CRITIQUE REQUIREMENTS FOR SCRIPT 1. Is the character believable? 2. Does the story have a clear plot line? Are we learning about the character as the story progresses? 3. Does the script have a distinct Act 1? 4. What is the first turning point? 5. Are there high and low points in Act 2? 6. Does the main character almost give up at the end of Act 2? 7. What is the second turning point? 8. Does the story have a climax towards the end of Act 3? 9. Is the plot line of the story resolved at the end? 10. Is the story visual? 11. Is there exposition in the script, nothing we can see? 12. Is the dialogue crisp, or rambling? 13. Does each character have a distinct voice? 14. Is the script format correct? 15. Are there excessive typos, misspelled words, or grammatical mistakes?