Paper: Main theme: Secondary theme: Oral Presentation Learning Communities Interdisciplinary Curriculum: Foreign Language and Fractal Geometry Flying Tetrahedral Kites in French Dr. Eliane Keane, Miami Dade College, U.S.A. and Professor Joaquín G. Martínez, Carlos Albizu University, U.S.A. Abstract In this paper, we provide an overview of successful educational practices used in FrenchMathematical Learning Communities (LC) and discuss the rationale for future integration of mathematics into ESL classrooms in community colleges. We framed our teaching techniques on both Krashen’s theories and constructivist approaches to education, facilitated collaboration, and found that a major learning outcome was retention of student knowledge. Students in the LC explored complex geometrical concepts while these concepts were infused into a foreign language course. Through this unique exploratory activity linking humanities, language acquisition, and mathematics, students engaged in solving complex geometrical problems, linked problem solving to a foreign language, and learned to perceive the study of mathematics in association with another academic discipline. Although the French-mathematical LC provided an active learning experience for students, we claim that ESL students may especially benefit from similar learning communities. Introduction Research in mathematics education, language acquisition, cognitive learning, and general pedagogy highlights the importance of collaborative learning and teaching to achieve student success (Piaget, 1926; Vygotsky, 1978; Schoenfield, 1992; Pappas, 1993; Menezes, 1997; Bransford, 2000). Further, learning processes in mathematics and foreign languages are alike, in the sense that context, total immersion, and cognitive learning play a significant role in comprehension, thus knowledge retention. Accordingly, the belief that students need to understand mathematics in context and to apply complex concepts to meaningful real world situations is based on that preliminary premise. Therefore, the idea of a learning community linking French and Mathematics was born. Mathematics educators have been aware that many processes associated with student learning, the development of critical thinking, discovery learning, and student engagement in “doing” mathematics are facilitated when mathematics is integrated across different areas of the curriculum (Pappas, 1994; NCTM, 1989; Papert & Harell, 1991; Webb , 1991; Paas, & Merrienboer, 1994; Rosenthal, 1995). In this paper, we discuss successful educational practices -1- in a French-Mathematical learning community, where educators integrate Krashen’s (1985) notions of the input hypothesis as a theoretical framework for student success in learning the beginnings of fractal geometry, fractals, platonic solids, and French. Argument Our students experienced success comprehending complex geometrical concepts while immersed in a foreign language environment. Krashen (1985) stresses the notion of comprehensible input (i+1) as a pivotal aspect of language acquisition. Building on the notion that languages should not be taught in a vacuum (Edelhoff & van Bommel, 1980), this learning community established a relationship of mutual reinforcement between the second language (L2) outcomes and the intended mathematical objectives. Further, our students faced an additional level of cognition as they attempted to master new mathematical concepts in the L2. Aside from learning the second language, the students also had to make additional connections to understand geometrical concepts of self-similarity, fractals, and platonic solids by processing knowledge through the additional filter (L2). We claim that the additional cognitive process contributed to the effective retention of both skills; they relied on the assimilation of one as a prerequisite for mastery of the other. The teachers assumed the role of monitors in this learning community and defined both extremes, from actual to potential development, allowing students the opportunity to define their own zone of proximal development (Vygotsky, 1978). Krashen’s notion of +1 was used to facilitate growth in both mathematics and in the target language (French), whereby the “mathematical knowledge +1” and the “French knowledge +1” were generated by both the teachers and by those students operating at the higher levels of their potential development zone (Vygotzky, 1978). As monitors of a dynamic classroom environment, the teachers also adopted a methodology advocated in the Van Hiele model which recognized a hierarchy in levels of geometrical thinking (Teppo, 1991). The cohesive sense of community supporting the learning environment, the meaningful interaction between students, and the pertinence of the content area knowledge facilitated the learning experience; students successfully acquired knowledge of French applied vocabulary, culture, and some concepts associated with fractal geometry while processing other mathematical concepts at a higher level of cognition (Cummings, 1979; Bloom, 1984; Larsen-Freeman, 1997). The Learning Community Model Students enrolled in Geometry and French courses. They were engaged in a series of collaborative activities between the two disciplines under the auspices of both the Mathematics and French professors. In the geometry classroom environment as well as in the French classroom, the professors exposed students to a variety of strategies commonly