New Initiatives Funding Funding is available to support activities that will be of career development benefit to postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers across the University. Funding criteria 1. Projects should be focussed on helping early-career researchers (i.e. PGRs and Postdocs) to develop skills outside of their core research area. This could involve developing skills in: Public engagement or outreach Business engagement, enterprise and knowledge exchange Employability Developing future research leaders Bids should clearly demonstrate how they will help researchers to gain skills from areas B to D of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework ( 2. Activities should complement (rather than duplicate) those already in existence within the University, through the Careers Service, Student Enterprise, Graduate Schools or the Researcher Development Programme and should demonstrate value for money. 3. This fund cannot be used for conference attendance or to organise a conference or seminar series that is purely research-related. It can, however, be used to fund workshops at a conference which have a specific focus on one of the elements outlined above. 4. Activities should be of benefit to groups of researchers, rather than to one particular individual. Priority will be given to bids that are relevant to researchers across more than one College and support interdisciplinary collaboration. We are looking for projects with scale and scale-ability. It is intended that this funding should be used as ‘pump-priming’ for new projects. Therefore bids should include a plan for how such activity can be sustained in the future or how project outcomes will be disseminated to benefit other groups of researchers within the University. 5. A clear plan should be provided for how you will monitor the impact of your event on the various stakeholders and how you will measure whether you have achieved the stated aim of your initiative. 6. A single bid should not exceed £1000. Researchers who have already received funding in previous years are not eligible to reapply. The committee will be asked to score bids out of 20, on the basis of the criteria: 1. Skills development benefits for early-career researchers / 10 2. Legacy or sustainability plan – how will other researchers benefit from this initiative in the future? / 5 3. Clear plan for evaluation of success and impact / 3 4. Value for money / 2 Application process: Before submission, you are required to get in touch with Elizabeth Adams, who can talk you through the funding criteria, give you advice on costings or put you in touch with others in the University who have similar ideas. Please ensure that your bid is written in clear English that is suitable for someone from outside of your own specialist subject area. Guidance on costing: All spend must be in line with the University of Glasgow procurement guidance. You must use University approved suppliers wherever possible and you must specify the supplier in your bid. We cannot pay self-employed graphic or web designers, musicians or similar. Bids should be accurately costed to the best of your ability. If there are changes to your budget, after you have received funding, you must discuss these with the Researcher Development Officer before spending any money. If ordering catering, you must use the University’s caterers. Costs can be found here: Find out whether you will be charged for venue hire or janitorial cover (usually £32 / hr). Poster printing should be done by the University Print Unit Make a good estimate of travel costs for any speakers (and ensure they are aware that you are expecting them to stick within a certain budget for travel and use public transport wherever possible). Speakers are expected to pay for their own travel and claim this back using a sundry payee form: If paying for speaker accommodation, this can be booked through the University Conference and Visitor Service (cvso), with at budget of around £45-£65 a night. If you are taking event speakers out for dinner after an event, an external entertainment form must be completed, in addition to a student expense claim form. Title of project Contact person / email Funding sought £ Target Audience (whether the project is aimed at a particular career stage or year group or at researchers from a specific subject area) 1. Brief description of the project Include aims, outputs and how this initiative will be of benefit to the personal, professional and career development of researchers. Please be specific about how many researchers will benefit and what they will get out of it. (max 500 words) 2. Monitoring and Evaluation Describe how you will evaluate the success and impact of this project on the different stakeholders involved in the project. Be clear about how you will measure whether or not you have met the aims stated in section 1. 3. Timeframe and sustainability plan What is the intended timeframe for the project, including key dates? How will your initiative become sustainable in future to ensure long-term benefit for researchers at the University of Glasgow? 4. Costs Provide a breakdown of costs, including any in-kind costs or funding from alternative sources. Please note the costing guidance on the previous page. Alignment with Researcher Development Framework In which areas of the RDF will the proposed activities support skills development? A1 - Knowledge base C1 - Professional conduct Subject knowledge Research methods - theoretical knowledge Research methods - practical application Information seeking Information literacy and management Languages Academic literacy and numeracy Health and safety A2 - Cognitive abilities C2 - Research management Analysing Synthesising Critical thinking Evaluating Problem solving Research strategy Project planning and delivery Risk management A3 - Creativity C3 - Finance, funding & resources Inquiring mind Intellectual insight Innovation Argument construction Intellectual risk Income and funding generation Financial management Infrastructure and resources B1 - Personal qualities D1 - Working with others Enthusiasm Collegiality Perseverance Team working Integrity People management Self-confidence Supervision Self-reflection Mentoring Responsibility Influence and leadership Collaboration B2 - Self-management Equality and diversity Ethics, principles and sustainability Legal requirements IPR and copyright Respect and confidentiality Attribution and co-authorship Appropriate practice Preparation and prioritisation Commitment to research Time management Responsiveness to change Work-life balance B3 - Professional & career development Career management Continuing professional development Responsiveness to opportunities Networking Reputation and esteem D2 - Communication & dissemination Communication methods Communication media Publication D3 - Engagement and impact Teaching Public engagement Enterprise Policy Society and culture Global citizenship