Course Syllabus


Course Syllabus

Course Title: Principles of Genetics

Number: PCB-3060

Schedule: 6-10-12-14-16 weeks syllabus

Term: Current Academic year

Reference: TBA

Last Update: 8/27/2013 @ 3:02 pm

This syllabus is:

 A contract between student and instructors.

 A written guide and orientation for the entire operation of the course.

 A written documentation of the instructor's policies relative to the course.




Jorge L. Obeso, Ph.D.

Biology Health and Wellness

Office Location Room A-311, MDC-North Campus, Science Complex

Office Hours:

or by appointment



(305) 237-8088 (direct) Department: (305) 237-1101

Faculty Web Page


Catalog Description: PCB3060, Principles of Genetics, introduces the mechanisms of transmission of hereditary information. The course emphasizes on the classical Mendelian principles of heredity, deviation of Mendelian principles, genetic analyses, linkage and mapping, population genetic analyses, regulation of gene expression, mutations, repair mechanisms, and the genetic basis for neoplastic disease and other genetic disorders. (see competencies). This is a 3 credit hours course.

Organization: This course is organized on a 16-week format, but it may be offered




Web enhanced:


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus



Prerequisites: in a 6- 12- 10- 14-week terms. The course may be delivered in a hybrid or Web-enhanced format with an appropriate on-line component supplementing classroom instruction. The format of this course will be primarily lecture and discussions, addressing the course competencies and objectives for the course. Every opportunity will be used to introduce current events and developments in the areas of health, science, environmental impact, technology, etc. which are relevant to the topics discussed in class. Students are expected to participate in organized classroom discussions and presentations.

Because of the nature of the topics, classroom discussions and presentations may impinge on issues of ethical/moral nature. At times, course images and/or videos might be graphic and/or mature in nature.

It is expected for students to approach these topics/images/discussions with upmost maturity, and to show respect for diverse points of view.

Students will be encouraged to “ think out of the box

” in the application of concepts/ideas learned; and learn from each other and the classroom experience. Any student(s) unable to handle these topics with appropriate maturity and/or demeanor will be asked to leave the classroom discussion.

Courses in Principles of Biology with Lab (BSC 2010/2010L) with a minimum grade of a C are required before taking this course. This course does not intent to remedy the deficiencies that students acquired in pre-requisite coursework. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to review such material and be prepared for the fastpaced nature of this course.

The format of this course will be primarily lecture and discussions, and will addresses the course competencies and objectives as described. Everyone is expected to read the assigned chapters of the text, come prepared to class, and actively participate of the class discussion. Relevant material may be discussed and/or presented in class, in order to supplement textbook material.

Hybrid Course Format: This course many also be taught in a hybrid format. Hybrid courses will have one face-to-face class meeting per week. Students will be able to access assignments and PowerPoint’s and participates in discussion forums through the Virtual College at

MDC. Online instruction will be divided into modules. Each module will consist of chapter readings, assignments and discussions with due dates. All students are expected to complete the assignments on time, and participate fully in classroom activities as well as online discussion forums.

For each course that has an ANGEL component (web enhanced, blended, online), A "MyMDCAccount" is required.


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus


After successful completion of this course, students should be able to :


The student will demonstrate knowledge of nucleic acid structure and function.


The student will relate how genetic information stored in DNA molecules is used to assemble protein molecules.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of cell division and reproduction.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the basic mechanisms of inheritance.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of classic mechanisms of inheritance that extend beyond Mendel.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the inheritance of prokaryotic cells (bacterial genetics) and viruses.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the control of gene expression at the transcriptional level in prokaryotes.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the organizational level of the eukaryotic chromosome, the control of gene expression and mutations.


The student will describe the current developments in recombinant DNA technology and its applications.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of polygenic inheritance.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the basic concepts of population genetics.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the influence of environmental factors on gene expression.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of genetics, diseases, and disorders.


The student will demonstrate knowledge of scientific developments, public perspectives, and responsibility related to genetic studies and research.

For detailed information on the course competencies and specific objectives for this course, please access this information online at:

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General Education Outcomes

All students who graduate from MDC have one thing in common – General Education. General

Education is the part of the curriculum shared by all students regardless of major or degree type. The outcomes, summarized below, reflect skills and knowledge that allow you not only to succeed in your chosen field, but also to enable you to be a lifelong learner. The General Education Outcomes have been embedded in the course design, and addressed during the course delivery. Through the academic disciplines and co-curricular activities, General Education provides multiple, varied, and intentional learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and skills, and the development of attitudes that foster effective citizenship and life-long learning.

