Story: Please turn in this rubric with your story 16 March. Written

Story: 80 points
Please turn in this rubric with your story 16 March.
weighted x 4
Rich, varied vocabulary.
No significant grammatical
errors. Complex & varied
structures attempted at
high level of accuracy.
Spelling is correct. Meets
minimum word count.
Little variety of
vocabulary. Several
mistakes impede
comprehension. Basic
structures include
significant errors. Spelling
is often incorrect. Below
minimum word count.
Use of vocabulary is
limited & very basic.
Grammatical errors make
writing incomprehensible.
Very short. Spelling
impedes comprehension.
Below minimum word
weighted x 2
The text is clear,
convincing and wellorganized. Effective use of
a variety of rhetorical
devices. Appropriate style
and tone.
All ideas are relevant,
developed & well-justified.
Includes appropriate
supporting details.
The text is generally clear
& sometimes convincing.
Poor organization.
Rhetorical devices are very
limited. Style & tone are
not appropriate and/or
Ideas are generally
relevant but sometimes
repetitive. Development is
confused. Details are
limited or lacking.
The text is not clear or
convincing. Organization is
lacking. No use of
rhetorical devices.
Inappropriate style and
weighted x 2
Some variety of
vocabulary. Some
grammatical mistakes
interfere with overall
comprehension. Basic
structures are accurate.
Spelling is generally
correct. Meets minimum
word count.
The text is generally clear
& convincing. Organization
sometimes is evident.
Somewhat effective use of
limited rhetorical devices.
Mostly appropriate style
and tone.
Most ideas are relevant,
developed & generally
justified. Includes some
supporting details.
Ideas are irrelevant,
confused and/or
repetitive. Ideas are not
supported by details.
Did you do the following?
 Type, double-space your story?
 Include a word count at the end?
 Proofread and edit your story?
 Write a minimum of 250 words (175 for French 3)?
 Bribe a classmate to proofread your story?
 Double-check your conjugations?
 Print out this rubric to give to Mme Kinsel?
Technology often fails – do not wait until the last minute!
Regardless of absences or unexpected school cancellations, deadlines will remain the same. If you are absent Monday,
16 March, you are expected to email me your story or to turn it in immediately when you return.
Digital Storybook: 120 points
Please turn in this rubric 3 April.
Cover page
weighted x .5
Thoughtful choice of
image that alludes to
story. Includes title and
author’s name.
weighted x 3.5
Images clearly help reader
better understand story.
Obvious time spent
creating original images.
Exceeds minimum number
of images (except video).
weighted x 4
Speaks with ease &
fluency. Use of grammar &
vocabulary is generally
correct & varied.
Intonation &
pronunciation aid
weighted x 2
Simple & complex ideas
and opinions are
presented clearly &
effectively. Ideas are
relevant, coherent &
Participation is active,
spontaneous. Responses &
questions show high level
of understanding.
Speaks with fluency at
times. Use of grammar &
vocabulary is mostly
correct but mistakes
sometimes interfere with
Intonation &
pronunciation do not
interfere with
Simple ideas and opinions
are presented clearly.
Difficulty with more
complex ideas. Ideas are
generally relevant but
Participation is somewhat
active. Responses &
questions are competent
but basic and/or limited.
responses to
others’ stories)
weighted x 2
Choice of image
appropriate but does not
promote comprehension.
Includes title and author’s
Images do not distract
reader & do not interfere
with comprehension of
story. Meets minimum
number of images.
Image seems to be
randomly selected and
does not clearly connect
to story. Missing one of
required elements.
Images distract reader
and/or interfere with
comprehension of story.
Minimum not met.
Missing more than one
element. Unfinished or
not done.
No or few images. Images
do not coordinate with
Lapses of fluency in
speaking. Use of basic
grammar & vocabulary is
sometimes correct.
Intonation &
pronunciation are
Speaking is very hesitant &
not always
comprehensible. Use of
grammar & vocabulary is
often incorrect or limited.
Inaccurate intonation &
pronunciation interfere
with comprehension.
Simple ideas and opinions
are presented with
difficulty, sometimes
incoherently. Ideas are
irrelevant or repetitive.
Simple ideas and opinions
are presented
incoherently. Story is
Participation is limited.
Responses & questions are
inappropriate due to
limited understanding.
Participates in very simple
manner or does not
participate at all.
Responses & questions are
*Interaction: We will have (digital) story time in class on Friday, 3 April. (Should we all sit in a circle with our laptops?) You will have
this class time to read your classmates’ stories, as well as to leave them feedback, commentary and questions. You will also be
expected to finish your “interaction” at home the following week.
Did you do the following?
 Create a cover page for your book, including title, author’s name & image?
 Include a minimum of 10 images or 1 video?
 Stay within the time limit of 3-5 minutes? (Double for partners.)
 Double-check that your storybook is ready to go & accessible
 Print out this rubric to give to Mme Kinsel Friday, 3 April?
Regardless of absences or unexpected school cancellations, your digital storybook is due Friday, 3 April.