Class News Room 36 Mrs. Roth’s Children October 10, 2014

Class News
Room 36
Mrs. Roth’s Children
October 10, 2014
Due Dates…..
No spelling unit next week, due to short week
No reading log next week, due to short week
Social studies vocabulary sheet due: Oct. 16th
Quiz on northeast region of the US: Friday, Oct. 17th. The
test will be very similar to the paper they completed in
class. A study guide has also been given out. The
children will be responsible for identifying the states,
provide the abbreviation and the capital city. Spelling
does count.
 Social studies NE project (“foldable”) due: Oct. 23rd
Class Lessons…..
 DRA assessments are complete. We have started a
series of lessons associated with the “Minecraft
Mania” story in our Storyworks magazine. Ask your
child about some of the other stories in this
wonderful magazine. We have a debate coming up
on the need for cursive writing. I’m anxious to see
what the students’ opinions will be.
 Designing a paragraph using the 4-Square model
has been our focus in language arts. We will move
from developing a paragraph to creating a full 4square for an entire essay. Ask your child about
what we have been doing with the “colors” in class.
 Spelling units and reading logs will resume the
week of October 20th. The student’s placement in
spelling groups sometimes changes according to
performance and need.
The Croc Shop is open, ask your child about it.
Columbus Day is a holiday, Monday
Oct. 16th is a PTA meeting at 7pm
October 25th is the Fall Carnival from 4:007:00, here at the school
November 3rd and 4th are student holidays/
teacher work days