______________‘s Reading Log & Newsletter

Week of November 2, 2015
Reading Log & Newsletter
Today I read with…
My favorite book this week
No School
sign-up forms
P.E. is on Wednesdays –
November 11 for Veteran’s
went home today! Please
remember those sneakers!
Remember that talking to
your child about the stories
they read to you promotes
comprehension and is very
fill yours out and send it
back by Wednesday.
The Scholastic Book Fair will
run from 8:30-4:00 on
Monday-Thursday, 8:3010:00 on Friday and
additional evening hours
from 6pm-8pm on
Week of November 2, 2015
What did we learn last week?
Math: We worked on using number bonds to do subtraction last week. Students learned about subtraction
stories and we looked closely at how to find the important words in story problems. We learned about fact
families and how to use a number bond to create fact families. The kids learned how to access and use IXL math
in the computer lab and practiced subtraction. I sent home their IXL usernames and passwords so they can
practice their math skills at home anytime they like!
Word Study: We reviewed the Word Wall words that have been introduced so far this year and each student
added a personal Word Wall to their Literacy Binder. Students were introduced to personalized word study
activities that supplement their personalized Word Sorts and completed another Word Sort. We continued our
study of short vowel sounds with a fun Youtube video. Ask your child if they can remember how the song goes!
Reader’s Workshop: Last week we learned that readers are like detectives- they study books closely, look for
clues to help themselves, and stop to think about what makes sense. The reading they do at home is essential to
steady progress so keep it up! Remember that RazKids is a great way to supplement the books they bring
home. If they chose to read on RazKids instead of (or in addition to!) their book bag books, go ahead and sign
the reading log – all reading counts!
Writer’s Workshop: We are at the final bend in our Small Moments unit (personal narratives) so I had the
kids clean out their writing folders to make room for their “best work”. I am challenging them to use all they
have learned so far to write stories that are focused on one tiny moment, full of details and help their reader
feel like they are in the moment with them. This is a tall order, but our little authors are rising to the challenge!
Social Studies/Science: Social Studies work this week focused on differences being valuable and on our miniteam community. We read the story “Spookley the Square Pumpkin” in our individual classrooms and then
watched the movie as a mini-team to do a book-to-movie comparison as well as to spend some community
time together. We had our first whole-school assembly where we learned about the expectations for
assemblies and sang our school song together. We wrapped up our Science unit with a cut-and-paste project
and making mini-books to show what we know about the pumpkin life cycle.
Working hard on Word Study sorts!