LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Communications
Course Number and Name: ENGLISH 085 College English as a Second Language II
Program Contact Person: Paul Grady
Phone: _______________________
Reviewed by:
Date: July 2011
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Learning Outcomes
Course Intended Outcomes
1. Summarize narrative, expository, and
argumentative readings.
(a) Formulate main ideas/points of the
(b) Identify supporting examples and
(c) Present the ability to focus on a topic of
readings and authors’ ideas/reasoning.
2. Outlining:
(a) Collaboratively prepare in-class outlines
for three-paragraph and five-paragraph
(b) Present individually written outlines for
three-paragraph essays.
3. Writing:
(a) Produce in-class rough drafts of essays
of 200 words with 70% accuracy.
(b) Produce outside class rough drafts of
essays of 300-400 words with 75%
4. Rewrite work incorporating peer and
instructor advice:
(a) Develop effective introductory
paragraphs with clear theses.
(b) Develop effective (coherent and unified)
body/supporting paragraphs.
(c) Develop effective concluding
Means of Assessment and
Criteria for Success
Worksheets (open book),
quizzes (closed book), and
summary/reaction essay (at
home) on novel (C.S. Lewis’
The Lion, the Witch, and the
Students turn in
collaboratively prepared and
individually prepared outlines
for instructor review. On
midterm and final, outline is
10% of exam grade.
Instructor provides feedback
to student on his her rough
draft submission.
Students write five essays
(reviewed by peers and
instructor) and essays in
midterm and final
examinations (instructor only).
Summary of Data Collected
Spring 2011
1 Section
# Students
90% of students successful in
completing worksheets +
quizzes + summary/reaction
(persuasion) paper
Spring 2011
1 Section
# Students
Use of Results
Met SLO. Need to continue
current activities.
SLO met. Need to continue
current activities.
Students are generally (90%)
successful accomplishing task.
Spring 2011
1 Section
# Students
Informal instructor assessment
is that draft feedback results in
better essays (in class, out of
class, and in final exam).
Spring 2011
1 Section
# Students
90% receive passing grades on
these written essays.
SLO is being met but student
papers should be reviewed by
faculty peers.
SLO is being met. Instructor
should continue current activities.
paragraphs with (optional) restatements of
theses and summaries of supporting points.
5. Follow conventions in distinguishing
between authors' and students’ ideas.
6. Write clear definitions of crucial terms
using acceptable sentence definition writing
7. Proofread and edit paragraphs and essays
(with 80-85% of accuracy): organization,
punctuation, sentence type, spelling,
vocabulary, etc.
Reaction papers to novel offer
an opportunity for students to
distinguish author
“facts/statements” from
students’ opinions.
As a separate assignment
during the midterm
examination, students will
write six sentence definitions
of a given term following a
model of six possible patterns.
Sentences will be evaluated as
(1) general comprehension of
a term;
(2) use of vocabulary;
(3) grammatical correctness,
including proper punctuation.
See SLOs #1 and 4 above.
Spring 2011
1 Section
13 Students
90% of students successfully
complete this SLO.
Spring 2011
1 Section
13 Students
In the group of 13 students,
95% completed the
(1) 75% wrote sentence
definitions in all six patterns,
presenting clear understanding
of a term; 20% turned in
incomplete assignment
displaying lack of clarity in
comprehension; 5% did not
complete the assignment.
(2) 80% students used clear
and varied vocabulary with
mostly correct spelling; 15%
student displayed some degree
of misunderstanding of a term
by using incorrect or unclear
vocabulary; 5% did not
complete the assignment.
(3) 70% students wrote
grammatically correct
sentences; 25% displayed
somewhat low or unacceptable
grammar skills; 5% did not
complete the assignment.
See SLOs #1 and 4 above.
SLO is being met. No further
action required.
In the remaining weeks of the
semester after the assessment of
midterm examinations, the
following efforts were undertaken:
(1) continuous work in developing
college level vocabulary through
readings and dictionary use;
(2) oral practice of spelling and
written exercises with different
words and forms of words;
(3) practice in writing varied
sentences; focus on correct
SLO is being met.