Algebra 2 Expectations

Algebra 2 Expectations
E-mail: Mrs. Amy McDowell
Phone: 540 – 751 – 2600 – Please Leave Your Name, Your Child’s Name and a Daytime Contact Number
1. Follow all school and classroom rules and
procedures at all times.
2. Try your very best at ALL that you do.
3. Ask questions when you are lost or confused.
Although it sounds trite, the only dumb question is
the one not asked.
4. Show ALL work IN pencil.
Class Rules:
1. Be Respectful – to yourself, one another, and me
2. Be Prepared
3. Be On Time
I expect you to bring the following to class everyday:
1 – 3 inch Notebook for ALL work
Ample supply of blank paper
Note cards or sticky notes
Graphing Paper (1 cm squares is best)
Grading Pen (Non-Erasable Please)
Pencil – All work MUST be done in pencil to
receive credit
8. Dry Erase marker
9. 4 AAA batteries
10. TI – 84 – recommended as your child will
want/need it for homework
Grading Policy: Your grade will be determined by a weighted averages system. Each quarter, you will accumulate points based
on your performance on tests, quizzes, homework, daily work, etc. To determine your grade for the quarter, add up like (either
Mastery or Practice) grades and divide by the total number of points possible for that type, then multiply by the factor below.
(Class work/Home work/Daily Assignments/etc.)
Point Value
Vision: Enrollment key is: “wolverines” – Bonus if you enroll during the first week of school!
Remind: Remind101 is now My Classes are Algebra 2.A (mcda2) and Algebra 2.B (mcda2b) – Please enroll in the
class appropriate to you.
Homework: Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. Partial credit will be given for attempting to solve the problem – AS
LONG AS WORK IS SHOWN. If you do not start the assignment or you have not shown your work, you will receive NO
credit. You may redo any homework assignment for partial credit IF YOU ATTEMPTED IT ON TIME.
Quiz Adjustments: Retakes will not be given but if the grade on your unit test is higher than the average of your quizzes then
points will be added to the quiz scores to bring them up to the test grade. You must complete the review activities and correct
quizzes with Mrs. McDowell prior to the test to qualify for quiz adjustment points.
Make-up Work: It is the responsibility of each student to complete any assignment that is missed due to an absence. All work
should be made up in a timely manner (within 3 school days). If the only day missed is the day before a test, the test will be
taken ON TIME – unless new material was presented and is on the test. If you are absent on test day, that test is to be made
up on the first day the student returns to school. I am available during flex periods and before school by appointment.
Final Note: I believe that every one of you can be successful during the upcoming school year. However, if at any time you
feel you are having trouble, please do not hesitate to ask for help. I am here for each and every one of you and will do anything
in my power to help you excel this year.
Parental Communication: I am available to discuss your child’s progress by phone, e-mail and/or parent conferences.
Extra help opportunities:
8:15 am Mrs. McDowell is usually available in Room L 405 I am normally in my room at this time but please check
with me beforehand, so I can let you know for sure that I will be there.
I am also available during flex as long as I am not completing a lesson in that flex period. Please stop by in the morning
to pick up a flex pass.
Guidance also has a list of private tutors if none of the above options fit into your family’s schedule.
Name: ____________________
Block: ______
Return this sheet once signed to Mrs. McDowell as your first homework assignment. By giving your e-mail address, you are
indicating that you wish to be on my “Class Notification” distribution list, and that communicating with the below address(es) by
e-mail as well as by phone is acceptable. Your signature only indicates that you have read this form with your child.
The instructor reserves the right to add any additional rules that are deemed necessary as the year progresses.
I/We, __________________________________, have read and discussed the attached Classroom Expectations
Parent Name
with my/our child, _______________________________.
Student Name
Student Signature
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature
Student Name
Parent/Legal Guardian Name
(Please Print)
(Please Print)
If I cannot read your e-mail address, I will drop it from the notification list – so please print clearly using all CAPITAL
LETTERS, and distinguish I’s from 1’s from L’s. Thank you in advance for printing clearly.
Student E-mail
Parent/Legal Guardian E-mail
(Please Print)
(By giving this email address you are indicating that you would like me
to send ALL information including class information, grades, behavior,
etc. to this address.)
(Please Print)
If you choose not to include an e-mail address, the upcoming assessment dates are on the syllabus, and it will become your
child’s responsibility to be prepared for all assessments.
I will reply to any e-mail request for your child’s progress. However, I ask that you give
your e-mail above if you would like to receive e-mail regarding your child’s grade or
behavior in class.
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