Estates and Buildings Title Customer Feedback – Estates Development Services General Information Project: Client: Client Contact: Feedback Type: Project Progress: Date: Sector: Interviewed by: If other please specify here: Services Provided (Please mark all that apply) Minor Works Refurbishment New Build Specialist Advice Your College/School Goals As a College/School what are you aiming to achieve in the next three years which Estates Development can assist delivering? What are the biggest blockers to achieving your goals in terms of Estates Development Projects? Using the diagram right, where would you place us in terms of delivery of your strategic aims? Your comments are welcome below. Advisors Direct College/School Development Support You J:\Standard Forms\ Estates and Buildings About you – Estates ‘Development Projects’ How can we make your job easier? How can we improve our service delivery? Our Performance Your overall feedback Please Identify the Projects: Minor Works Refurbishment Project Name:New Build Project Name:Specialist Advice The Project Please rank our service to you following areas with 10 being the highest, most positive mark. n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (please choose one mark only) How well did we understand your needs? 8 9 How well did we respond to your brief? How well did the project enhance your operations? How well did we design to enhance your business brand? How well did we provide you with alternative solutions and options? Your comments on the project: - J:\Standard Forms\ 10 Estates and Buildings Time (please choose one mark only) How well did we deliver to your project programme overall? n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How well did we achieve decision making during the project? How quickly did we respond to changes? How well did we help you achieve operational status of project at handover? How well did we achieve the right solution first time? Your comments on time:- Quality (Please choose one mark only) How well did we deliver to your expectations? How well did our design solution match your needs? How well did we bring new ideas and thinking to your project? How well did we understand and achieve sustainability goals? Design to enhance your green credentials? Your comments on quality:- J:\Standard Forms\ Estates and Buildings Value (please choose one mark only) How well did we manage change? n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Did we deliver on time to help achieve your business objectives? How well did we consider ongoing and operational costs impact on your business? How well did we help deliver your Research/ Learning Teaching/Operational programme? Your comments on value:- Attitudes and Behaviours (please choose one mark only) Please rate the knowledge of our staff:- Please rate the professionalism of our staff:- How well did we communicate with you? How well did we communicate with academic/staff colleagues? How well did we give you guidance and advice outside your brief? Your comments on our attitudes and behaviours:- J:\Standard Forms\ Estates and Buildings Safety (please choose one mark only) How well did we recognise health & safety impact of operations? n/a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 How well did we consider health & safety in construction? How well did we consider our works to enable continuity of the operational facility during construction? How well did we recognise and assist with provision of information in relation to existing site hazards? Your comments on our approach to safety: - Thank you for your feedback. Your input is valuable to our desire to be the best. We respect your confidentiality and will retain this information for Estates and Buildings use only. Signed:Name:Position:Date:- J:\Standard Forms\ 10