WOLFSON CAMPUS BSC 2085 FALL 2006-1 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I Biology 2085, Human Anatomy and Physiology I, provides an in depth study of Human structure and Function. The course is primarily designed for students in seeking professional degrees in nursing and other allied health professions. Courses in Cell and Molecular Biology, and General Chemistry, or CHM 1033 with a minimum grade of C, although not required, are highly recommended before taking this course. PROFESSOR: Dr. Edwin Ginés-Candelaria Sequence No: 357391; Tuesdays, and Thursdays - 5:40-6:55 P. M.; Room 2207 Office Hours: Students may contact me during my office hours (listed below), by e-mail or fax (also listed below), or by appointment. Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays 10:00 A.M.– 1:00 P.M. 12:40 – 2:00 P.M. 9:50 A.M.– 10:00 A.M. 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Office: 1605 or 1540 Office Phone: (305) 237-3396 Fax number: (305) 237-7835 E-mail: egines@mdc.edu Co-requisite Course: Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory-BSC 2085L. All co-requisite courses are indicated in the "Wolfson Campus Schedule of Classes" with a "#" symbol. Students are responsible for material covered in the Laboratory, which emphasizes the anatomy portion of this course. Lecture and discussion sessions will emphasize the physiological aspects of this course, with the assumption that students are learning anatomical structures during lab sessions. Text: Marieb, E. N. Seventh Edition. 2007. Human Anatomy and Physiology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. San Francisco, California. Optional Study Guide (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) Marieb, E. N. Seventh Edition. 2007. Study Guide. Human Anatomy and Physiology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. Menlo Park, California. You might want to bring the textbook to class because the professor will constantly refer to them during lectures. The textbook is an essential component of your instruction in Human Anatomy and Physiology. It is very difficult to succeed in this course without it. Therefore, no one will be admitted to class after the second week of classes without the required textbook for this course. Students will also be responsible to enroll in Course Compass; an online course management system from which students will be able to download course materials and classroom presentations, and also will be able to assess themselves online. Lectures: The lecture schedule indicates the chapter reading assignments in the text for each lecture period. The student is expected to read the assigned material before the schedule date, and should be prepared to discuss assigned material in class. Students should be aware that due to the overwhelming amount of concepts to be learned; the professor will not lecture over all topics covered in each chapter and it is the responsibility of each student to learn material that is not even covered during lecture time. Presentation of lecture material will include traditional methods as well as more contemporary media technological applications and animations of different biological processes in Anatomy and Physiology. Attendance: Attendance to all learning activities is mandatory. You are responsible for all deadlines, directions, discussions, materials, activities, assignments, or announcements covered in class, regardless of your reason for being late to class or absent. Attendance will be checked for every lecture session. The professor reserves the right to deny entry, require withdrawal or fail students who are constantly late or have had four undocumented absences during the semester. If the student has an undocumented absence after the withdrawal deadline, the professor will assign a failing (F) grade regardless of the student's performance in the course at the time. This will be enforced according to the rules and procedures established in the current Miami-Dade community College catalog and the Student Handbook. Your performance in the course depends on your attendance, so please make every effort to attend all classes as scheduled. Students missing lecture are not participating and therefore, not learning. Therefore, make every effort to attend and participate in class because your performance in this course will be severely affected otherwise. Lecture Exams and Quizzes (400 points): Each exam is worth 100 points. Quizzes are worth 25 points each. All exams and quizzes will be administered during regular scheduled class periods. Quizzes will be administered approximately every two-three weeks. At the end of the semester, only your 4 best quizzes (out of 5 quizzes taken) and your best 3 exams (out of 4 taken) will be counted towards your final grade. Quizzes will be administered during the first 10 2 minutes of the scheduled class period. Therefore, if you arrive late to class, you will not be allowed to make up the quiz for that particular date. This grading system gives students the opportunity to use the Final Exam as an optional exam; providing that they have excelled on the other 3 exams and/or quiz assessments. However, any undocumented absences after the third exam will automatically make the final exam count for students who disregard this course after the third exam. No exceptions! Therefore, make sure that you complete the course even though you have a satisfactory performance in it. Please note: THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS OR QUIZZES. Therefore, attendance to each exam or quiz (on time) is absolutely mandatory. Furthermore, if you leave the classroom early or immediately after the quiz, the professor will consider you absent for that class period and your quiz will be graded as 0. Extenuating situations that prevent students from attending a