As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to:


Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.


Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data.


Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.


Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information .


Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures , including global and historical perspectives.


Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities.


Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society.


Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.


Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities.


Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment.


Textbook Title:


Concepts of Genetics

Klug, Cummings, Spencer and Palladino




Student Edition ISBN

Publishers Web:





MDC-Follett Bookstore:

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Calendar – Topics – Assignments - Exams

You are provided with a course schedule in order to assist you in preparing for class. This course schedule has been developed in compliance with the course competencies and objectives for the course. Every effort will be made in order to comply with the course timeline / schedule. Please

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PCB-3060 Course Syllabus understand that this is a TENTATIVE course schedule , in that there might be events (beyond the instructor’s control) which might speed-up and/or slow-down the coverage of the subject areas (e.g.

College closing during hurricane season). Modifications to the course schedule will be done by the instructor, as needed, in order to secure proper coverage of the course competencies and objectives.


1--Sep Syllabus and Introduction to the course

2 Cell division: Mitosis & Meiosis Ch 2

3 Mendelian Genetics



Non Mendelian Genetics: incomplete dominance, pleyotropism, polygenics, environmental regulation, epistasis, etc.

Non Mendelian Genetics: Sex determination & sex chromosomes; sex linked traits

6 Non Mendelian Genetics: Variations in chromosome number and arrangements.

7 Non Mendelian Genetics: Extracellular Inheritance








DNA structure and Function:

 DNA Structure & Analysis

 DNA Organization in Chromosomes: ProK, EuK, Viral

 Replication & Recombination

Gene Expression, Regulation & Development

 Transcription, Translation

 Gene Mutation & Repair

 Regulation of Gene Expresion

Student Presentations :

 Recombinant DNA: the story, DNA analysis, PCR techniques

 Genomics & Bioinformatics: The Human Genome Project

Student Presentations :

 Genographic Project: Mitochondrial Eve and Genetic Adam (pg. 720)

 Ethics & Genetic Engineering: Ethical & Legal considerations (22.8)

Student presentations :

 Synthetic Genomes: Man creating Life , J. Craig Venter (22.4)

 Transgenic Animals & Plants: Regulations, transgenics among us (22.2-3)

Student Presentations :

 Genetics of Neoplastic Diseases: Oncogenes, Tumor suppressor genes

 Genomics and Personalized Medicine: ( pg. 504-516)

Student Presentations :

 Genetics of Behavior; the “gay” gene: Fruitless mutation; Hefrey Hall

 Eugenics: The perfect race/species; Eugenics in America, the War on the Weak:


Ch 3

Ch 4

Ch 7

Ch 20

Ch 21

Ch 22

Ch 22

Ch 19

Ch 24


Ch 8

Ch 9

Ch 10

Ch 12

Ch 11

Ch 13-14

Ch 15

Ch 16

PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

15 Wild card Days

16 Wild card Days

17 Final Exam

Guidelines for Student Group Projects and Power Point Presentations

Background: This course provides you with the opportunity to work in small collaborative learning groups or teams. This type of learning arrangement not only will help you better master the content and learning objectives of the course, but the skills gained from these team building and team working experiences will be an asset for you in future academic and professional endeavors.

This project fulfills the following Learning Outcomes :

LO#1 : Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

LO#3 : Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning.

LO#4 : Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information .

LO#7 : Use computer and emerging technologies effectively.

Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to:


Develop students’ awareness of the topic/lesson at hand.

2) Promote teamwork skills.

3) Enhance students’ research and communication skills.


Improve students’ ability to effectively manage extended projects.


Improve students’ effectiveness in designing and making presentations.

Presentation: Your group will discuss, plan, and implement a

“PowerPoint” presentation

on a science/biology topic previously assigned or selected by the group.

Presentation Design

Group Project will be presented in a PowerPoint format .

Power Point presentation will have a minimum of 12 frames , and no more than 20 frames.

