EAP 1500 – Speech Level 5 PROFESSOR Professor: Office Room #: Office Phone #: Email: World Languages Department Phone #: 305-237-3218 Office Hours: M T W Th F COURSE DESCRIPTION In this 3-credit class you will practice your speaking and listening skills. You will practice the grammar structures from Levels 1 - 5 in your speech. You will participate in classroom discussions and express your opinions on academic topics. You will learn and practice correct use of vocabulary and pronunciation You will use questions to ask for information and clarification. You will participate in role-plays and other simulations. You will prepare and give simple oral presentations. Special Note: EAP 1500 is a high intermediate/low advanced academic English course for non-native speakers of English. Its primary focus is to develop communication, organization, and pronunciation skills necessary for effective academic presentation and discussion with an introduction to lecture note taking. Prerequisite: EAP 0400 or equivalent proficiency Co-requisite: EAP1500L–Tell Me More (required software) Textbook: NorthStar: Listening and Speaking 4, with MyEnglishLab (4th Edition), by Ferree, Pearson Education, c2014 Additionally, students will be given handout materials by the teacher for each competency to be taught and reinforced. GRADES The final grade for the course is based on class work, homework, graded assignments and a final presentation. To pass to the next level, a student must pass the final with a minimum score of 70 and also have an overall average of 70 for the term. Students who receive a grade below C must repeat the course. The final overall average is based on the following: Instructor-Generated Grades & Speeches 2/3 Departmental Final 1/3 GRADING SCALE A = 90 – 100 16-week syllabus B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 1 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 and below NorthStar SCHEDULE (Note: This schedule is tentative and may be changed at any time.) Weeks 1 Chapter Important Activities Introductions; overview of course and syllabus; overview of English pronunciation/phonetic alphabet 2-3 Unit 7: Do Your Homework (Education) 4 5-6 First Graded Assignment Unit 5: The Golden Years (Aging Population/ Longevity) 7 8-9 Unit 2: The Achilles Heel (Overcoming Obstacles) Gerunds and Infinitives Third Graded Assignment Unit 8: Pros and Cons of Gaming (Computer) 13 14-15 Contrasting Simple, Progressive, and Perfect Verbs Second Graded Assignment 10 11-12 Focus on verbs: Make, Have, Let, Help and Get Negative Yes and No Questions; Tag Questions Fourth Graded Assignment Unit 6: Giving to Others (Public Service) Focus on: Relative Pronouns and Adjective Clauses 16 Catch up and review; prepare for the final exam 17 FINAL EXAM CLASS POLICIES 1. Cell phones: The Department of World Languages strictly prohibits the use of cell phones and other communication devices in the classroom. The use of these devices interrupts the professor's instruction and the learning process of the students. The penalty for using cell phones and other communication devices in class is the decision of each instructor and may include asking you to leave the classroom for the rest of the period. For repeated violations, instructors may even refer you to the Dean of Students. 2. Materials: Textbooks and classroom necessities, such as pencils and paper, are required. 3. Homework: Doing assignments is obligatory. Absent students must contact another classmate or the professor for missed assignments and come prepared for class. 4. Exams: Students must be present and on time for all exams. Absences are allowed only with an official excuse (verifying documentation from physician, immigration, court, etc.) that states the exact date and time. Students should plan any travel time outside of exam dates. 5. Make-Up Grades: Each professor may determine his/her own policy on make-ups for instructor-generated grades, including the option of dropping the lowest grade. Make-up exams are given only with official excuse (doctor, immigration, court) showing exact time and date. Make-ups for quizzes are at the instructor’s discretion. 6. Passing the Course: Students that receive the grades of D, F, or W in a class will have to repeat the course. 7. Attendance: Attendance and punctuality are OBLIGATORY. After three consecutive absences without notification, the professor may drop the student for non-attendance. Note: 3 tardies = 1 absence 8. Incomplete Work: Incomplete grades and withdrawal policy are explained in the college catalog. Dropping/ Adding is the student’s responsibility. Instructor may choose not to give makeup examinations. 9. Student Records: Student records and departmental exams are kept for one year. Inquiries regarding grades must be presented within this time. **ENGLISH MUST BE SPOKEN AT ALL TIMES IN THE CLASSROOM AND ON BREAKS.** 16-week syllabus 2 NorthStar SPEECH/LISTENING LAB The laboratory is a mandatory component of the speech class. It is not a scheduled class, so students have to do it on their own time. Students will be dropped if they do not show up for the Lab practice. GETTING STARTED In order to use the lab, students must have an active “MyMDC.net” account before coming to the lab for orientation. To open an account, students can go to the college webpage (www.mdc.edu). You must remember your user name and password at all times to access the program. Students have to buy a TellMeMore access card at the bookstore the first week of class and bring it to the lab on the scheduled orientation day. Please pay attention to bookstore hours. Students have to register themselves with the card by following the steps on the TellMeMore registration page in the lab and/or at home. To register, go to: registration.tellmemorecampus.com DOING YOUR SPEECH/LISTENING LAB WORK Students using TellMeMore can work at home and/or in the lab as convenient. To access TellMeMore from home: 1. On your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Mac), type: http://registrationv10.tellmemorecampus.com 2. Bookmark the site (or add it as a “favorite”). 3. Always allow pop-ups for this site. TellMeMore works with pop-ups. 4. High speed Internet connection is recommended for TellMeMore. 5. Have headphones and a microphone connected to the computer to do the listening-speaking activities. COMPLETING YOUR LAB WORK Students are responsible for completing all the activities assigned for the level per Speech Lab coordinator’s directives, per lab requirement The week before final exams is always the deadline for completing hours and course work. Past this deadline, students will not have access to the program. Important Note: Students who withdraw or are dropped from the Speech class after registering with TellMeMore need to contact the Lab Coordinator. COURSE COMPETENCIES (GOALS)/PRODUCTION & COMPREHENSION 1. The student will use grammatical structures consistent with levels 1-5. 2. The student will speak with sufficient accuracy and fluency to ensure comprehension in many social, professional and academic situations. 3. The student will speak with intelligent pronunciation, stress and intonation 4. The student will demonstrate the ability to deliver presentations and explain and support opinions on familiar topics (e.g., comparison, classification, process.) 5. The student will speak extemporaneously on diverse topics. 6. The student will participate in classroom discussion, express opinions and be understood by attentive listeners whiles adjusting his/her listening strategies to the task at hand. 7. The student will continue to develop oral communication skills including fluency, idea sequencing, accuracy, vocabulary, and pronunciation. 8. The student will ask informational questions and ask for clarification. 9. The student will actively participate in role-playing, simulating social and academic situations (e.g., giving advice, expressing obligation, necessity, permission and drawing conclusions). 16-week syllabus 3 NorthStar 10. The student will demonstrate analytical listening skills: a. Distinguish fact from opinions. b. Make inferences. c. Identify speaker’s purpose, point of view and tone. d. Comprehend use of figurative language. GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES In an effort to incorporate the Miami Dade College Learning Outcomes into our curriculum, we will touch upon some of the following points that are relevant to this course. As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to: 1. Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 2. Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. 3. Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. 4. Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. 6. Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. 8. Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. 9. Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. 10. Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. 16-week syllabus 4 NorthStar