Ecology Unit Exam Review 1. Define Ecology 2. What is the difference between an abiotic and biotic factor? 3. What is the difference between weather and climate? 4. What is the greenhouse effect? 5. Put in order from smallest to largest and describe each term Biosphere, species, population, ecosystem, biome, community 7. What is the ultimate energy source for all organisms? 8. What is the difference between a chemosynthetic and photosynthetic organism? Give an example of each. 9. What is the difference between a food chain and web? 10. Is energy recycled? 11. How much energy is transferred through each trophic level? 12. Label the following organism is the food chain as to what level producer/consumer 13. Organisms that maker their own food are called ________ or ________ Ex: plants, algae, bacteria 14. Organisms that eat other organisms are called _________ or ________ Ex: deer, rabbits, cats, bears 15. What organisms return nutrients to the soil? ______________________ 16. Herbivores eat 17. Omnivores eat 18. Carnivores eat 19. Scavengers eat 20. Write whether the following are a chemical, physical, biological or geological process. And the check the cycles that each process is found in (some may have more than one check) Process Chemical/Physical/Biological /Geological/human Process Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Cycle Water Cycle Combustion (Fossil Fuels) Respiration Photosynthesis Nitrification Denitrification Decomposition Evaporation Transpiration 21. Most water on earth is found in the ___________________ 22. Is matter recycled? 23. Describe an organisms niche AND why no two organisms cannot occupy the same niche 24. Describe the 3 different types of symbiosis 25. Describe the difference between primary and secondary succession 26. What is a biome? 27. Explain emigration vs. immigration and how they affect population size 28. What is the difference between density and distribution of populations? 29. What is the difference between logistic and exponential growth? What do each of the graphs look like? Which one shows the long term population growth? 30. Define carrying capacity. Is it on a logistic or exponential growth graph? What happens to a population if it exceeds the carrying capacity? 31. What is the difference between a density dependent and independent factor. Give 2 examples of each. 32. What is biomagnification? Short Answer 33. What is meant be a constraint in the engineering design process? Be able to read a scenario and come up with two constraints other than cost and explain why they are constraints.