The first frame of the PowerPoint presentation should be a “cover frame” or introductory frame that will have the following: o Title of the Presentation: Name of clade or protist family o Group Number o Names of all the Group Members

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The next to the last frame should have a list of 10 questions based on the material covered in the

PowerPoint presentation . The answers to these questions should be found within the text, or videos, posted in the presentation . The role of these questions is to direct students’ learning by focusing their attention on relevant issues of importance in the presentation. o NOTE : The group must also provide me with WORD document where these questions will be listed with their respective answers . The questions should be written as they would appear on a test . Questions (and their respective answers) can be in the following format: True and False or multiple choice. This word document should be e-mailed to me at

previous to the presentation in class. Please make sure to include the title of your presentation on this document (Protist clade/family).

The last frame of the Power Point Presentation should have a short bibliography listing the sources of information and/or Web links used in the development of the project.


Web links should be “live” or “active”

so information could be accessible and retrievable.

A suitable presentation template should be chosen from ready-made PowerPoint template libraries, or designed by students – whatever is most convenient for the group.

Make your presentations interesting by : o Incorporating good quality photos or visuals: you can get these online o Making your topic relevant or applicable to daily life. Did you find something interesting that caught your attention when learning about the particular clade/family ? … share this with the class! … For example, are these organisms used for any commercial application of interest? o Search for videos on Youtube : Incorporate these into the PowerPoint presentation (if you know how to embed these into the frames), or cut and paste the URL / Web address into the slide so you can click on it during the presentation to bring it up for show.

The following link provides a short slide show on Using PowerPoint presentations and other presentation tools:

Note: This is an “active” or “live” link. To access the Web page, you can either “double-click” on the link address; or press the “Control” key while double clicking on the web address.

Uploading the Presentation: To a Web enhanced course

The final presentation should be uploaded to our course Web page by the group coordinator . If the group coordinator is unable to submit the presentation, other student in the group should be the responsible for submitting the presentation by the assigned deadline.

Instructions for uploading PowerPoint presentations:

Log into our course Web page

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Look under the “LESSONS” tab

Upload your presentations on the folder entitled "Student Power Point Presentations."

Upload your presentation as an ATTACHMENT : Click on "attachment" to upload your file

When uploading your presentation, please make sure to put the following information in the title:

Group # and Title of the Presentation

Your Presentation title will appear as : Group # X: "Title bla bla bla" ; See example in the folder.

Press SUBMIT in order to upload your file into the course.

Make sure that you check to see if the presentation was uploaded . You should see your presentation title and the date/time in which it was uploaded. Click on the presentation tile to make sure it opens up, and that you are able to see it, to verify that the upload has been successful.

Every student in the group is responsible for making sure that the presentation is posted on time !

COURSE EVALUATION: Assessment Methods and Grading Policy


For this course will be based on the following categories as described below:

Classroom Participation: Class participation will consist of in-class and online discussions

(if Hybrid course), group activities, reviews and quizzes.

Student Presentations: Research topics and/or student presentations may be assigned for specific lecture sessions. Students will complete presentations in

Tests: accordance to guidelines provided.

There are 4 to 6 partial tests scheduled for the course of the semester. Your lowest test score will be dropped. You MUST take all the tests [i.e. you must take the last partial test even if you are carrying a passing grade in all previous tests] scheduled for the term.

Questions are composed from lecture notes and reading assignments.

SCANTRON SHEETS : You must bring a Scranton answer sheet FORM: 882-E [long green and white forms for 100 questions] for all tests; these are available in the bookstore, you will need at least three of these forms for the term. Make sure to buy in advance for all the term, buy a few extra ones just in case.

Pencils and Erasers : Make sure to bring a # 2 pencil with a good eraser for your tests. I do not correct poor Scranton erasures. If your eraser is not working properly please use another Scranton sheet or another eraser.

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DISCLAMER: The professor will NOT correct for blotches and/or smears in the Scantron sheet which might be misread (i.e. marked incorrect) by the Scantron reader. It is the responsibility of the student to check his/her Scantron sheet and with the course instructor to make sure no answers were erroneously marked by the Scantron reader.

Grading Policy:

Course evaluation will be based on assessment of performance in each of the categories described above, as follows:

Assessment Item Grade & Percent Range

Student Presentation


100 pts A= 90 – 100%

400 pts B= 80 – 89%

C= 70 – 79%

Drop grades: 1/3 of your lowest test grades 500 pts D= 60 – 69%

F= 59 or below

Deviations to the standard curve (i.e. grading on a curve) may be applied [to the whole class] at the discretion of the professor. Deviations from the standard curve are an exception, rather than the rule.

Students failing exam(s) are encouraged to visit the professor during office hours in order to discuss alternative study strategies, and/or to discuss any issues which might be precluding their proper performance in class or during the term.