particular exam will be dealt on an individual basis. Make sure you contact your professor immediately in such circumstances. The exams and quizzes consist of multiple choice and short answer questions and will cover material discussed in lectures and textbook reading assignments. Questions that involve applications of learned material, logical reasoning, and critical thinking will also be included in lecture exams and quizzes. Any extra credit points will be earned through additional exam questions added to each unit exam, quiz, or in other written assignments. The professor will keep all exams, quizzes, and assignments. Students are welcome to review his/her assignments/exams or quizzes, however, the students will keep only the grade card, not the actual exam or assignment. For exams and quizzes, students will be evaluated only based on the responses they write on the scantron sheet. Therefore, make sure you are very careful when transferring responses from the exam sheet to the scantron sheet. Actual copies of each student’s exam will be kept for three days, after which the professor will destroy the original copy of the student’s exam along with any written marks placed on it. Notice that receiving an exam or quiz and looking at it constitutes taking that exam/quiz. The Last exam will be administered during the final examination week as scheduled. If you wish to use a calculator (when necessary) for any exam/quiz, you must bring your own. You will not be allowed to share calculators with your neighbor nor you will be allowed to use cell phones or cell phone calculators during the quiz/exam. In addition, you might also want to bring a #2 pencil and eraser for the exams and quizzes since the professor will not provide for these materials. Weekly Assignments: It is understood that working all questions/problems at the end of each chapter or study guide will be excellent preparation for exams and quizzes. The professor encourages this active learning behavior and considers these as weekly assignments. Some of these questions might be included in exams or quizzes. Grading: The scores obtained in exams, quizzes and homework assignments will evaluate each student’s performance. The final Grade for each student will be determined by the average of all scores obtained in these learning activities. Grades will be assigned according to the following scale: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, 3 D = 60-69, F = 59 or below However, the performance of the class will be monitored during the semester and a curve may be applied to calculate the final grades if applicable and only at the discretion of the professor. Incomplete Grades: Incomplete (I) grades will be given in consultation with the student and upon agreement with the instructor only when extenuating circumstances have prevented the student from completing the course. In order to be considered for an "I" grade, a student must have successfully completed a minimum of one-half the work in the course with a minimum grade of C or better. Note the Incomplete (I) grades must be completed at the time agreed upon between the professor and the student. If not completed by the agreed time, the incomplete (I) grade becomes an F. Withdrawals: The professor is not required to withdraw/drop students from the course. It is the student's responsibility to determine his/her status in the course at all times, and makes that decision, if necessary. The last day to drop this course with a "W" is October 31, 2006. Submission of assignments via email: Students will be allowed to submit assigned work via email. Three requirements must be met for acceptance of such work. First, the student must obtain a valid email account address and submit this to the professor in charge. Second, the student must observe deadlines suggested for submission of such work. The assignment must be written in Microsoft word version 5.1, 6.0, 98 or 2000 for acceptance. Students who do not adhere to these simple requirements will lose points from written assignments at the discretion of the professor. Late written assignments submitted this way, will not be accepted. No exceptions! Optional Service Learning Activity (Extra Credit): The purpose of this project is to give you, the opportunity to learn course objectives while performing volunteer service within the local community. You may select a service-learning organization or agency of your particular interest as long as the services provided by the agency are congruent with the objectives of this course. Get the Professor's approval in advance for locations where you will provide this service at the MDCC Center for Community Involvement and Civic Literacy headed by Ms. Tamica Ramos (Office 3410). Students may complete 10-20 hours of service learning to be eligible to earn a maximum of 20 extra credit points. You may work these 20 hours well ahead of time before submitting a 3-page narrative reflection/review paper about the experience that will link your service learning experience to the course content. You must include a letter from your on-site supervisor on their company letterhead paper documenting the completion of 10-20 hours of community service learning. Your instructor will provide you with guidelines for this narrative. The extra credit points obtained will be added to the total number of points accumulated by the student during the semester. The deadline for submitting these materials is November 2, 2006. