Mrs. Jones Class Reading

Mrs. Jones Class
Classroom News
October 5-16
October 5-9- 2.MD.7 I can tell time to
the nearest five minutes using analog and
digital clocks.
October 12-16- 2.MD.8- I can count and
compare sets of coins and write the cent
sign correctly.
October 6-10-2.RL.2b- I can identify
the main idea of a selection.
October 12-16- 2.RL.2b- I can identify
the main idea of a selection.
Spelling Words
October 5-9
age, badge, use, huge, page, excuse, edge, dodge, bridge, fudge, cube, include, word, change
thanked, traded, smiled, checked, raced, excused, closed, hoped, landed, saved, wished,
invited, heard, young
Science and Social Studies
In Science we are continuing our unit
on matter. We are learning about
solids, liquids, and gases.
In Social Studies, we are learning
about our government. We are
learning about rules, laws, and the
Bill of Rights.
Oct 7- PTO Meeting at Randy’s BBQ 5pm
Oct 9- Hat Day for $1.00
October 19- Family Night at Randy’s BBQ
10% of proceeds go to PTO from 4pm-9pm
October 21- Early Release Day
October 22- Box Tops Due
October 23- Hat Day for $1.00
October 30- Teacher Workday