CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS EDUCATION STREET LAW CIP Code: 520703 Course Title: Street Law Course Description: The purpose of this course is to explore topics of law that are particularly relevant to the lives of students. Street Law provides a basic foundation in law by introducing students to the basics of the legal system, ethics, criminal law and juvenile justice. Purpose of Course: A general course that focuses on law and new issues from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities. Includes instruction in the theory and practice of the legal system, including the statutory, administrative, and judicial components of civil and criminal law. To provide basic law knowledge, skills, and attitude as a foundation and beginning course in a sequence of courses designed to train students for careers in business. Graduation Requirement: Elective course; fulfills .5 occupational education (CTE) credits Prerequisite: None Course Level: 9th to 12th grade Class Fees: None Course Length: 90 hours (1 semester) SYLLABUS Street Law is a 90-hour exploratory course addressing statutes and regulations affecting businesses, families, and individuals in their related roles. Street Law is designed to use real world mock trials (simulations of real-life court room drama) to engage students in topics that are particularly relevant to the lives of students. Mock trials help students gain a basic understanding of the legal mechanism through which society resolves many of its disputes. While learning the details of the trial and appellate process and the substantive content of the case, students also develop a number of skills: critical analysis of problems, strategic thinking, questioning skills, listening skills, skills in oral presentation and extemporaneous argument, and skills in preparing and organizing material. This course introduces students to basic knowledge of the legal system. It is a foundational course for students in the Business and Marketing Pathway and prepares students for any of the five career clusters (identified by the U.S. Department of Education States Career Clusters) in the Business and Marketing Pathway. Specific learning standards are outlined in the framework. All of these tools will continue to be used throughout the high school exploratory and preparatory sequence. COURSE OVERVIEW/STANDARDS The outline below gives an overview of the components of the Street Law course. This framework includes the performance task/assessment, standards and competencies, and connection to Washington State Education Reform Initiatives including EALRs and Goals 1-4. The standards for this framework are taken from the National Business Education Standards released in October 2001 ( Street Law also meets the content standards for civics and government as outlined in the National Standards for Civics and Government. COURSE OUTLINE Integrated Standards 3 weeks 8 weeks Introduction to Law and the Legal System Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice 2 weeks 5 weeks Scripted mock trials Mock Trial Rules; Expectations; Introductions; Ergonomics Career Development; Ethical Responsibilities; Leadership; Safety and Security; Teamwork What Is Law?; Lawmaking; Advocacy; Settling Disputes; The Court System; Lawyers Crime in America; Intro. to Criminal Law; Crimes Against the Person; Crimes Against Property; Defenses; Criminal Justice Process: The Investigation, Proceedings Before Trial, The Trial, Sentencing and Corrections; Juvenile Justice; Law and Terrorism Practice mock trials with scripts The Trial: How Do You Get There? Steps in a Trial: What Are They? The Jury: How Do You Select One? A Talk Show: What’s the Case About? Theory of the Case & Opening Statements Opening Statements, Witness Examinations, & Closing Arguments The Rules of Evidence & Procedure The Mock Trial Debriefing the Mock Trial VIDEO DISCLAIMER Periodically, videos will be shown in the course related to the unit topics. The videos may include content that is R-rated, or not rated, but may include material that is graphic, of a violent nature, or contain strong language, or other elements, or a combination of the above. Students will be able to complete an alternative assignment instead of watching a specific video if the parent(s) or student chooses. If you have any questions, please contact me. GRADING SCALE GRADE A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F (Attempted) F (Not done) POINTS 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.3 1.7 1.3 1.0 0 0 PERCENT 92.5 - 100.00 90.0 - 92.49 86.5 - 89.99 82.5 - 86.49 80.0 - 82.49 76.5 - 79.99 72.5 - 76.49 70.0 - 72.49 66.5 - 69.99 60.0 - 66.49 0.0 - 59.99 0.0 GRADE SUMMARY Based on a Total Points system Leadership; Daily Assignments; Quizzes; Tests; Final Integrated Project (Mock Trial) CLASSROOM RULES No eating or drinking in the classroom Be in class before the bell rings ready to work; CHS attendance policies will be followed Cheating/Plagiarism—All students involved - failure on assignment, referral to administration If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed (check class calendar on Skyward) You are allowed the number of days absent (ex.) plus one (+1) to turn in the missed work—work not turned in by the deadline may receive a 0 You are responsible for having read and knowing the information in the student handbook. In particular, note: Tardy Policy (pg. 12) Misconduct (pg. 13) Personal Electronic Devices are prohibited during class time (pg. 15) Computer Misuse (pg. 15) Cheating/Plagiarism (pg. 15) Profane Language & Bullying/Harassment (pg. 15) . RESOURCES Street Law—A Course in Practical Law by Scott, Arbetman & O’Brien, Text (Glencoe) Street Law Website: Glencoe Companion Website: Class Website: CONTACT INFORMATION E-mail: Voice Message: 360-596-8254 Video Permission—Parent: □ My son/daughter HAS my permission to view all videos shown in class □ My son/daughter does NOT have my permission and needs an alternative assignment Student Signature Parent Signature Date