Mrs. Jones’ News September 21- October 2 Reminders Progress Reports will go home on Wednesday, September 23. I will continue to take any candy or prize box donations for rewards for good behavior. Upcoming Events: The PTO Fall Festival is Friday evening on October 2nd from 4pm to 8pm. Come out and enjoy a night of fun! Spelling Words September 24-28 shine, flake, write, grin, grade, mistake, trade, shin, wrap, while, quite, beside, quiet, everyone October 1-5 face, nose, place, close, nice, advice, mice, shade, price, hope, space, alone, ahead, ready Reading Target: Math Target: 2.RL.3b I can describe how a character responds to an event in the story. 2.RL.6 I can understand characters point of view. 2.OA.2 I can use mental strategies to add and subtract. 2.MD.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.