Biology Notes Dr. Hensley/ Mrs. Ingram 2016 Classification Why Classify?????? Helps to group or organize living things Easier to study Study relationships (interactions) between groups of living things Universal system – used by everyone Carl Linnaeus: “FATHER OF TAXONOMY” o Taxonomy – Study of Taxons - Taxon = Group o Process of grouping things or organizing things Linnaeus created the BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE = Method of naming using 2 names o BI = TWO o NOMIAL/NOMEN = NAMES o CLATURE = WAY OF NAMING o Latin o Genus species Dumb Domain Part of Modern Classification Modern Classification has 8 taxons Linnaeus’ Classification had 7 taxons King Phillip Came Over For Green Soup Species = members that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring Cladograms – an upside down family tree “Derived characteristics” at branches of cladogram Characteristic shows up in newer organisms and not ancestors See crab, barnacle, limpet cladograms in textbook Classic way of classifying: used physical characteristics Evolutionary way of classifying: used cladograms - evolutionary characteristics Modern way of classifying: uses DNA (Molecular) characteristics “Molecular Clock” DNA Time To see how long it has been for this evolutionary change. Dichotomous Key: Using 2 choices to identify an unknown species Di = 2 parts chotomous= to cut or divide Key= Map Always uses two options which are opposite from each other to determine the organism’s identification and directs you where to go next in the key: Such as… 1. a b 2. a b 3. a b 4. a b Has a tail…………………………………… Go to #2 Does not have a tail………………………… Go to #3 Has fur………………………………………. Go to …etc. Does not have fur…………………………… Has less than 4 legs…………………………. Has more than 4 legs………………………… Has a tail…………………………………… Does not have a tail………………………… Prokaryotes: Has NO NUCLEUS; no membrane bound organelles; small and simple Bacteria Eukaryotes: Has NUCLEUS; has membrane bound organelles; more complex and bigger Eukaryotes Autotrophs: Organisms that make their own food PLANTS Heterotrophs: Organisms that CANNOT make their own food; they must eat food to survive - HUMANS