/accordion file (in which to take notes
and keep handouts), homework, writing utensil, and a positive attitude to class each day.
· Soyez à l’heure! Be in your assigned seat at the beginning of the period. At a student’s 4th
tardy, the student will receive a detention.
· Soyez respectueux(euse)! Listen respectfully to the teacher and classmates. Pay attention
to the teacher and the lesson.
· Parlez français! Try to use the French that you are learning. If you know how to say
something (or even part of something) in French, say it! That is the best way to learn.
· Do not make a problem for yourself or others.
Each quarter your grades will be calculated in the following categories:
· Interpretive communication
· Interpersonal communication
· Presentational communication
· Control of studied structures and vocabulary
· Practice and homework
I am happy to grade neat and legible homework that is completed on time.
There are many ways to study and practice a foreign language. Write down a few of your own
ideas and be prepared to share with the class.