Name FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA (FBLA) Business Achievement Awards (BAA) “America” Award Activities The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) are an aggressive, self-directed, results-based business and leadership national awards program designed to compliment academics while accelerating a student's leadership skills. The awards focus on the words surrounding the FBLA Crest: Service, Education, and Progress. There is a heavy emphasis on education with integrated classroom/FBLA projects. The individual recognition is a four-tier program aligned with the FBLA-PBL Goals, NBEA Standards, and Career Clusters. The BAA has four distinct award levels—Future, Business, Leader, and America. In order to attend the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April, the Future award must be completed. In order to run for a state office position, the F and B levels are required (see “Running for a State Office” requirements for more details). You may complete as many levels as you wish within a one-year time period. Work and documentation will be completed online through interactive forms (see Mrs. McFadden for your login key and password). Your application form and this (America) worksheet need to be turned in to Mrs. McFadden by February 18 in order to be processed by the March 1 deadline for the State conference. Activities on the worksheet need to be signed off by Mrs. McFadden as they are completed throughout the year. Activities not completed in one year may be carried over into the next year. Projects completed for each level must be different. Students who receive F, B, or L awards will be recognized at the State conference. Students who achieve the A award will be recognized at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in the summer. In addition to receiving the “America level” pin, all recipients of this award who attend the NLC will receive “America” ribbons and certificates of recognition. These awards are great additions to your portfolio, resume, college applications, and scholarship applications! Future Award This award focuses on basic business skills, introduction to community service, and FBLA involvement at the local level. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. Business Award Prerequisite: Future Award. This award focuses on local and district/regional and state involvement; intermediate business skills; and leadership in the community. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. Leader Award Prerequisite: Future and Business Awards. This award focuses on local, district/regional, state, and national involvement; advanced business skills; and community leadership. Pins will be awarded to the recipient at the State Leadership Conference (SLC) in April. America Award Prerequisite: Future, Business, and Leader Awards. This award focuses on total association leadership, business skills, and involvement in community. Students qualifying for this award will receive pins at the National Leadership Conference (NLC) in the summer. Website: AMERICA AWARD - SERVICE (Complete 7 activities from this section. The first 3 are required.) Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Description Complete the FBLA Recruitment Project. (Please upload a copy of the report. Complete project details are located on the interactive form.) Create a online chapter scrapbook presentation (PowerPoint) highlighting some of your chapter's activities. Distribute this at a chapter meeting (Upload a copy of the presentation and include a 100-word description on how it helped chapter communications.) Participate on a committee to plan a free enterprise project for elementary students. As part of this project, prepare a free enterprise board game or card game (i.e. bingo, etc.) to help students learn these concepts. (Complete the interactive Project Activity Report form, prepare a copy of a news release, a description and rules for the game, and a scanned photo of students playing the game.) Do something special for Adviser Appreciation Day during FBLA-PBL Week for your local or state adviser. (Write and upload a one-page summary of what you did for your adviser. Include a thank you letter to your adviser in proper business format.) Plan an adviser-approved social activity for your local chapter. (Complete the interactive Project Activity Report form.) Volunteer to work on a project in conjunction with a charity such as the March of Dimes or a state-sponsored service project. (Attach a 100-word essay on what you learned.) Plan and participate in a literacy project. (Prepare a memorandum to your local chapter adviser describing the benefits that you gained, complete the interactive Project Activity Report form, and prepare a press release.) Participate in a service activity sponsored by your school or the community. (Write a 100-word summary of the project.) Contact local businesses to find door prizes for members for drawings for local chapter meetings. (Upload a copy of the letter to businesses requesting this and a summary/review of this activity as a recruitment tactic). Help your local chapter sponsor an environmental slogan contest in the school. (Upload a copy of the contest rules and create a flyer promoting this activity). Work with your local chapter adviser to plan a special Power Lunch meeting with chapter members. Invite a guest speaker from business and prepare a program. (Upload a copy of the letter inviting the guest speaker and a copy of the program). Required Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature AMERICA AWARD - EDUCATION (Complete 6 activities from this section. The first 4 are