ENC 0002 SYLLABUS Spring 2007 Credits: 4 T-R 9:50-11:05 AM Instructor: Wendy Goodwin Office: B105 Phone: (305) 237-5207 Email: Wendy.Goodwin@mdc.edu Office Hours: M 11-12, T 11:15-1:15pm, W 11-1pm, R 11:15-1:15pm & 2:304:30pm, F 11-12pm Course Description: ENC 0002 is a college preparatory writing course which addresses effective sentence development using standard English. Lab required. Special fee. 4 credits Prerequisites: CPT score of 51-70 or successful completion of ENC 0002 Textbook: Fawcett, Susan. Grassroots with Readings: The Writer’s Workbook. Eighth Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006 Course Competencies: Competency 1: The student will write sentences which include: a. subjects b. verbs c. complete thoughts Competency 2: The student will write various types of sentences which include: a. simple sentences b. compound sentences c. complex sentences Competency 3: The student will recognize and correct common errors in: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. noun forms verb forms and tenses subject-verb agreement adjective and adverb modification punctuation capitalization fragments run-ons (comma splices and fused sentences) Requirements: Final Grade % Lab Quizzes and Tests Grammar Final Exam Writing Assignments Pass/Fail 40% 20% 40% A standard 10-point grade scale will be used. Your final grade must average a “C” in order to pass the class. A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59 or below Lab Component: You must bring your books to lab, so your bookwork/homework can be checked. We will attend lab every other week, and you will be expected to be prepared for your lab assignments. You may not take your mastery tests unless your bookwork is complete. YOU CANNOT PASS THE CLASS WITHOUT PASSING LAB. Final Grades: “S” for Satisfactory (move to next level); “P” for Progress Made (retake the class); or “U” for Unsatisfactory (retake the class). Failure to complete lab will result in a “P” or “U.” Course/Departmental Policies: Attendance/Lateness: Attendance is mandatory. If you are absent 3 consecutive times without contacting the instructor, you may be dropped/purged from the class. You may have five absences (non consecutive) without penalty; after that, each time you are absent, your FINAL grade will be lowered by 5 points, which equals ½ grade. If you are fifteen or more minutes late to class or leave fifteen or more minutes early, you are considered absent. You are tardy if you arrive after I take roll; if you come to class and I have already taken roll, you have been marked absent. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to come to me after class to ask me to change your absence to a tardy. If you forget, you are considered absent for the day. When you must be absent: There will of course be times when illness or personal issues prevent you from attending class. You are being provided with a daily schedule which details all of our assignments and activities for each class meeting. If you miss a class, I expect you to look at your schedule and do the work assigned so that when you return, you will not have fallen behind. It is YOUR responsibility to stay current. Make Up Work: I do not allow students to make up quizzes missed during absences unless I am shown documentation (ex. doctor’s note) or the student has contacted me in advance and provided a reasonable excuse for missing the quiz. If you do not come to class and do not contact me, you will not be permitted to make up your missed quiz. Please pay careful attention to your daily schedule as ALL QUIZ DATES ARE LISTED. Classroom Policies: All electronic devices will be turned off and kept out of sight. No exceptions. Be respectful in dress and speech. If you must leave class for any reason, please go with a minimum of noise and disruption. This is college—you are expected to come to class prepared, having read the assignments, done the homework, and with books, paper, and pens/pencils and ready to participate fully. All assignments are to be turned in on date due at the beginning of class. If you cannot complete an assignment for any reason, you must email/call/visit me before the due date to explain why you are having trouble completing your assignment. At my discretion, I may give extensions to students who have valid reasons for delays. However, if you show up to class without your assignment and without having contacted me, you will be docked ten points per day the assignment is late. After three days, the assignment receives a zero. Communicating with the instructor is key. Teacher/Student Communication: I am here to help you, and you are encouraged to ask questions, visit me in my office, and speak with me before or after class. If you are having difficulties understanding concepts, let me assist you. If you are having problems in your personal life which are affecting your classroom progress, tell me. You may speak to me in person, write me a note, email me, or telephone me—just get in touch! Students with special needs: Students with special needs must identify themselves through the Access/Disability Services Office A 230. Reasonable accommodations will be provided. What you can expect from me: *Respect for you as an individual and a student *Clear explanations of each assignment and the criteria used for grading *Assistance when you are having difficulty *Enthusiastic teaching *A sincere desire to see you succeed *Updates on your progress. Besides the updates I give you, any time you want to know how you are doing, please ask *Feedback on your class performance *An open invitation to discuss any and all concerns related to this class Student feedback of instructor: If you have suggestions for how the class can be improved, please either tell me in person, or if you are too shy to do so, leave an anonymous note for me. Additionally, students will be asked to provide formal feedback of the instructor and course during the semester. Available Support Services: Learning Support Lab D203 SAIL Lab (System for Applied & individualized Learning) Computer Courtyard D206 Advisement Services Department A233 New Student Center A233 D206