Syllabus Course Title: Psychology of Personal Effectiveness CLP 1006 Number: Mondays & Wednesdays, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Schedule Room 1217 (meeting time, days, building, room): Term: Fall 2007 Credits: 3 Course Start Monday, October 1 Date: Course End Wednesday, December 19 Date: Instructor Information Timothy W. Starkey, Ph.D., ABAP Liberal Arts & Science Adjunct Office, 4th Floor; Hours 3:00 - 4:00 on M/W 305-279-0758 (Home); 305-338-1615 (Cell); Course Description Welcome! This is an applied psychology course which emphasizes the understanding of the principles of effective human behavior and their application to the areas of personal awareness, interpersonal relations, communication and work/career development. This semester, we will look into the nature of effectiveness and seek to discover the attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, language, and habits of successful people. We will explore the theories of excellence and the studies that support them. For the purpose of organization, the course will 2 be divided into three sections: 1) Personal Effectiveness 2) Interpersonal Effectiveness 3) Effectiveness in the Workplace. Yet, the goal of this class is not merely to have you become an expert on effectiveness; it is to have you incorporate those behaviors into your own life. This course is designed to provide you with the tools and expertise that colleges and future employers want. Among these are the following: learning to learn; listening and communication skills; creative thinking and problem solving, stress management; goal setting and selfmotivation; teamwork and group effectiveness skills; leadership. This course will insist on you becoming actively involved with the course material and with one another. You will be encouraged not only to succeed but also to become invested in helping everyone succeed. Believe it or not, working together towards common goals can improve your physical and mental health as well as facilitate your own learning. This is an applied psychology course, which emphasizes understanding of the principles of effective human behavior and applying these to the areas of personal awareness, interpersonal relations, communication, and work/career development. This course will also make heavy use of your computer and internet skills. Check your MDC email daily ~ you will be responsible for communications sent to you by the professor regarding classes, changes in dates, assignments, exams etc. "I didn't check my email yet…" will not be accepted as a legitimate reason for missing important information about the course. We will shortly have a course web site, and you will be able to download the PowerPoint lectures and additional reading assignments, "hand in" digital copies of written assignments, link to other web sites that contain valuable research material… even download music to study by! Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course. Instructional Approach: CLP 1006 " Psychology of Personal Effectiveness" will be taught through the use of lectures, class discussions, PowerPoint presentations of textbook material, and assigned readings from other sources of information in this area, three short papers (including one interpreting a psychosocial film), and writing a "SelfAwareness Journal". Textbook 3 Essential Elements for Effectiveness: A Guide to Personal and Professional Success in our Global Community, third edition by Abascal, Brucato, Stephenson, and Brucato. Pearson Publishing, 2006. Supplemental readings/materials will be assigned during class. Course Competencies The student will explore theoretical perspectives and practical applications of behavioral science regarding personal effectiveness by: 1. describing an overview of the major theoretical approaches to personality and human behavior 2. analyzing the theory of self-concept and the factors involved in its development, relating this to personal behavior 3. distinguishing the causes and characteristics of high and low selfesteem and the relationship of these to behavior 4. discovering the holistic nature of humankind including the cognitive, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical influences on behavior The student will learn to manage stress by: 1. demonstrating knowledge of stress, its sources, and the physical, psychological, and behavioral outcomes 2. applying effective stress management theory 3. demonstrating effective self-management in the use of resources such as time, money, and personal assets The student will understand the theories of healthy and successful relationships by: 1. Describing how these theories apply to family, friends, social groups, work teams, and culturally diverse groups 2. Practicing effective verbal and nonverbal communication 3. Applying effective listening skills 4. Applying theories related to assertive behavior 5. Practicing