Français II

Français II
Madame Kinsel
Voicemail: 360/596-8248
Bonjour and welcome back to Français II! Below I have outlined general expectations and policies for our
French class this year. Please keep this in your notebook as a reference for the entire year.
Overview of the Subject & Content
During the second-year course, you will be building on the concepts and themes learned in Français I. The
focus will remain on self-expression – communicating about yourself, the people around you and your daily
life – but your expression will become richer and more complex. You will also continue to make
connections between people, languages and cultures.
Methods of Instruction
Material is normally thematically grouped and will be presented in a variety of ways. Usually it will involve
some visual or physical aspect while the students are listening and hearing French. After presentation,
students will practice, first as a group and then individually or with partners. Speaking and listening in the
target language will be a component of every class. Reading and writing in French will also be a part of
weekly instruction. The textbook for the class is Discovering French Nouveau: Blanc. Our textbooks are
brand new as of last year, so you are required to have a book cover and will be responsible for any writing
or damage to the book.
Student Performance Goals
You will continue developing your skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening in French.
The emphasis continues to be on self-expression and we will revisit many of the themes introduced in your
first year of study, but you will be able to express yourself orally and in writing more complexly, more
precisely and with a richer vocabulary. You will also be able to communicate in a variety of timeframes,
including the past, the present and the future. Students will continue making connections and comparisons
between their own culture and those of French speakers.
Please note that Period 2 will be a split-class with IB French 4. Students in this period will be
required to work more independently, be motivated to appropriately self-pace and communicate
frequently with the teacher regarding problems and questions.
Practice is absolutely necessary for success in a world language. Homework provides essential
opportunities to practice outside of the classroom. Expect frequent (3-4 times per week) homework
assignments. Homework is not optional and completing it on time is essential to the pace of the class. Late
and incomplete assignments are not accepted.
Expect to participate in class on a daily basis in a variety of ways. Participation points are given for
responding to oral and written prompts and questions and actively participating in partner and group
practice. You may also earn points by bringing in realia related to France, francophone countries or the
French language. You will need a spiral-bound notebook that will be used exclusively for the daily warmups and in-class activities.
Regular practice is crucial in learning a foreign language; therefore, punctuality and regular attendance are
vital. Missing class will affect your learning, your language acquisition and, ultimately, your grade. If you
miss a class due to an excused absence, it is your responsibility to find out what material you missed.
Assignments and directions for making up warm-ups are posted daily on the class website. You will have
the same number of days as your absence to make up the missed assignment(s), and it is your responsibility
to turn in the assignment by this revised due date. If you miss a test or quiz, you must make arrangements
immediately to make it up before or after school.
If you know in advance that you will miss class, you should contact me before and after your absence to
discuss making up missed assignments. It may not be possible to make up some work, such as participation
points and in-class assignments, regardless of the reason for the absence. Your counselor and
administrator will be notified if you are excessively tardy or absent.
Your semester grade will be based on homework, in-class assignments, participation, quizzes, tests, and
projects. The categories of assignments included in your semester grade are weighted as follows:
 Tests, quizzes & projects: 50%
 Daily in-class participation & assignments: 25%
 Homework: 25%
Grading scale:
94-100% = A
90-93% = A-
87-89% = B+
83-86% = B
80-82% = B-
77-79% = C+
73-76% = C
70-72% = C-
67-69% = D+
60-66% = D
Below 60% = F
Cheating will not be tolerated. Students who cheat will receive a zero for the assignment or test, with no
chance for making up the points. Allowing someone to copy your work, whether it is a homework
assignment or a test, is considered cheating. Also beware that the use of online translators may produce
work that is not authentically yours and result in a loss of points.
Classroom Behavior Expectations
My expectations are simple:
 Participate bravely.
 Respect your classmates, your teacher and yourself.
Out of respect for our class, cell phones are strictly prohibited in class and will be turned into the office if
seen and your parents will be notified. Please keep them turned off and out of sight during class time.
Failure to follow these classroom expectations may result in at least one of the following: a loss of
participation points, a conference with me, a call to your counselor, a phone call home, and/or a referral to
your administrator.
Success in the study of a foreign language depends primarily on your effort and desire to learn. It requires
work outside of the daily classroom activities and regular attendance in class. If there is no formal
homework assigned, review vocabulary or concepts or look ahead.
If you are feeling lost or confused, ask questions. My goal is to help you succeed. The earlier you get help,
the easier the year will be. Talk to me before or after class, make an appointment to see me or send me an
Merci et je te souhaite une bonne année scolaire!