GENERAL POLICIES: College – Department - Course


Unregistered students

Course attendance

Final grades

Web enhanced courses:


MDC does not allow unregistered students to attend class.

Students who are dropped “by the system” due to non-payment of

[registration] fees and/or problems with any financial aid must re-register in the course. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to re-register in the course. The professor will make every effort to inform the student if his/her name is no longer included in the roll call list. Students must take the appropriate action(s) in order to have his/her name re-instated in the class roll; e.g. solve any financial aid problem(s), attend to any nonpayment of fees, secure the departmental Add and/or Override Cards and signatures from the professor and department chairperson; and process these form(s) at the Registrar’s office.

For each course that has an ANGEL component (web enhanced, blended, online), A "MyMDCAccount" is required. Please make sure to c reate an account at -- upper right corner, click on "CreateAccount". It may take 24 hours for the student to be added to ANGEL.

Final Grades : Students will NOT receive a grade in the course if their


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

Student Records:





Evaluation records

Late arrivals

Class disruptions



Test make ups name does not appear in the final grade roll provided by the College.

It is the students’ responsibility to be re-instated in the course in order to receive a grade for a course for which they have properly completed all the work. Please contact the instructor and/or the Department

Chairperson for further assistance and/or information.

Attendance is required for optimal learning to take place. You are expected to attend all classes and participate fully online. Attendance records will be maintained in accordance to MDC guidelines . If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes, assignments and work missed. Institutional records at Miami Dade College will be managed in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statute 1002.22 and MDC manual of Policy (policy number IV-20). Please note that due to space limitations, all hard copies of student assessments will only be kept for no more than one academic term, after the course has ended, or after the final grade for the course has been granted. Students are encouraged to review their tests/assessments during the academic term, and to discuss any possible discrepancies in grading/corrections with the professor during the ongoing term.

Tardiness and exiting class early are disruptive and inappropriate behavior. If you find yourself unavoidably in either of the above situations, please sit in a seat as near the door as possible and move into or out of the classroom as quietly. You have to be on time for tests.

Students arriving late to an exam may finish the test in the remaining time allotted for the class test.

Students are expected to take exams on the date and time scheduled. If it is not possible for the student to adhere to the original schedule, (i.e., illness severe enough to have a doctor's excuse, death in the family) the following policy will be observed for all program core courses:

Tests must be taken at their scheduled times. Exceptions may be made at the instructor's discretion but only after prior notification and discussion with the student.

 The instructor must be notified before the exam if the student will not be taking the test at the designated time. Failure to notify instructor or leave a phone mail or email message before the exam will result in an immediate 10-point deduction from the test grade.

 The student will be allowed to make up one exam without penalty. Any subsequent make-ups may receive a deduction up to 10 points from the test grade.

 All makeup tests must be taken by the next class meeting, at a


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

Academic Deadlines:




Academic Deadlines:


Academic Deadlines:



Incompletes time specified by the instructor. Failure to show up for an arranged make-up test will result in a grade of "0" on the test.

Your missed test will count as your “drop” test.

 Makeup exams may not include opportunities for extra credit or points for correcting items missed.

 Make-up exams may be in a different format than the original test.

All make-up tests will be set up for the students, during departmental work hours, at:

Location: Biology Department Office, Room A-322, Natural Sciences

Building, MDC-North Campus.

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Please adhere to the withdrawal deadlines published in the MDC academic calendar for full refund and withdrawal with a “W”. It is the students’ responsibility to formally withdraw from the course in accordance to MDC guidelines and deadlines.

It is the student's responsibility to determine his/her status in the course at all times, and make that decision, if necessary.

Students who do not attend classes on a regular base will be purged from the class roll according to MDC guidelines and timelines; and a grade of


” or “Instructor Withdrawal will appear on the students’ transcript.

It is the responsibility of the student to drop/withdraw the course according to College timelines. Those who remain in the final grade role and have not attended or taken the tests or exams will receive the grade of


Incompletes are not an endowment. Incomplete (I) grades will be given in accordance with MDC bylaws and/or Virtual College guidelines [if applicable for hybrid courses]. Requests for incompletes should be processed on a timely fashion, in order to provide appropriate time for their processing. No requests for a grade of incomplete will be processed after the end of the term, once final grades have been entered.

