PRINT AD SERM #68 ADVERTISING • Paid communication • Sponsor is identified • Advertisers control where the message is seen and heard and how often repeated • Average person exposed to over 2000 ads per week PRINT ADVERTISING • Newspapers • Magazines • Direct Mail • Outdoor Advertising • Station Posters- Transit • Stadium Signage FOUR ELEMENTS OF PRINT AD • Headline • Copy • Illustration • Signature Can You Identify the Four Elements of This Print Ad? HEADLINE • Phrase or sentence that attracts attention • Must convince reader to continue reading the ad • Research show most effective include words such as you, your, how, and new • Be brief- seven words or less • Stress benefits- make a promise, ask a questions, pose a challenge or use testimonial • Develop with needs of target market in mind- based on research COPY • Sells the message • Details how product or service meets the need identified in the headline • Based on objective of ad campaign • Introduce/attract new customers • Sells to existing customers ILLUSTRATION • Photo, drawing or other graphic elements • Attract and hold attention • Encourage action • Along with headline, should motivate reader to continue reading the ad SIGNATURE • Also called logotype or logo • Distinctive identification symbol for a business • Should get instant recognition CREATE A PRINT AD 1. Select a company and product related to the SER industry 2. Create a print ad for this company and product 3. On the back of the ad that you turn in, write the following: • Target market: • Identify the need that the ad is targeting: • All four elements of a print ad must be included using the tips from this PPT and other information that you research on the Internet regarding how to create an effective print advertisement. • The ad must be completed in an attractive manner that would be presented as a proto-type to an ad agency who would then complete the work for you.