The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye Constructed Response
Due Friday, April 15 (ALL CLASSES) *Share response with me through Google Docs. Bring
illustrations to class (A Day, April 14 and B Day, April 15)
In the PBS News Hour Special, University of Michigan creative writing professor, Nicholas
Delbanco, describes Holden Caulfield as a character who “announces early on and
absolutely authoritatively that we’re in the presence of, not so much an outcast of
society, as someone who hasn’t yet found his comfortable place within it, who looks at it
keenly through the eyes of an adolescent…”
As an adolescent, think about what Delbanco means by “comfortable place” in society.
What is your comfortable place in society and why? Provide two well-developed
supporting details that explain why this is your comfortable place. You should use RAPPS
to create your response.
Then, create an illustration that reflects your “comfortable place”. I will provide you with
the necessary paper. *Based on the creativity, colorfulness, neatness, detail, and degree
of effort displayed by your illustration, it is worth up to 10 points on your constructed
response grade.
The Catcher in the Rye Constructed Response
Due Friday, April 15 (ALL CLASSES) *Share response with me through Google Docs. Bring
illustrations to class (A Day, April 14 and B Day, April 15)
In the PBS News Hour Special, University of Michigan creative writing professor, Nicholas
Delbanco, describes Holden Caulfield as a character who “announces early on and
absolutely authoritatively that we’re in the presence of, not so much an outcast of
society, as someone who hasn’t yet found his comfortable place within it, who looks at it
keenly through the eyes of an adolescent…”
As an adolescent, think about what Delbanco means by “comfortable place” in society.
What is your comfortable place in society and why? Provide two well-developed
supporting details that explain why this is your comfortable place. You should use RAPPS
to create your response.
Then, create an illustration that reflects your “comfortable place”. I will provide you with
the necessary paper. *Based on the creativity, colorfulness, neatness, detail, and degree
of effort displayed by your illustration, it is worth up to 10 points on your constructed
response grade.