used in contentcentered second language instruction: cooperative learning and group strategies, multi-tasks based on experiential learning, whole language strategies (Goodman, 1986; Crandall, 1992), and the Natural Approach (Krashen & Terrell, 1983). For example, in the Geometry class the students built tetrahedral kites while they learned about fractals ( Mendelbrot, 2002). We promoted cooperative learning and students worked in groups of four to build the kites. Each team member was assigned a specific responsibility during the building phase of the kites. For instance, in one of the teams, one student was -2- assigned to record new vocabulary and the geometrical concept associated with the word, another student did research on additional uses and applications of these new words. All four members were given the task to observe, describe, and record additional geometrical concepts involved in the kite building process. All students were asked to research and identify real world applications of kites. The idea was to allow each member of the group to feel that they were making meaningful contributions to the project while learning together (Johnson, Johnson, & Stanne, 2000). While the teams were engaged in building the kites, the geometry teacher introduced concepts of self-similarity, recursion, and fractals. These concepts were formally discussed in English in the geometry classroom and informally discussed in French in the foreign language classroom. This way, students in this learning community subconsciously processed geometrical concepts and later produced them as target language output. While all students built similar tetrahedral kites in the geometry class, worked in the same activity, were introduced to the same geometrical concepts of platonic solids, fractals, and recursion, groups further investigated these various concepts with the support of the French professor. In the French classroom, different groups focused on different aspects of kites and each had different research projects related to kites: history of flying kites, kites in different cultures, mechanics of building kites, physical aspects of flying kites, and effectiveness of different geometrical designs other than tetrahedral kites. In the French classroom, as students conducted their research, each different group presented findings from their research questions to the other teams. The French professor then conducted a whole group discussion on kites, allowing students to adopt didactic measures to explain the geometrical concepts that they had studies and developed during the kite building activities in their mathematics lessons. Throughout this activity, the French professor applied methodological approaches following a communicative-based syllabus to moderate discussion of student topics and promote classroom interaction, using mathematical applications of geometrical concepts as a vehicle for effective communication in the target language, assessing language acquisition and level-appropriate progress (ACTFL, 1985) in the L2. The entire activity lasted three weeks and was developed both in and out of the classroom environment. In the French classroom, the students worked with their team members to enhance skills in each of the five areas of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture. Aside from speaking in French to discuss concepts learned in the geometry class, they researched and wrote short paragraphs in French about the history of kites, kite-building techniques, aerodynamics, and design. Students also collaborated beyond the mathematics and French classroom settings to complete the written kite project. A Cultural Grand-Finale The learning community celebrated the success of the Geometrical-French collaboration by flying the tetrahedral kites in a field trip to the beach. In this field trip, students were encouraged to communicate only in French with each other and with the French and Geometry professors. Furthermore, while flying “French Tetrahedral Kites,” students and professors discussed fractals, platonic solids, volume, surface area, and various other geometrical concepts learned in the process of building the kites. Students and both professors brought French food to this grand-finale celebration. Amidst baguettes, brie, and Orangina, all participants of this learning community immersed in the French culture, flew the kites, and discussed the successes and failures of the kite construction activity as well as the mathematical implications in the kite -3- design and collaborative project. Some students also shared knowledge of further applications of fractals with the teachers and their peers, which indicated further interest in fractal geometry beyond the focus of the original activity of flying kites. This attitude in not commonly found in regular or advanced geometry classes and we attribute it to the success of the integrated LC. Success Findings In both classes, students studied the history of flying kites and acquired new terminology related to kites and their construction. Throughout the process of building kites, students collaborated, communicated, and broadened their French and mathematics skills; students learned French in a mathematical context and vice-versa. They linked the French language to a mathematics activity done in a geometry class Perhaps the greatest success of this collaborative practice was the retention of student knowledge. Gass (1997) highlights the need for an interactive model of second language acquisition that pays special attention to the affective aspects that influence student retention, creating an atmosphere that is more conducive to learning, reactivating dormant knowledge, and lowering the affective filter (Krashen & Terrell, 1983). In this exploratory interdisciplinary activity, students were engaged in critical thinking processes which contributed to their learning of Mathematics and French. By solving meaningful problems connecting two content-disciplines the students were exposed to language and to geometry simultaneously. Like Gass (1997) and Anderson, Reder, & Simon ( 2000), we believe that due to interactive practices in this learning community and its affective domain, knowledge may have been carried from one environment to the other. Successfully, students perceived mathematics as an extension of foreign languages and not an isolated discipline of the curriculum. We claim that some of the positive outcomes of our LC were the increased retention and knowledge on both fields: French and Mathematics. This French-mathematical learning community provided an active learning experience for students who explored geometrical concepts while immersed in foreign language training. Like several other mathematics and language educators we also argue that most students learn better and retain more if they engage in learning activities that require them to think and process information rather than passively listen. Furthermore, students evaluated their own experiences in this LC and most believed that being active, “doing” mathematics and working collaboratively helped them understand fractals and French vocabulary associated with kites. Students’ feedback indicated that the LC improved students' attitudes towards geometry and mathematics in general. Students who participated in this learning community continued their studies of mathematics and foreign languages, which is an indicator of student retention: All students enrolled in the next mathematics course and continued their studies in French 3. Students in this learning community were active in both mathematics and foreign language learning. Their engagement backed the claim that it is feasible to attain greater retention as a result of linking interdisciplinary content and language teaching by infusing constructivist approaches to pedagogy (Kaufman, 2004). The learning community also engaged faculty in a creative new dimension for instruction. The success of this learning community emphasized the positive impact that teacher collaboration from different disciplines had in student learning. The student engagement was reinforced beyond the geometry course because the students used the French classroom as a background context to continue to develop and apply knowledge of fractals, self similarity, and platonic solids in their discussions and research. -4- Conclusions Integrated activities like the ones described in this paper put the learning of mathematics into a broader context because it facilitates and extends students’ experiences with mathematics beyond the classroom. It has a positive impact in student learning because it integrates real-world applications, such as construction of kites, flying kites, using the French language, and integrating cross-cultural competencies across different areas of the curriculum. Although our learning community focused on geometrical-French concepts acquired at the secondary level, the findings suggest that undergraduate students in community colleges can greatly benefit from similar experiences as it became evident that the collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches were extraordinary factors contributing to student success. Also crucial in this study was the underlying framework of Krashen’s model which may help explain why these students, who were faced with the additional challenge of learning mathematics in a second language environment, acquired geometrical concepts so well and further applied it to mathematics and the real world. Furthermore, as the number of second language learners in U.S. classroom increases, so do the possibilities for content-area teachers to integrate collaborative efforts with various foreign language programs other than French (Kaufman, 1997). Further research linking mathematics and other foreign languages is also needed. Additionally, further research is needed to help maximize the effectiveness of other learning communities linking geometry and ESL classrooms; Spanish and English as a second language in particular. The experiences of this learning community are equally pertinent to the field of English as a second language. It is essential to move away from the political forces that continue to isolate ESL from the field of foreign language education in the U.S. As the number of students whose second language is English abounds in our classrooms, students in ESL classes both in Florida and in other states in the Unites States, in community colleges and in secondary education, may also retain English and geometrical knowledge when placed in supportive LC integrating mathematics and ESL. 4 References 1. American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1985. ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: ACTFL Materials Center. 2. Anderson, J. R., Reder, L.M., & Simon, H.A. 2000. 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