Sexual Assault Review Report to Senate Heather Lane Vetere Vice-Provost Students

Sexual Assault Review
Report to Senate
Heather Lane Vetere
Vice-Provost Students
Over 35 meetings: Wide cross-section of Ryerson community
members and groups, and interested stakeholders
Over 30 documents reviewed including:
Policies at other Ontario, Canadian and US institutions
National and local survey data
Ontario Women’s Directorate resource guide
The Ontario Premier’s Action Plan on sexual violence and harassment
Participation in the “Taking Action: Sexual Violence on Campus
conference” at York University in February
Some general findings
Really good and important work is already happening at Ryerson
Many more students experience sexual assault than disclose or
report on campus
Ryerson data is slightly lower than the Canadian average
Need to address broader issue of sexual violence which includes
sexual assault and rape
No clear understanding of where to direct survivors for support or
general information
Some general recommendations
We need:
A single policy addressing sexual violence at Ryerson
A policy that meets the needs of a diverse community of students,
faculty and staff
A coordinated educational strategy to provide annual training,
prevention and awareness activities
The provision of support to survivors separated from those who
investigate and adjudicate complaints
Individualized support based on the needs and identity of
the survivor
The Report
Addresses current practice and policy
19 recommendations made to provide a better and more coordinated
institutional response
Includes a recommendation to create a dedicated Office of Sexual
Violence Support and Education with a coordinator
Includes sections focusing on:
Survivor support;
Prevention, awareness, education and training;
Changes or additions to existing policy;
Options for formal reports/complaints; and
Addressing risk.
The Draft Policy states:
“…commitments to raise awareness and educate about
sexual violence, to prevent sexual violence, to reduce the risk
of sexual violence incidents, to promote a consent culture,
and to respond to the needs of survivors in our community
for support and empowerment.”
The Draft Policy:
Defines key terms such as sexual violence, sexual assault, sexual
harassment, consent, rape culture, disclosure, and report/complaint
Makes a statement about sexual violence and identity in the context
of the diverse Ryerson community
A section on the planned sexual violence education strategy
Outlines the parameters of consent
Identifies what the community can expect in terms of support for
survivors and confidentiality
Summarizes formal reporting/complaint options for survivors
Commits to the maintenance of statistics
Next steps
May 6: released in Ryerson Today for feedback
May 29: deadline for feedback
June 29: draft policy presented to Board of Governors for approval