Guidelines: students must have completed at least 75% of their work in the course, have already earned D – B grades, and provide documentation of serious illness, death in the immediate family, or other extenuating circumstances before granting incomplete grades. Faculty has the final decision on whether an “I” may be granted. Students have the right to


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

Standards of Student


Classroom behavior


Academic dishonesty

Class Participation:

Reading assignments

Student Contact


Changes in name and/or surname

E-mail address

4/16/2020 appeal a grade.

Students must fill an Incomplete Agreement Form

(contract), and must complete the required work within one major term of the date of the incomplete. A grade of “I” will automatically turn into and

“F” if the required work is not completed within one major term of the “I” grade.

No requests for “Incompletes” will be processed by phone or email without the processing of an incomplete agreement form!


Incomplete Agreement Form MUST be filled, signed and filed with the

Professor/department in accordance to MDC guidelines, at least one week before the end of the term and/or final exam.

Disruptive behavior and/or academic dishonesty are not acceptable.

Students enrolled at Miami-Dade Community College are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit on the college, the community and themselves.

Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. Cellular phones and pagers should be on vibration mode


Proper use of “ netiquette ” Is required from students on hybrid courses.

Students are advised to become familiar with, and to abide by the general regulations and rules of conduct listed in the MDC Students’ Rights and

Responsibilities Handbook , which includes the Student Conduct Code and MDC procedures for the handling of student disciplinary cases.

Students must be familiar with Procedure 4035, Academic Dishonesty , page 20.

Readings will be assigned from the required textbook according to the schedule of topics to be covered and should be completed prior to class covering that material. Additional readings may also be assigned. This is a required component of the class and completion of these assignments in preparation for an active class participation/discussion is necessary for receiving a satisfactory grade for the course

Students are responsible to verify that there are no discrepancies between their “given name” and the name under which they are enrolled in the

College and/or in the class roll. Students must notify the instructor ASAP of any discrepancies in names and/or if there have been a change in their name and/or surname(s) [e.g. due to marriage, divorce, religious conversion and/or acculturation (e.g. Westernization of Asian names)].

Students are responsible for keeping their e-mail address current on

College records/contacts. The instructor will not, and can not, update this information for the student .

To forward emails from your MDC email to your personal email: Once a student is in their email they can click on settings then they will see


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

Emergency Procedures:

In class


Technology Problems:





Support multiple tabs. The tab they need to select is the forward tab. They will then see an option to forward copies from the MDC email to whatever email they would like, in that section they would have to enter the alternate email.

The instructor is NOT responsible for the missing of e-mailed course materials due to errors in students’ e-mail address, outdated e-mail addresses, fire walls, spam mail, and/or recipients’ full e-boxes.

If you, or a classmate, are injured (even a minor injury) while in class, please contact your instructor immediately. An accident / incident report must be completed as soon as possible.

In case of a medical emergency summon an ambulance immediately by dialing 911 . Give the operator your exact location, building and room number. Have someone else call the MDC Campus Police

Department at 305-237-1100 or 7-1100 if using a campus phone.

When South Florida is under a hurricane watch: Everyone is urged to make necessary preparations at home and in the workplace in preparation for a hurricane.

The College will remain open for classes until officially notified, otherwise. Please stay in touch regarding a possible closing.

The following communication sources are available:

MDC Hotline (general advisories): 305-237-7500

TDD phone number for hearing impaired: 1-800-955-8771

Hybrid courses : If the College is operational , it has computer courtyard that will accommodate students who have lost electricity or internet access after the hurricane, so that virtual and web assisted classes can proceed.

Hybrid Courses : Due to the necessity of technology in Virtual College courses, students must have a backup plan for using an alternative computer with Internet access. Students in the South Florida area may use the computer courtyard labs located on MDC campuses. If you have a major technology problem, please notify your instructor immediately to let him/her know you are trying to resolve it.

After contacting your instructor and if you can not resolve the problem , you need to report this to the Virtual College help desk at

(305) 237-3800 or

This is the quickest way for you to get help with login issues.


PCB-3060 Course Syllabus

For any questions or concerns about ANGEL , or other questions or problems or if you cannot reach your professor please contact :

Mr. Lloyd Hollingsworth

Student Services Coordinator

Phone: 305.237.3873 Fax: 305.237.3863


Note: Technical Support does not cover problems that you may be experiencing with your computer hardware, installation of software,

Internet connection, or other technical problems that may require a technician or intervention from your Internet Service Provide.

