PROYECTO Mi escuela: Una guía Student Instructions

Mi escuela: Una guía
Student Instructions
Overview: Congratulations!!! You and your friend have been selected as ambassadors for your school.
Several students from COSTA RICA are coming to visit and in order to let them know about your school,
you will need to create a trifold brochure a PowerPoint or a video in which you describe your school for
the incoming students. First you will gather the information and write about your school. (See task)
Introduce your school. You must compare your school with other schools, describe the school rules, the
classes, the possible extracurricular activities and present this information. In your Presentation, you will
discuss your school’s info. The new students are anxious to know all about your school.
1. Introducción
¿Cómo se llama tu escuela?
¿Quién es el/la director (a)?
¿Quién es el/la asistente del director (a)?
¿Cómo es tu escuela? Comparala a otra escuela (mas+ adjetivo que) (tan, tanta (s), tanto (s)
Las Reglas
¿Cuáles son las reglas de la escuela? –Se prohibe, se permite, hay que, tener que…
3. Las Clases
¿Cuáles son las clases en la escuela?
¿Quién enseña las clases?
¿Qué necesitan los estudiantes para las clases?
¿Cómo son las clases?
4. Las actividades extracurriculares
¿Cuáles actividades hay en la escuela?
¿Por qué son interesantes
¿Qué actividades haces?
¿Hace cuánto tiempo haces la(s) actividad (es)
¿Qué actividad recomiendas? ¿Por qué?
5. La Presentación: After you and your partner gather all the information on your school and have it all
written up, you and your partner may create a visual for your presentation. This can be a trifold, video, or
PowerPoint. Your presentation must contain a step-by-step walk through of your school
a. Introducción
b. Reglas
c. Clases
d. Las actividades extracurriculares
e. All text must be in Spanish.
Your presentation must not be read. Your visuals are tools for you to present and talk about your school to
the new students who are anxious to know about your school.
Student Learning Assessment: Students will be assessed on their written product , visual, and speaking
presentational skills.
Note: A detailed Rubric has been provided for this project
Mi Escuela- Una Guía
Me llamo: __________________________
Evidence of
All five parts of the
assignment are fully
completed according to
guidelines. Your Visual
is very appealing and
presentation is very
Comprehensibility Writing portions are
easily understood.
Student conjugates verbs
correctly for context,
pays notice to nounadjective agreement and
uses appropriate
grammar. Throughout
your presentation, your
dialogue was very easy
to understand, complete
and accurate with
supporting visuals and
Bloque _________________
13 pts.
Needs improvement
10 pts.
One part is not fully
completed OR parts are
not completed according
to instructions. Visual is
appealing and
presentation is mostly
One part is not
completed OR more
than one part is not
completed according to
instructions Visual is
provided but it does not
enhance presentation.
Does not complete any of
the parts fully or does not
provide visual.
Presentation lacks
Writing portions are
understood with some
effort by teacher. Student
mostly conjugates verbs
correctly for context,
pays notice to nounadjective agreement and
uses appropriate
grammar. Throughout
your presentation your
dialogue was mostly easy
to understand with few
errors. Visuals and
gestures were clearly
Writing portions are
understood with much
effort. Student
conjugates some verbs
correctly for context,
pays little notice to
agreement and
sometimes uses
appropriate grammar.
Throughout your
presentation the
dialogue was
unorganized and lacked
visuals and gestures
Writing portions are
difficult to understand.
OR Translator used.
Throughout your
presentation you did not
include visuals/photos and
no gestures
Speech halting and
uneven with long pauses
incomplete thoughts.
Student reads from notes
Speech continuous with Some hesitation but
few to no pauses or
manages to continue and
stumbling. Clear
complete thoughts.
evidence that student
practices ahead of time
Speech choppy and/or
slow with frequent
pauses; few or no
incomplete thoughts.
Occasionally interferes Frequently interferes with
with communication.
Language Control Control of basic
Does not interfere with
Emerging control of basic Emerging use of basic
language structures with language structures.
language structures
occasional use of
Relatively interesting,
Delivery not smooth,
Fairly smooth delivery
but able to hold
language structures.
that usually holds
audience attention most
Interesting, wellaudience attention. Uses of the time. Uses
rehearsed with smooth direct eye contact, but is minimal eye contact,
and clear delivery that
not very confident.
while reading some
holds audience attention.
from notes.
Uses direct eye contact
Some use of English
when talking to others.
Inadequate and/or
inaccurate use of basic
language structures.
Delivery not smooth and
audience attention lost.
No eye contact with
audience. Uses English
on more than one
occasion. Reads