Vitamin Quiz Review

Vitamin Quiz Review
1. Which of the following food groups ordinarily contains the highest amount of vitamins when expressed
per kcalorie?
2. A general characteristic of the water-soluble vitamins is that they must be consumed frequently.
3. A general characteristic of the fat-soluble vitamins is that excesses are eliminated from the kidneys so
they are unlikely to create a problem of toxicity.
4. An explanation why B vitamin deficiencies lead to lack of energy is that many of them function as
coenzymes needed for energy metabolism.
5. A function of thiamin is the release of energy from energy-yielding nutrients
6. Beriberi results from a deficiency of
8. Which of the following vitamins is involved substantially in energy transformation reactions?
9. Inflamed mouth membranes are indicative of a dietary deficiency of riboflavin.
10. Milk and milk products provide liberal amounts of which of the following vitamins?
11. What vitamin deficiency disease appeared in people who had subsisted on a diet high in corn and low
in Protein (such as those that lived in the southeastern part of the United States)?
12. Which of the following foods contains a protein that decreases bioavailability of biotin?
13. Confusion and depression are the chief symptoms of early vitamin B6 deficiency
14. What vitamin is involved intensively in amino acid metabolism and therefore in protein synthesis?
15. A property of folate in nutrition is that folate requires vitamin B12 to function properly as vitamin B12
returns folate to its active form.
16. A deficiency of which of the following vitamins results in accumulation of homocysteine in the blood,
which then indicates a risk of Heart Disease?
17. The appearance of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms may be delayed due to high intake of supplements
18. Macrocytic anemia is associated with a deficiency of folate, as well as with a deficiency of B12
19. Which of the following foods is highest in folate?
20. Which of the following is required for the absorption of dietary vitamin B 12?
21. Inadequate intake is the most likely reason for the development of a vitamin B 12 deficiency
22. Of the following foods, which would be the only source of vitamin B 12?
23. Because vitamin C can deactivate histamine, vitamin C supplements might be beneficial in treating the
common cold.
24. Mishlee is looking to increase her dietary sources of vitamin C. However, she expresses a strong
dislike for all citrus fruits. Which of the following foods would you recommend she eat to give her
Vitamin C?
25. Toxicities of the B vitamins occur almost as often from foods as from supplements
26. The syntheses of connective tissue, which is an important structural component of bones, skin and
tendons is aided by:
27. The antioxidant that neutralizes peroxides of polyunsaturated fatty acids is:
28. Which of the following food substances can be converted to vitamin A in the body?
29. Vitamin A plays an important role in growth of bones and teeth, synthesis of visual pigment, and
maintaining mucous membranes.
30. The effects of vitamin A deficiency are most severe in what population group?
31. Vitamin A supplements are helpful in treating the condition called Night blindness
32. Which of the following compounds is known to function as a hormone?
33. Cholesterol serves as the major precursor for the body’s synthesis of vitamin D.
34. The body’s exposure to sunlight can allow the body to synthesize Vitamin K.
35. The name of the vitamin D-deficiency disease in children is called
36. Osteomalacia and rickets are conditions known to be caused by a deficiency of
37. Fortification of milk with vitamin D is common in order to provide people with a reliable source
38. Vitamin E deficiencies are rarely observed in human beings the vitamin is widespread in foods
39. Which vitamin is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects vitamin A?
40. The main function of vitamin E in the body is to act as a(n)
41. In what chief capacity does vitamin K function?
42. Which of the following would provide no water soluble or fat soluble vitamins?