BSC 2011 Study Guide Chapter 31 Chapter 31 – Fungi

BSC 2011 Study Guide
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 – Fungi
1. What are the trophic and structural characteristics of fungi?
2. What are the two types of hyphae and how may they be specialized?
3. Describe the basic life cycle of a fungus involving both sexual and asexual reproduction.
4. Distinguish between plasmogamy and karyogamy.
5. What is a mold?
6. What is a yeast? How do we utilize yeast?
7. What is the fungal ancestral lineage? How did they adapt to land?
8. Characterize the chytrids.
9. Characterize the Zygomycetes. Describe a typified life cycle. What reproductive structure
is specific to this group? Name examples of fungi from this group.
10. Characterize the Glomeromycetes.
11. Characterize the Ascomycetes. Describe a typified life cycle. What reproductive structures
are specific to this group? Name examples of fungi from this group.
12. Characterize the Basidiomycetes. Describe a typified life cycle. What reproductive
structures are specific to this group? Name examples of fungi from this group.
13. Characterize a lichen. What are the different types? What ecological role do they play?
14. Describe the usefulness/functions of fungi as decomposers.
15. Describe the usefulness/functions of fungi as mutualists.
16. Describe the role/functions of fungi as parasites.
17. Describe the usefulness/functions of fungi to humans.
Key Terms – hyphae, mycelium, chitin, septa, coenocytic fungi, haustoria, mycorrhizae,
ectomycorrhizal fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, spores, pheromones, plasmogomy,
heterokaryon, dikaryotic, karyogamy, molds, yeasts, deuteromycetes, opisthokonts, nucleariids,
zoospores, zygosporangium, sac fungi, asci, ascocarps, conidia, club fungi, basidium,
basidiocarps, endophytes, soredia, mycosis
Note: This study guide may not be all inclusive of material covered. The student is responsible for learning all
material covered in lecture and as expected as part of this course.