Exam 2 Review
Chapters 5 and 6
Three early periods of immigration and their characteristics
• The colonial Period, Early National Period, Pre-Civil War Period
• Know the following terms, their definitions and context within these periods of
US ethnic relations:
• Scapegoating,
• Xenophobia and nativism
• Know the main characteristics about the following groups, particularily as they
relate to cultural impact, labor and economic conditions, religion, and reception
by other more dominant groups
• The English
• The Germans
• The Irish
• The Dutch
• Polish Americans
• Italians
Chapter 7. Native Americans
• Be familiar with the treaties and court rulings, and official
policies regarding Native Americans
• Know how structural conditions affect Native Americans in
the following areas of life
• Housing, education, health, suicide, poverty, substance abuse,
• Know about the government’s efforts to “assimilate”
Native Americans
Chapter 10. Black Americans
• How has the percentage gap between Blacks and Whites
completing high school changed since the 1960s? How about
family incomes?
• How do black Americans fair in terms of poverty in the United
States? What about Marital assimilation (intermarriage)?
• What is meant by Institutionalized racism? When does it occur?
• What do sociologist mean when they argue that the problems with
racism in America are its legacy and its subtlety?
• What were Jim crow laws and why did they remain strong for so
• What did the 1954 supreme court ruling on Brown vs. The Board
of education of Topeka, Kansas do?
• What is the importance of the Civil Rights Legislation of 1965
• What is meant by
Dejure Segregation
Defacto Segregation