required.) Activity 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Description Entrepreneurship. Complete the interactive Current Events Internet assignment. Technology. Complete the E-Portfolio project by using the interactive template. Some of the items that will be included will be a title page, a letter to the viewers , a table on contents, photographs, voice recording, videos, scanned documents, projects, etc. (Complete the interactive template). Technology. Create a TBL Magazine cover for the Spring issue of Tomorrows Business Leader, FBLAs national magazine. The theme for the magazine is Focus on the National Leadership Conference. Include at least one photo on the cover as well as a bulleted list of articles that are inside this edition. (Upload a copy of the magazine cover.) Communications. Develop a television commercial (using electronic media such as PowerPoint, video, etc) 28-32 seconds in length addressing the topic of Global Warming. The following must be used: full screen graphics as much as possible, some animation, and sounds effects. (Upload a copy of the commercial). Communications. Plan and prepare a report for district/regional, state, or national competition (i.e., Business Plan, American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, or Partnership with Business Project.) (Upload a copy of the report, prepare a 500word summary of the project, and present at a local chapter meeting-include an outline of the presentation with your documentation.) Entrepreneurship. Participate in a co-op, internship, or 25 hours of a job shadow experience, and submit a 500-word report with appendices to include at least two scanned photos, a letter from the business that you worked with, a news release prepared for your local newspaper, and two additional items of supporting documentation. Give a presentation at a local meeting. (Upload this report and an outline of the presentation.) Communications. Complete a leadership project (e.g., prepare and present a workshop for a chapter or state event, help plan a chapter or state event, present a workshop about leadership to elementary students), and prepare an electronic presentation describing your project. (Complete the interactive project activity report form, and upload a copy of a presentation/PowerPoint. Present at a meeting and upload two items of supporting documentation from your project.) Communications. Submit a feasible, detailed plan to President and CEO, Ms. Jean Buckley, for a new nation-wide project. This proposal must be at least two pages in length, include a budget, and a bar graph for pie chart. (Upload a copy Required Required Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature 20 of the proposal). Technology. Prepare a podcast about how FBLA has helped your future career. (Upload a copy of the podcast). AMERICA AWARD - PROGRESS (Complete 10 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.) Activity 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Description Complete the requirements for Membership Mania or recruit 2 Professional Division members. Secure a letter of recommendation about your leadership skills and why you are deserving of the America Award from your adviser. (Upload a copy of this letter.) Participate in the National Fall Leadership Conference or the Institute for Leaders. (Upload a summary of the benefits gained from this experience). Help present the FBLA new member induction ceremony or officer installation ceremony at a local, district/regional, or state meeting. (Upload a copy of an agenda or a program.) Help create a chapter FBLA Lending Library where FBLA members can donate books, and anyone in the chapter can take them and either keep them or return them. (Upload a copy of the project report form). Submit an application for the FBLA Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship. (Upload a completed application form). Read an article in Tomorrow's Business Leader, and write a one-page summary of your reaction to the article. (Upload a copy of the summary). Plan an activity for your local chapter in which you participate in a joint project or social event with an FBLA-Middle Level or a PBL chapter. (Complete the interactive Project Activity Report form.) Meet with a local leader such as a mayor or state legislator to discuss the benefits of FBLA. (Write a press release about this activity.) Visit at least one school that does not have an active FBLA chapter or FBLA-Middle Level chapter. Meet with school officials to encourage them to charter or reactivate a chapter. (Prepare a 100-word description of the experience.) Invite a school administrator to a chapter meeting, a state meeting, or a state- or national-sponsored FBLA conference. (Upload a copy of a letter.) Create child safety brochures and help develop an informational presentation for students. (Upload a copy of the brochure and an outline of the presentation.) Attend a community patriotic, historical, or cultural event. (Write a one-page paper about the event and included at least Required Required Required Activity Attempted Completed Notes Teacher Signature 34 35 one scanned photo). Create flyers concerning a 3-Point Paper pledge: reduce paper consumption, rethink paper sources, and recycle what is left. On the back of the flyer include signatures for businesses to sign this form. (Upload a the flyer and a copy of at least two signatures from businesses that have signed the pledge form). Make a personal visit to an elected official. Dress in business attire. Research and discuss Perkins Funding. Take a photo with the official. (Prepare and upload a press release and a copy of the photo).