Los Angeles Harbor College

Los Angeles Harbor College
Part of the Student Equity Plan, Dean: Dr. Villalobos
 Athletes
 Minds for
 Personal
 Success
 www.lahcchamps.weebly.com
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss8Q
Program Contacts:
Athletic Contacts:
Andres Gonzalez, Counselor
Joy Fisher, Counselor
Nabeel Barakat, Athletic Director
Maria Navarro, Facilities
Georgia Mcguire, Athletic Secretary
Patrick McNeal, Equipment Manager
Christol McDonald, Athletic Trainer
Billy Velasco, Ass. Athletic Trainerr
Sports and Life Counseling:
Academic Counseling:
Director: Leslie Trujillo, Kinesiology
Assistant Director: Norkor Omaboe, Kinesiology
Dean: Dr. Bobbi Villalobos
Pam Anderson, Lifes Skills, MFT Intern
Service Learning:
Lori Minor, Academic Affairs
Coaches Contacts:
Bill Barlow, Men’s Soccer
Antonio Carter-Loza, Men’s Basketball
Ashley Clark, Women’s Volleyball
Dean Dowty, Football
Arthur Lopez, Men’s Baseball
Diego Souza, Women’s Soccer
Stephanie Spychaj, Women’s Softball
Albert Turner, Women’s Basketball
Purpose of CHAMPS
 Address mindset, behaviors, persistence, and
 Enhance Student-athlete engagement
 Support interaction between athletes, coaches,
faculty, staff, and support programs
 Give student-athletes a platform to find their passion
and purpose and then to take action
 Give student-athletes the tools and support needed
to successfully advance in their education and sport
 Create a higher level of success and camaraderie
among the student-athletes, coaches, faculty, and
staff of the college
Mission of CHAMPS
To enhance the quality of the student-athlete
experience within the context of higher
education. The program supports studentathlete development and excellence in five
Personal Development
Career Development
Community Service
Academic Counselor
 Sports and Life Counseling Program
 REPS Study Hall
 CHAMPS Workshops
 CHAMPS Mentor Program
 Student Athlete Advisory Committee
Academic Counselor
By appointment : 8am-12noon Wed & Thurs & 8-11 on Friday
Walk-ins: 1-3 on Wednesdays & Thursdays
Counseling Appointments Designated Weeks:
 Baseball and Softball: February 2-12
 M & W Basketball: February 17-27
 M & W Soccer: March 2-30
 Football: March 30-April 24
 W Volleyball: April 27-May 1
CONTACT: Andres Gonzalez, gonzala10@lahc.edu
LOCATION: PE 148 or Counseling Offices
Sports and Life Counseling
By appointment (possible walk-in):10-12 on Mondays
 And 3:30 to 5:30 on Thursdays
Topics covered and specializing in:
Individual counseling (Including crisis)
Relationship counseling (couples, family, etc.)
Emergency and crisis counseling
Coach/player, or teammate conflict resolution
Sports performance planning for current or upcoming seasons
Individualized academic support / coursework management
 Strategies for effective balancing of academic and athletic
CONTACT: Pam Anderson,
 Google voice number for appointments: 424-703-4293
 LOCATION: PE 148 or Life Skills Center
5 Myths of Mental Health
Myth #1 -- The Idea of Building Mental Strength Is a Trend
Myth #2 -- People Are Either Mentally Strong or Mentally Weak
Myth #3 -- The Concept of Mental Strength Stigmatizes Mental Illness
Myth #4 -- Mental Strength Means Always Thinking Positively
Myth #5 -- Mentally-Strong People Behave Like Robots
What you are thinking, what shape your mind is in,
is what makes the biggest difference of all.
~ Willie Mays
REPS Study Hall
Monday &Wednesday 12:30-2:30
Tuesday & Thursday 12:30-2
Friday 9-11
Tutors and Study Guidance
START DATE: Monday, February 23
LOCATION: PE 143 or Portable Room
CONTACT: Leslie Trujillo cordovld@lahc.edu
 Norkor Omaboe, omaboenc@lahc.edu
Learning Resource Center Labs
Need to sign up for 8950 Class, 0 units, No
charge, not on transcript
Math Lab: 9-8 Monday-Thursday, 9-2 Fri, 9-1 Sat
Writing Center: 9-6 Monday-Thursday
LOCATION: Learning Resource Center, First Floor
CONTACT: Megan Lange, Langemm@lahc.edu
 Nadine Muro, muron@lahc.edu
How to Read a Textbook
Building Topic Sentences
Creating a Thesis Statement
How to Create an Outline
Writing Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs
Conducting Research
Writing Compound and Complex Sentences
Correcting Run-Ons and Comma Splices
Correcting Fragments
Understanding the English 28 Exit Exam
CONTACT: Stephanie Brown, Brownsd@lahc.edu
CHAMPS Workshops (Feb27 –March27)
Fridays from 11-12:30; Room PE 142 or Gym
Goal Setting & Time Management
 Shazia Khan, Communications
Etiquette & Communication
 Katherine Campbell, Communications
Stress Management & Competitive Anxiety
 Norkor Omaboe, Kinesiology
Athletic Performance, Injury Prevention & Sports Nutrition
 Leslie Trujillo, Kinesiology
Money Management & Financial Aid
 Armando Villalpondo & Peggy Loewy Wellisch, Financial Aid
CHAMPS Workshops (April 3-April24)
Drugs & Alcohol Awareness
 Pam Anderson, Life Skills
The Go-Giver (Community Service)
 Lori Minor, Academic Affairs
Building a Championship Team
 Thomas Williams, Speaker & Author
CHAMPS Workshops (May 1-May 22)
 Culturally Responsive Training Team
Confidence & Mental Toughness
 Leslie Trujillo, Kinesiology
Teamwork & Conflict Management
 Jassiel Dominguez & Andres Gonzalez, Counseling
 Various
CHAMPS Mentor Program
Mentors will be available to guide and work with
the student-athletes on the various areas of
successfully navigating through their athletic and
academic journey.
If Interested in being a MENTEE CONTACT: Leslie Trujillo, cordovld@lahc.edu
Benefits of being a Mentee
Receive wisdom and advice, but have the
freedom to make own decisions
Have an objective person to discuss concerns
Receive support and encouragement
Receive help with goals and course of action
Increased confidence and healthier self-esteem
Better lifestyle choices
Intellectual stimulation
Have a role model
Student Athlete Advisory
Committee (SAAC)
Promote communication between athletics administration
and student-athletes.
Disseminate information.
Provide feedback and insight into athletics department
Generate a student-athlete voice within the campus
athletics department formulation of policies.
Build a sense of community within the athletics program
involving all athletics teams.
Organize community service efforts.
Create a vehicle for student-athlete representation on
campus-wide committees (e.g., student government).
Promote a positive student-athlete image on campus.
 http://www.ncaa.org/student-athletes/about-saac
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MITdehoQr_0
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Whvvn-Rqlk
Points will be given for:
Study Hall
Meetings with Counselors
Meeting with Mentors
SAAC Meetings
Team Celebration
Bragging Rights