Lesson 2, The EDIT Strategy

Lesson 2, The EDIT Strategy
Passage 1E
My name is Sam, and I have two pets. The first is John, my dog; the second is Fluffy, my
cat. I also have one brother named Jim. He was adopted and his one year yngr than I am. I am 9
yeers old. My brother is 8 and is very smart.
It is really fan to play with my pets, espeshlee my dog. My cat is great at catching mice. I
live on a frm near a lake. The lake has swans and ducks, but it is very quit and lonely. And I
have one big problum. I have no parents. It’s hard to believe, but its true.
Tomorrow I am going to search for new parents (and that is going to be hard). I asked my
bruther if he had any ideas for finding new prnts. He said, ''Well, we can make an sign and it wil
say... ‘WE NEED NEW PARENTS NOW!!’ '' We kept the sign up for two weeks, but no luck.
So we thought end thought, but still no luck. Finaly, we thought of sumting. We will go to
places where people need children. We tried every house in the state, bit nobody wanted us. So
we tried to mak some money to fly on a plan to Florida.
Misspelled Words (S)
Misused Words (U)
x 100 =