conflict resolution skills and analyzing the process The student will understand the changing nature of the world of work by: 1. exploring future occupational and academic trends 2. using knowledge and skills of personal and interpersonal effectiveness to achieve career -related goals 3. valuing diversity in the workplace General Education Outcomes Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities Use computer and emerging technologies effectively 4 Successful participation in this course will enable the student to reach the above educational outcomes. Specifically, the course material pertaining to the applied psychology of behavioral skills in living, the lively class discussions, and the development of critical thinking, focused reading, and college-level writing skills will all contribute to the attainment of the above General Educational Outcomes. Content Personal Effectiveness Interpersonal Effectiveness Occupational Effectiveness Outcomes Assessment Midterm Exam and Final Exam Three short papers (topics will be assigned; 3 or 4 pages each) Personal Self-Awareness Journal for the 12-week course Participation in class discussions Attendance/punctuality Course Requirements & Calendar Class 1 ~ October 1… Ch. 1, Introduction, Course Overview, Assign 1st topic Class 2 ~ October 3… Ch. 2, The Choice Is Yours Class 3 ~ October 8… Ch. 3, Love Who You Are Class 4 ~ October 10… Ch. 4, Understanding Stress Class 5 ~ October 15… Ch. 4 (cont'd) Understanding Stress 5 Class 6 ~ October 17… Ch. 5, The Art of Coping Gracefully; hand in 1st paper; 2nd topic assigned Class 7 ~ October 22… Ch. 6, Create a Vision Class 8 ~ October 24… Ch. 7, Manage Yourself in Time Class 9 ~ October 29… Ch. 8, Develop Your Emotional Intelligence Class 10 ~ October 31… Ch. 9, Listening Skills Class 11 ~ November 5… Ch. 10, Communicating Effectively With Others Class 12 ~ November 7… Midterm Exam; hand in 2nd paper Class 13 ~ November 12… Presentation of the film "Super Size Me"; write paper on film Class 14 ~ November 14… Ch. 11, Know the Workplace Class 15 ~ November 19… Ch. 12, Design Your Own Career Class 16 ~ November 21… Ch. 13, Be People Smart Class 17 ~ November 26… Ch. 13, (cont'd), Be People Smart Class 18 ~ November 28… Ch. 14. Make Work Fun; last topic assigned Class 19 ~ December 3… Ch. 14 (cont'd), Make Work Fun Class 20 ~ December 5… Hand in and present to class your paper on the film Class 21 ~ December 10… Present to class your paper on the film Class 22 ~ December 12… Hand in self-awareness journals and discuss with class what you learned in doing the assignment Class 23 ~ December 17… Class review for final exam Class 24 ~ December 19… Final Exam; film papers and journals returned to you graded 6 Course Grading/Assessment Each exam = 20% of final grade Each of the four papers = 10% of final grade Self-awareness Journal = 10% of final grade Class participation and attendance = 10% of final grade Course/Departmental Policies Drop date without penalty is Nov. 6 ALWAYS sign the sign-in sheet at the beginning of class. The sign-in sheet is used to record who attended each class. Students are expected to attend every class and to be on time. More than two absences will result in failure in the course. Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions. Missed or late assignments will not be accepted without significant penalty. Assignments more than three days late will not be accepted. Unacceptable classroom behavior will not be tolerated. Miami Dade College standards with respect to academic honesty and plagiarism will be strictly enforced. Students with special needs will be accommodated as indicated in the Miami Dade College Student Handbook. Please turn cell phones off at the beginning of class. Student evaluation forms for anonymous rating of your professor will be distributed in the second half of the course. Optional Course Resource ~ CAREER E-PORTFOLIO Technology continues to be an integral part of your academic and occupational future. In preparation for the future, each of you can create a career -portfolio using As a registered student at Miami Dade College, this service is free-of-charge. The Career Portfolio Program will guide you to thinkthrough and submit material that will encourage employers to consider hiring you. Your e-portfolio will include a quick personal profile, resume, documentation of skills, references, and artifacts or work samples. You will have time to complete the portfolio throughout the semester, so don't wait until the last minute to get started. Electronic databases are fragile, and therefore it is wise to enter the required information on a step-by-step basis than all at once. This is a real opportunity for you to learn-by-doing how to write an effective online portfolio that will impress prospective employers with your personality, abilities, and experience. Don't miss this FREE ticket to a better job!