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Professional Students are responsible for taking charge of their own education by being prepared before every laboratory and conduct themselves appropriately during all learning activities. The professor will not tolerate class disruptions that prevent other students to benefit from the learning process. These include unwarranted noises, talking among students while the professor explains important concepts or answers questions posed by another student, unacceptable gestures, leaving class early and the operation of electronic artifacts (beepers and cellular phones) 4 during regular classroom periods. The professor reserves the right to expel disrupting students from the classroom at any time, ask students to surrender their electronic devices and request disciplinary action from the Dean for Academic Affairs and even assign a failing grade to those who display such anti-pedagogic behavior. STUDY TIPS AND GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS MAKE A COMMITMENT TO SUCCEED: Decide to do well in the course. Spend the time. This course requires at least a minimum of 14 hours of study per week outside of class. Be responsible for your own learning. Expect to learn more than what is covered in class or textbook. GET HELP RIGHT AWAY: Do not wait for someone to ask if you need help. Talk with your professor, lab assistants, and your study group. The professor encourages frequent visits during office hours to clarify material covered in class. If you cannot make it to the professor's office hours, please make an appointment. Your success in this course depends on how well you understand the concepts covered during the semester. Use the Study partner CD-ROM, and the Study Guide that accompanies the textbook, and the computer courtyard. Review your notes after each class. WORK WITH A STUDY GROUP: Meet regularly. Be sure everyone contributes and understands. TIE IDEAS AND CONCEPTS TOGETHER: Connect the material to what you already know. Look for the big picture, not just isolated details. Be able to apply information in a new situation. LEARN THE VOCABULARY: Look up any words you do not know. Make and use flash cards, carry them everywhere. Say the terms out loud. Use the new terms in sentences. Therefore, make every effort to learn the vocabulary and use the dictionary appropriately. PREPARE FOR LECTURE BEFORE CLASS: Read the text assignments. Read effectively. Use the study aids in the book. Answer the questions at the end of the chapter. Highlight sparingly. Write down questions to ask during the next lecture period. Make every effort to know the material before class begins. UTILIZE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO YOU Additional help in form of sample exams and quizzes, Region dissections, histology slides and sections, lecture notes and other didactic materials are available through the many links that could be accessed through the World Wide Web for this course. Please, feel free to use the available the equipment at the Computer Courtyards (Rooms 2201 and 2301) or the Science Resource Center (room 2221) for this purpose. PREPARE FOR LABS BEFORE CLASS: 5 Read and highlight the handouts. Tie it to the lecture material. Write down questions to ask. Make notes of what to look for. COME TO CLASS: Attend every class. Remember that attendance is mandatory. Be on time. Bring your textbook and handouts. Be attentive and take notes. STUDY EVERY DAY: Follow a study schedule. Find times and places that allow you to concentrate. Review and rewrite your notes after class. Outline the material. Draw concept maps and/or use diagrams. ORGANIZE THE INFORMATION: Make outlines to summarize, organize, and relate key ideas. Know where your notes, handouts, etc., are. 6 TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE* Week_ Lecture Date__ 1 1 Aug. 24 2 2 29 3 31 3 4 Sept. 5 7 4 5 12 6 14 Topic________________ Course Introduction/Overview of Anatomy Language of Anatomy Basic Chemistry and Chemical Reactions QUIZ I - Basic Chemistry Organic Chemistry/Functional Groups QUIZ II - Macromolecules The Cell and Cytoplasmic Organelles Text Chapter_ 1, handouts " 2 " " " 3 5 7 8 19 The Cell: Plasma Membrane/Transport 21 DNA Replication/Protein Synthesis " “ 6 9 26 QUIZ III Protein Synthesis/Cell Cycle-Mitosis 28 EXAM I Epithelial & Connective Tissues 3 Epithelial & Connective Tissues 5 Connective Tissues, Muscle & Nervous Tissues “ 10 12 17 19 5 6 " 10 7 11 12 8 13 9 14 15 10 Oct. 16 24 QUIZ IV Appendicular Skeleton: Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limbs; Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limbs 26 EXAM II Joints 17 11 18 12 19 20 21 13 22 The Intergumentary System Osseous Tissue, Structure, Growth Bone Growth and Homeostasis Axial Skeletal System: Skull, Vertebrae, & Bony Thorax Nov. 4 " “ 7 " 8 31 Muscle Tissue and Function/Neuromuscular Junction 2 The Sliding Filament Theory 7 Muscle Metabolism, Motor Unit 9 9 QUIZ V - Force of Contraction and factors that affect Force of Contraction 14 Nervous System-Tissue Histology " 7 " " 11 Week_ Lecture 13 23 14 15 24 25 26 27 Date__ Topic________________ 16 Neurophysiology-RestingMembrane Potential, Action Potential initiation and propagation, The Synapse, Neurotransmitters Nov. 21 Muscle Metabolism 23 THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY 28 The Autonomic Nervous System: Receptors 30 EXAM III Text Chapter_ 11 9 14 The Autonomic Nervous System: Receptors " 16 28 Dec. 5 Special Senses: Vision and Hearing 15 29 7 Special Senses: Vision and Hearing " 17** Thurs. 14 FINAL EXAM *Exact lecture topics are subject to change. Final Grades available online by Mon., Dec. 18, 11:00 P. M. **The professor reserves the right to use this week to meet with the class and complete the discussion of concepts not covered during the 16th week period and review for the final if necessary. RECORDING YOUR GRADES Please, use the Table below to record your performance in each of the evaluations administered during this semester. This will help you keep track of your performance at all times. STUDENT GRADE SHEET Unit Exams (Max.) I (100) II (100) III (100) FINAL (100) QUIZZES (100) TOTAL GRADE 8