Faculty e-mail Response


Every reasonable effort is made in order to respond your e-mails within

48 hours, during week days, excluding holidays and weekends. E-mails are answered on an individual base, or through periodic/regular

[weekly] “updates” in order to address particular questions and/or issues that many of you might have.

Note: Always use ANGEL's internal email if the course is presented on a hybrid format. Only use my MDC email (

) if you are experiencing a technical difficulty and cannot access the course.

Please check your email every time you login to your course.

AVAILABLE SUPPORT SERVICES: Additional Resources and Information

Academic Calendar


Students’ Rights and


Students with special needs: ACCESS services

Students who experience learning difficulties or have disabilities are urged to visit an ACCESS advisor to determine if eligible for any special services.

Hurricane Watch and

Computer Courtyards

Ancillary Learning


Students are also encouraged to use any CD-ROMs and/or ancillary

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MDC library sponsored web links materials accompanying the textbook; and to consult the web sites provided in class to find materials for the discussions. Please make sure to use recommended Web-sources for reliable information.

Problems with Spyware and Adware

Hybrid Courses : You might have problems in "seeing" some of the course content, links and/or icons when using different computers.

Some of you might experience "disappearing" icons at times. This might be due to the fact that your computer might have installed

Spyware and/or any of the many other programs available to block third party "cookies" and/or unsolicited advertisements. If so, you might encounter problems in accessing some of the course content at times. These problems are frequently encountered by students and faculty. You should download and install an application to remove

Virtual College

Information: spyware/adware from your computer(s). There are many applications available. We recommend Spybot, which can be downloaded it at no cost.

or Virtual College help desk at 305-237-3800

Study Guidelines for

Success in the Course


Make a commitment to succeed


Get help/assistance right away


Participate actively in class


Have a study plan: study regularly


Work on your on-line class[component] regularly


Work with a study group


Tie ideas and concepts together


Learn the vocabulary of the field


Utilize additional resources available to you


Prepare before class


Organize the information

Students with Disabilities

Guidelines for implementing the American Disabilities Act, Section 504 (as amended) are described below.

Students who believe they have a disability, which would interfere with their success in the course, (or a particular program component such as a lectures and/or laboratory), are encouraged to contact the


(A Comprehensive Center for Exceptional Student Services) Office at the appropriate campus, to discuss possible accommodations. Special assistance may be available with orientation, registration, academic planning, and special supplies and equipment.

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“A student does not have a disability unless he/she chooses to self-identify as a person with a disability and request Special Accommodations.” Once the student self identifies as having a disability, they should be referred to the Disabilities Resource Center for counseling and documentation of the need for academic adjustments or accommodations. The Disabilities Resource Center has the authority to coordinate disabilityrelated arrangements and advocate for the students as needed.

Students with disabilities must be able to achieve the course/program competencies. Student and coworker safety are critical consideration in laboratory and learning situations.

 Students with a learning disability must be certified as such through the ACCESS Center and must meet with the instructor at the beginning of the term to establish an academic plan.

 Information regarding a student’s disability is confidential. Faculty members do not have the right to know the specific disability, only the academic adjustments or accommodations necessary to meet the student’s disability-related needs.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Students requesting academic accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to contact the appropriate ACCESS (A Comprehensive Center for Exceptional Student Services) Office at the appropriate campus.

ACCESS Disability Services is a support program in the Student Services Division. Students with a disability may voluntarily register with our office to receive assistance. It is our goal that students be given every opportunity for success in their pursuit of higher education.

The ACCESS department at the different Campuses serves as a full-service advisement center. In addition to general advisement, the staff provides individualized guidance, registration, and orientation, taking into consideration the unique needs of students with various disabilities. The ACCESS department also coordinates and supplies any auxiliary aides/services necessary to facilitate student success.

For further information on ACCESS services and facilities:

MDC-North Campus:


Limits in Class Size

Please take note that there is a maximum limit of students allowed for each classroom (or reference number).

Biology laboratories are limited to 24 students/laboratory. This limit is STRICTLY enforced due to safety reasons (fire hazard regulations). Students who are dropped from the class roll might lose their place in the particular lecture/lab section(s). Every effort will be done to assist students in re-registering and/or finding another section when dropped “by the system” due to delays in financial aid payment.

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Recording Class Lectures

Students are welcome to record class lectures. The instructor will greatly appreciate you letting him know in advance should you be recording class lectures.

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