Continuing Notes SLO conference: Overhead #3 College Wide Student Learner Outcomes (Consistent with College Mission) A student who completes a Learning Experience (see range from enrichment to Transfer AA) at Los Angeles Harbor College will demonstrate: (appropriate to the individual student’s goals) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Effective communication skills Responsibility for Learning Appreciation of cultural diversity and ethical decision making Workplace skills Community responsibility As Evidenced by: Knowledge, Skills and/or Values Sample of an AEB: Effective Communication Skills Student will: Course/Discipline/Program/College will have: 1. Participate in class, Attend class regularly, & Complete the coursework. 1. Clearly written syllabus 2. Use terminology correctly and appropriately related to educational goal, course, and/or program 2. Descriptive report of student behaviors (e.g. test scores, lab reports, faculty anecdotal notes) 3. Submit assignments, tests, etc. correctly using terminology and vocabulary 3. Communication methodology (e.g. binder, eMail, minutes) between college staff & students both understood and used. (Please note some of the behaviors could also apply to “responsibility for learning, &workplace skills.) Each of us was asked to make a simple statement of what a “Harbor College Completer Looks Like” Mark: Demonstrates respect for self and others and is a positive contributor to the community. Evelyn: Average person Paul: Job transfer ready; Able to respond to responsible inquiries about program of study and future plans. Nancy: Hard working with goal to improve own and family’s life/status. Satisfied/values own uniqueness as well as others.