Road to the Revolution Timeline (1754-1776)

Road to the Revolution Timeline
The French and Indian War
June 19-July 11 The Albany Congress
Oct. 7
Proclamation of 1763
April 5
September 1
The Sugar Act
The Currency Act
March 22
March 24
Oct. 7-25
Oct. 19
The Stamp Act
The Quartering Act of 1765
The Stamp Act Congress
Declaration of Rights and Grievances passed by the Stamp Act Congress
March 18
The Declaratory Act
June 29
The Townshend Act
March 5
The Boston Massacre
June 9
The Gaspee Affair
May 10
Dec. 16
The Tea Act
The Boston Tea Party
March 31
May 20
May 20
June 2
June 22
Sept. 5-Oct. 26
Oct. 20
Boston Port Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
Administration of Justice Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
Massachusetts Government Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
Quartering Act of 1774, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
Quebec Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
The First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia and issues Declaration and Resolves
The Association created (prohibition of trade with Great Britain)
March 23
Apr. 18
Apr. 19
May 10
May 10
June 15
June 17
July 3
Nov. 13
Dec. 11
Dec. 30-31
Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech
The Rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes
Minutemen and redcoats clash at Lexington and Concord "The shot heard 'round the world."
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys seize Fort Ticonderoga
The Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia
George Washington named Commander in Chief
Battle of Bunker Hill: The British drive the Americans from Breed's Hill
Washington assumes command of the Continental Army
The patriots under Montgomery occupy Montreal in Canada
Virginia and NC patriots rout Loyalist troops and burn Norfolk
American forces under Benedict Arnold fail to seize Quebec
Jan. 15
Feb. 27
March 17
June 12
June 28
July 1-4
July 4
July 8
Paine's "Common Sense" published
The patriots drive the Loyalists from Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina
The British evacuate Boston; British Navy moves to Halifax, Canada
The Virginia Declaration of Rights
Patriots decisively defeat the British Navy at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina
Congress debates and revises the Declaration of Independence.
Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence; it's sent to the printer
The Declaration of Independence is read publicly