Introduction to Marketing Research: Part II (Click icon for audio) Dr. Michael R. Hyman, NMSU Marketing Research Activities 2 3 4 Research by Type of Marketing Mix Decision 5 6 7 Research by Stage in Product Life Cycle 8 Planning and Research Process for New Product 9 Qualities of a Good Researcher 10 Help manager to understand real problem Select among viable alternatives 11 Structures analysis 12 Fits technique to problem 13 Good communication skills 14 Avoids needless jargon 15 Other Qualities • Careful and conscientious • Uses insider expertise • Recognizes overt and covert purposes for marketing research • Before doing research, knows – Manager’s decision rule – Decision time horizon – Impact of wrong decision 16 Top Things Clients Want in a Research Company or Department • • • • • • • • • • Maintains client confidentiality Honesty Punctuality Flexibility Delivers against projects specifications Provides high-quality output Responsive to client’s needs High quality-control standards Customer-orientated in interactions with client Keeps client informed throughout a project 17 18 19 Manager-Researcher Conflict 20 21 Reasons for Manager-Research Conflict Managers Researchers 1. Decision oriented 1. Technique oriented 2. Intuitive 2. Analytical 3. Managers like to confirm 3. Researchers like to explore 4. Time orientation toward: a. project immediacy (“I need it now.”) b. results about future behavior (“what will sales be next year?”) 4. Time orientation toward: a. Prolonging project (“later when we have time for a complete study”) b. Results about past behavior (“our trend has been . . .”) 5. Frugal (“keep the cost down”) 5. Not cost conscious (“you get what you pay for”) 6. Results orientation: a. Managers do not like surprises--when surprised they tend to reject the results b. Concern (“aren’t we number one yet?”) c. Certainty (“is it or isn’t it?”) 6. Results orientation: a. Researchers love surprises b. Abstraction (“our exponential gain. . .”) c. Probability (“may be”) 7. Proactive 7. Reactive 22 Possible Jobs in Marketing Research 23 24 25 26 27 28 Recap • What is marketing research? – How is it related to MIS? • When to do and not to do marketing research • Basic marketing research activities • Qualities of a good researcher • Manager-researcher conflict • Possible jobs in marketing research 29