North Carolina Honors Level Course Portfolio

North Carolina Honors Level Course Portfolio
Title Page
LEA Name:
LEA Code:
Course Name:
Course Code:
Teacher’s Name:
Electronic submission of this portfolio certifies that honors level course portfolios for each
teacher within the LEA have been reviewed using the North Carolina Honors Level Course
Implementation Guide and Rubric and that this portfolio has been selected to represent the
level of teaching and learning for this honors course across the LEA.
As part of the NCDPI Honors Course Portfolio Review, if you are submitting copyrighted
material or material that has a user license, ensure that you have obtained the appropriate
permissions to share this information.
North Carolina Honors Level Course Portfolio
I. Curriculum Content
1. Teacher rationale for curriculum content considering vertical alignment for advanced learners
(intentional reflection & philosophy)
[Insert text here.]
2. Standards and objectives - how will the required standards and clarifying objectives be taught
with extensions beyond the standard level for advanced learners?
[Insert text here.]
3. Curriculum Plan (pacing guides, course syllabus, scope & sequence, curriculum maps, etc.)
[Insert text here to briefly identify file attachments (i.e. Pacing Guide, Course Syllabus, etc.).]
[Insert the name of a file attachment with the following naming convention:
“LEACode_CourseCode_TeacherLastName_Section#.file#” where the section indicates the component
of the Honors Portfolio.]
1. For Mr. Smith’s Biology Portfolio in Pitt County, the course syllabus would be named “740_33205_Smith_I.3.1”
2. Mrs. Mitchell’s English IV Portfolio pacing guide in Buncombe County would be named “110_10245_Mitchell_I.3.1”
North Carolina Honors Level Course Portfolio
II. Instructional Materials and Methods
1. Teacher rationale for instructional materials and methods for advanced learners
[Insert text here.]
2. Instructional materials and methods (instructional resources, methods, strategies, equipment,
and technology)
[Insert text here.]
3. Sample units, lesson(s), and assignments indicating connections to real-world skills, context and
use of higher level critical thinking skills and creativity for advanced learners
[Insert text here to briefly identify file attachments (i.e. Sample Lesson 1, 2, 3, etc.).]
[Insert names of file attachments with the following naming convention:
LEACode_CourseCode_TeacherLastName_Section#.file# where the section indicates the component of
the Honors Portfolio.]
1. For Mr. Smith’s Biology Portfolio in Pitt County, Sample lesson #1 the file would be named “740_33205_Smith_II.3.1”
2. Mrs. Mitchell’s English IV Portfolio Sample lesson #2 in Buncombe County would be named “110_10245_Mitchell_II.3.2”
4. Student work samples
[Insert text here to briefly identify file attachments (i.e. Student work samples 1, 2, 3, etc.).]
[Insert names of file attachments with the following naming convention:
“LEACode_CourseCode_TeacherLastName_Section#.file#” where the section indicates the component
of the Honors Portfolio.]
1. For Mr. Smith’s Biology Honors Portfolio in Pitt County, student work sample #1 the file would be named
2. Mrs. Mitchell’s English IV Honors Portfolio student work sample #2 in Buncombe County would be named
North Carolina Honors Level Course Portfolio
III. Assessment
1. Teacher rationale for assessment practices for advanced learners
[Insert text here.]
2. Assessment practices (grading practices, use of rubrics and/or scoring guides, use of formative
and summative assessment)
[Insert text here.]
3. Assessment samples (pre-assessment, description of formative assessment, and summative
[Insert text here to briefly identify file attachments (i.e. Pre-assessment samples 1, Formative
Assessment sample 2, Summative Assessment sample 3, etc.).]
[Insert names of file attachments with the following naming convention:
“LEACode_CourseCode_TeacherLastName_Section#.file#” where the section indicates the component
of the Honors Portfolio.]
1. For Mr. Smith’s Biology Honors Portfolio in Pitt County, assessment sample #1 the file would be named
2. Mrs. Mitchell’s English IV Honors Portfolio assessment sample #2 in Buncombe County would be named
4. Student work assessment samples
[Insert text here to briefly identify file attachments (i.e. Pre-assessment work sample 1, Formative
Assessment work sample 2, Summative Assessment work sample 3, etc.).]
[Insert names of file attachments with the following naming convention:
“LEACode_CourseCode_TeacherLastName_Section#.file#” where the section indicates the component
of the Honors Portfolio.]
1. For Mr. Smith’s Biology Honors Portfolio in Pitt County, student work assessment sample #1 the file would be named
2. Mrs. Mitchell’s English IV Honors Portfolio student work assessment sample #2 in Buncombe County would be named